Weekly Report 3|32 5.23.2020-5.29.2020

The Two Sessions ended with the National People’s Congress approving the “‘NPC Decision on Establishing and Enhancing a Legal System and Enforcement Mechanism for Safeguarding National Security in the HKSAR” (see Senior Leaders section).
While official media focused on the Two Sessions, it continued to attack the US politicians, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in particular, for their coronavirus rhetoric (see Propaganda Work section).
Senior Leaders
Two Sessions Authorized Release: Wang Chen’s Explanation Pertaining to the “National People’s Congress’ Decision on Establishing and Enhancing a Legal System and Enforcement Mechanism for Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ”
5.22 At the third session of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC), NPC Standing Committee Deputy Head Wang Chen (王晨) explained the draft for the government’s newly announced national security decision for Hong Kong entitled ‘‘NPC Decision on Establishing and Enhancing a Legal System and Enforcement Mechanism for Safeguarding National Security in the HKSAR.” Wang explained the necessity of this decision in the midst of recent “national security risks” (国家安全风险) arising especially from the 2019 Hong Kong “Amendment Crisis” (修例风波): “These activities severely challenge the bottom line of the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ principle, severely harm the rule of law, and severely threaten national sovereignty, security, and development interests. [We] must adopt powerful measures according to law to guard against [these actions], to put a stop to [them] and punish [them].”
Wang quoted Article 23 as saying that “The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall enact laws on its own to prohibit any act of treason, secession, sedition, subversion against the Central People’s Government, or theft of state secrets, to prohibit foreign political organizations or bodies from conducting political activities in the Region, and to prohibit political organizations or bodies of the Region from establishing ties with foreign political organizations or bodies” and further stated that “20 years after Hong Kong’s return [to China] the legislation of Article 23 has not been accomplished because of ‘oppose China, bring chaos to Hong Kong’ (反中乱港) forces’ and foreign adversary powers’ efforts to obstruct and interfere with [the legislation].” He reiterated a statement from the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee (in October 2019) that China “absolutely will not tolerate any conduct that challenges the bottom line of ‘One Country, Two Systems’ and absolutely will not tolerate any behavior that separates the country.”
Wang further explained the thrust of the decision by providing the following guiding principles:
“Firmly safeguard national security.”
“Persist in and refine the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ system.”
“Persist in governing Hong Kong in accordance with the law.”
“Firmly oppose foreign interference.”
“Earnestly ensure the legal rights and interests of Hong Kong residents.”
Xi Jinping Attends the Plenary Meeting of the People’s Liberation Army and the Chinese Armed Police Force at the Third Session of the 13th NPC
5.26 Xi Jinping attended the plenary meeting of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and the People’s Armed Police (PAP) delegations to the third session of the 13th NPC.
In his remarks, he began by offering his affirmation of the military response to the coronavirus outbreak. According to Xi, the important contributions of the military “once again proved that the people’s army is a heroic force that the Party and people completely trust.” He pointed out that efforts to continue national defense and army construction should continue in spite of the novel coronavirus pandemic, highlighting the need to “accelerate the preparation for battles, flexibly carry out actual-combat military training, and comprehensively raise the capabilities of our forces to carry out military missions.” In the meantime, he stated that the battle against the novel coronavirus served as a barometer for the effectiveness of the military’s reforms and placed new requirements for reform on the military. Xi exhorted the delegates to “complete the designated reform tasks on time” and, in response to the new issues problems surfaced by the outbreak, he “emphasized resolution [of new issues] using thoughts and methods based on reform and innovation.”
Xi specifically pointed out the need to improve military medical research, strengthen national defense technological innovation, and cultivate talent—particularly through the “three-in-one” (三位一体) training system. The military should also “support local economic and social development and winning the tough battle against poverty and assist local [authorities] in doing well the work of maintaining overall social stability.” Lastly, Xi called upon various levels of the Party and government to support national defense and military construction. Other attendees of the meeting included Central Military Commission (CMC) Vice-Chairmen Xu Qiliang (许其亮) and Zhang Youxia (张又侠), as well as CMC members Wei Fenghe (魏凤和), Li Zuocheng (李作成), Miao Hua (苗华), and Zhang Shengmin (张升民).
Political Resolution of the Third Session of the 13th CPPCC National Committee
5.27 The third session of the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee passed its “political resolution” (政治决议) on the last day of its meeting. The report of the conference praised the Central Committee for its response to the pandemic and emphasized, “This year is the year to attain decisive victory in comprehensively establishing a moderately prosperous society, the final year to implement the 13th Five-year Plan, and the year to fight the tough battle against poverty” The conference also emphasized carrying out the “one China, two systems” policies in Hong Kong and Macao, emphasizing support for establishing and enhancing a legal system and enforcement mechanism for safeguarding national security in the HKSAR and supporting the SAR government and chief executive in governing according to law. It also stressed the importance to “persist in the ‘1992 Consensus’ that embodies the One-China Principle, resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and firmly oppose ‘Taiwan independence.’” The article closed by urging the CPPCC to work hard and “closely unite around the CCP Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as its core.”
The 13th NPC Concludes its Third Session in Beijing
5.28 The third session of the 13th NPC closed in Beijing. The meeting approved the 2020 National Economic and Social Development Plan and the 2020 Central Budget and passed the Civil Code. It also approved the ‘‘NPC Decision on Establishing and Enhancing a Legal System and Enforcement Mechanism for Safeguarding National Security in the HKSAR.”
At the closing ceremony, 13th NPC third session presidium’s executive chair Li Zhanshu (栗战书) made a speech that highlighted the country’s unity and major achievements, and praised Xi for his successful containment of the epidemic. Lastly, he called for further unity around the Party Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core, the strengthening of the “four consciousnesses” (四个意识), the consolidation of the “four confidences” (四个自信), and the achievement of the “two defends” (两个维护).
At the Politburo’s 20th Collective Study Session, Xi Jinping Emphasized the Important Significance of Promulgating and Implementing the Civil Code and Better Protecting the Legitimate Rights and Interests of the People According to Law
5.29 Xi Jinping led a Politburo study session on China’s newly enacted Civil Code, during which he emphasized the important role of the Civil Code in the “legal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.”
In his remarks, Xi stressed that strengthening awareness and implementation of the Civil Code is an absolute requirement for safeguarding people’s livelihoods and the development of a socialist market economy and economic system. Authorities must take into consideration the stipulations of the Civil Code so as to avoid infringing upon the rights of the people. Xi also stressed the need to consolidate the Civil Code with existing laws and regulations and ensure continuous improvements to the Civil Code in responses to societal changes. In order to safeguard the authority of the Civil Code, Xi indicated the need to strictly standardize “fair and civilized law enforcement” and “improve the credibility of the judicial [system].”
Xi called for the strengthening of theoretical legal research and the establishment of systems of theory and discourse with “distinct Chinese characteristics” so as to effectively implement the Civil Code and provide theoretical support for the development of China’’s civil law system. Lastly, Xi exhorted all levels of the Party and government to take the lead ensuring the effective implementation of the Civil Code.
PLA Daily Jun Sheng Series: Expose and Criticize the Evil Intent Behind Using the COVID-19 Pandemic to Defame and Attack China
PLA Daily
5.20 The first article, entitled “‘Splashing Dirty Water’ at China with Sinister Motives,” focused on criticizing the US’ handling of the pandemic and accusing it of constant defamation of China. It stated that “some American politicians’” “lies and fallacies” and disregard for international justice will not only harm US citizens, but also these politicians’ credibility in the long run.
5.21 The second article, entitled “Those Who Profit from Others’ Misfortune Only Burn Themselves,” accused “Pompeo and his ilk” (蓬佩奥们) of extending their “black hands” into Xinjiang, Taiwan, and Hong Kong and “stigmatizing China” by saying that the coronavirus originated in China and concealed information on the outbreak. Jun Sheng further blamed the US for instability in the Middle East and stated that “Pompeo and his ilk” have become “a common enemy of the undertaking of building global peace.”
5.22 The third article, entitled “What Is the Origin of the ‘Political Virus’” focused on accusing “some US politicians” of creating and spreading a “political virus” that is more harmful then the coronavirus itself. It urged US politicians to stop blaming China and labeling the virus as a “China virus” and called for the international community’s vigilance in curbing the spread of “political viruses”
5.23 The fourth article, entitled “‘Dumping the Pot’ (shifting blame) Destroys Whose Pot?” characterized US criticism of China’s response as an attempt to curb China’s development, but argued that it ended up backfiring.
5.24 The fifth article, entitled “The Ugly Morbidity Inside the ‘House of Cards’” accused “some US politicians” of seizing upon the epidemic to gain favor in the upcoming election. The article applauded China’s anti-epidemic measures and accused Secretary Pompeo and other US politicians of being “distributors of lies” (谎言批发商). It concluded by stating that “the Chinese government and people absolutely will meet [the US politicians’ attacks on China] with a head-on response.”
5.25 The sixth article, entitled “Stop ‘Lying Through Your Teeth’” refuted the notions that “the virus originated in China” and that “China’s concealment of information caused the spread of the epidemic.” It accused “some US politicians” of lying and attempting to divert attention for political gain.
5.26 The seventh article, entitled “Why Can China’s Moon Not Be ‘Round’” praised China for its “great sacrifice” and “effective anti-epidemic measures.” It highlighted that China had donated ventilators and masks to New York and stated that “some US politicians” are just afraid that their citizens will compare China’s response to their own.
Ren Ping: The Pandemic Exposes the Essence of US Democracy
5.26 People’s Daily published a Ren Ping (任平) article critiquing the US’ response to the novel-coronavirus pandemic. The article states, “The choices of some US politicians, not only harm the life, safety, and health of their own country’s people, but also allow the worldwide spread of the pandemic, further allowing people around the world to see the true colors of US democracy,” and continues to charge that some US politicians have disrespected the people and lives in favor of political gains. The article stressed that pandemic prevention and control should rely on science and said, “But surveying the course of the US’ anti-pandemic [response], science yields to politics, human life yields to personal gain.” Referencing the firing of US Department of Health and Human Services Deputy Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Responses Dr. Richard Bright, the article characterized the US response as “the way of the hegemon” (霸道做派) and charged US officials with being preoccupied with competitions between political parties rather than the interests of the people. The article closed by strongly advising some US politicians “to curb [their] own pride and prejudice” for its own betterment and the betterment of the world.
Zhong Sheng: Absolutely Cannot Permit Double Standards to Affect International Justice
5.27 People’s Daily published a Zhong Sheng (钟声) commentary arguing that “thwarting and undermining China’s efforts to safeguard national security are typical [examples of] double standards and bandit-like logic. Any attempts to interfere in China’s internal affairs by meddling in HK affairs are delusions bound to fail.” The commentary blasted “certain politicians from the US and Western Countries” for “interfering in China’s internal affairs and damaging Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability.” The article then justified efforts to enact national security legislation for HK.
First, it stressed that a national security legislation falls under the purview of any central authority. According to Zhong Sheng, “this is a basic conception and principle of national sovereignty, and standard practice for all countries.” Second, due to the actions of some who “display characteristics of homegrown terrorism,” the HKSASR national security legislation is imperative and should be enacted without delay. Third, in defense of the legislation, Zhong Sheng argued that Western countries maintain their own comprehensive national security laws, and specifically singles out the US for its myriad of laws pertaining to national security. Zhong Sheng castigated some US politicians for their hypocrisy in building impenetrable national security walls for the US and reaching beyond US borders on national security pretenses, all the while intending to weaken China’s own national security.
The article concluded by affirming that prosperity and development cannot occur without peace and stability, and that all efforts to interfere in China’s internal affairs and Hong Kong affairs are doomed to fail.
PD Editorial: Obtaining Decisive Victory in Comprehensively Establishing a Moderately Prosperous Society, Working Together to Revive the Great Cause—Ardently Congratulate the Conclusion of the Third Session of the 13th CPPCC National Committee
5.28 People’s Daily published a front page editorial celebrating the conclusion of the third session of the 13th CPPCC National Committee on 27 May. The article praised the meeting for “strengthening confidence, consolidating consensus, and stirring up enthusiasm” for achieving the goals for poverty alleviation and comprehensively establishing a moderately prosperous society. It also urged its readers to unite under the party and “display the political superiority of CCP leadership and the systemic advantages of socialism with Chinese characteristics.”
International Liaison Work
5.25 The International Department donated disease prevention supplies to the Papua New Guinean One Nation Party (PNGONP). Chinese Ambassador to Papua New Guinea Xue Bing (薛冰) handed the supplies over to PNGONP leader and Eastern Highlands Province Governor Peter Numu.
5.27 A “relevant person in charge” from the International Department held a videoconference with Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) Central Committee Commission for External Relations Vice Chairman Suos Yara.
5.29 International Department Deputy Head Li Jun (李军) participated in a videoconference on anti-epidemic experience exchange between the ruling parties of China and Venezuela. The videoconference included speeches from Hubei CCP Standing Committee member and Hubei Provincial Health Commission Director Wang Hesheng (王贺胜) and United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) First-Vice President Diosdado Cabello Rondón. The other participants included Chinese Ambassador to Venezuela Li Baorong (李宝荣), relevant leaders, experts, and representatives from Hubei and Wuhan, Venezuelan Ambassador to China Iván Antonio Zerpa Guerrero, and relevant leading cadres and medical experts from the PSUV.
Organization Work
5.25 Zhang Min (张敏) was appointed head of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and National Supervisory Commission’s Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group at the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.
5.25 Wu Haiying (吴海英) was appointed head of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and National Supervisory Commission’s Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group at the State Taxation Administration.
5.25 Kuresh Mahsut (库热西·买合苏提) was appointed head of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and National Supervisory Commission’s Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group at the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.
5.26 Guang Defu (广德福) was appointed chief agronomist at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.
5.26 Wei Baigang (魏百刚) was appointed chief economist at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.
5.27 Li Bin (李斌) was elected secretary-general of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.