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Weekly Report 4|33 6.26.2021-7.16.2021


6.23-7.16 Centenary Spotlight Double Issue

In this Issue

Centenary Spotlight: Senior Leaders

Centenary Spotlight: Propaganda Work

Centenary Spotlight: United Front Work

Centenary Spotlight: Party Discipline

Centenary Spotlight: Central Military Commission

Party Watch Report: Senior Leaders

Party Watch Report: Propaganda Work

Party Watch Report: Central Military Commission

Party Watch Report: International Liaison Work

Party Watch Report: Organization Work


On 1 July, Xi Jinping gave a speech at an event celebrating the centenary of the founding of the CCP (See Centenary Spotlight: Senior Leaders section).

People’s Daily published a 13-part Commentator Article series covering the main points of Xi Jinping’s centenary speech (See Centenary Spotlight: Propaganda Work section).

Wang Yi (王毅) penned Qiushi article on applying Xi Jinping’s centenary address to China’s international relations (See Senior Leaders section).

People’s Daily Zhong Sheng byline published three consecutive commentaries on Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Taiwan (See Propaganda Work section).


Centenary Spotlight: Senior Leaders

Speech at the ‘1 July Medal’ Awards Ceremony

6.29 Xi Jinping gave a speech on 29 June at the ‘1 July Medal’ awards ceremony to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the CCP. In his speech, he stated that the medal winners were “outstanding representatives” and embodied the “noble qualities” and “majestic spirit” of CCP members who have “firm convictions, follow [their] purpose, [are] hard working and dedicated, and [are] honest in performing [their] official duties.” He then described each of the four characteristics in depth. First, Xi stated that “firm conviction” means persevering in their ideals and convictions with “loyalty to the Party and the people” and dedicating everything, even their lives, to the cause of the Party and the people. Second, “following [one’s] purpose” is to work for the people, think what they think, solve their problems and do everything for the benefit of the people. Third, “hard work and dedication” means serving the country and doing one’s duties as life goals, being unafraid of “hardships and dangers” and “dar[ing] to sacrifice.” Finally, “honesty in performing [one’s] official duties” means maintaining the “glorious Communist tradition of leading a plain, hardworking life for the common good and forgetting personal interests.” Xi emphasized that the medal winners were all “ordinary heroes who come from the people and are rooted in the people and have a foothold on [their] duties and are silently dedicated. Their past achievements can be studied and done and their spirit can be sought and reached.” He concluded his speech by noting that “the new era is an era that needs heroes and can surely give rise to heroes” and that Party members should continue to keep in mind the original mission of the Party, work hard, and march toward the second centenary goal and the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”

Speech at the Celebratory Meeting on the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party

7.2 On 1 July, Xi Jinping gave a speech at an event celebrating the centenary of the founding of the CCP. He began by “solemnly declaring” that “we have achieved the first centenary goal, comprehensively buil[ding] a moderately prosperous society in China and historically solv[ing] the issue of absolute poverty” and “now striding forward high-spiritedly toward the second centenary goal of comprehensively building a great, modern, socialist country.” Xi then gave an overview of the CCP’s founding and its history, including its struggles and failures, before noting that the ultimate goal is “realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.” He stated that the CCP and Chinese people “solemnly declare to the world with their brave and tenacious struggle” that “the era when the Chinese nation was slaughtered and bullied is gone forever!” Xi emphasized that only socialism can save and develop China and that socialism with Chinese characteristics had transformed a “highly centralized planned economy system” into a “socialist market economy system full of vitality” and had greatly increased economic productivity and quality of life in China. He also touched on strengthening party leadership and control mechanisms, the CCP’s “grand party-building spirit,” and singled out a number of important Chinese Communists in history, including Mao Zedong (毛泽东), Deng Xiaoping (邓小平), Jiang Zemin (江泽民), Hu Jintao (胡锦涛), Zhou Enlai (周恩来), Liu Shaoqi (刘少奇), Zhu De (朱德), and Chen Yun (陈云), who, he said, all made major contributions to the CCP’s development.

He emphasized the central role that the Chinese people play in the CCP and stated that “any attempt to divide or [cause] antagonism between the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese people absolutely will not prevail! Over 95 million Party members do not accept [it]! Over 1.4 billion Chinese people also do not accept [it]!” Xi also mentioned continuing to develop the entire process of the people’s democracy and to advance the sinicization of Marxism, implementing socialism with Chinese characteristics, and accelerating the modernization of national defense and the military, noting that the people’s army “is a strong pillar to safeguard the red world and maintain national dignity” and also “a powerful force to safeguard regional and world peace.” He stressed that “China has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a defender of international order!” In his speech, he also warned that “the Chinese people absolutely do not permit any foreign forces to bully, oppress, or enslave us. Anyone who tries to do so will inevitably end up with their head broken and blood flowing (头破血流) facing a great wall of steel built with the flesh and blood of over 1.4 billion Chinese people!”

After noting the importance of the Party’s united front and discussing party building, Xi turned to several specific issue areas. On Hong Kong, he stated that “We must comprehensively and accurately implement ‘One Country, Two Systems,’ [and] ‘Hongkongers governing Hong Kong,’” “implement the legal system and enforcement mechanism for safeguarding national security in the [Hong Kong and Macau] Special Administrative Regions, safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests,” and “maintain Hong Kong and Macau’s long-term prosperity and stability.” On Taiwan, he stated that the “reunification of the motherland” is the Party’s “unchanging historical mission and the common aspiration of all China’s sons and daughters.” He urged adherence to the one-China principle and the “1992 Consensus,” stated that “‘Taiwan independence’ conspiracies” should be crushed, and declared that “No one should underestimate the Chinese people’s strong determination, firm willpower, and great ability to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity!”

Xi concluded his speech by talking about how “the future belongs to the youth,” stating that the CCP has grown into the “world’s largest ruling party,” and declaring that China will successfully build a “comprehensive modern and socialist country” and realize the Chinese dream of the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”

Wang Chen: Thoroughly Study and Implement the Spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Important “July 1” Speech, Learn from History to Compose a New Chapter of Comprehensive Rule According to the Law for the Future

7.5 Politburo Member and China Law Society Chair Wang Chen (王晨) presided over a meeting of the Society on 5 July, focused on studying and implementing Xi Jinping’s centenary speech (see above). Praising Xi’s speech, Wang said that it was necessary to “thoroughly understand the significance of the speech, its rich content, its core essentials and its practical requirements, and to conscientiously unify [one’s] thoughts and actions with the spirit of the speech.” He further emphasized the necessity of deeply understanding comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society, struggling toward the second centenary goal, closely organizing around the theme of the national rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, vigorously promoting the great party building spirit, firmly grasping the fundamental requirements of the “nine musts” (九个必须), drawing strength to go forward from the Party’s brilliant history, and unswervingly walking the rule of law path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. To respond to Xi’s speech, Wang exhorted members of the Society to “deepen legal research, serve the practice of rule of law, cultivate rule of law talent, produce more high quality results, unceasingly meet the growing rule of law requirements of the masses of people, and provide a powerful guarantee for comprehensively building a modern socialist country.

Xi Jinping Gives Speech at CCP and World Political Parties Summit

7.6 On 6 July, Xi Jinping gave a speech at the CCP and World Political Parties Summit in Beijing. In his speech, Xi said that in the 100 years of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) existence, the CCP had “adhered to the common destiny of the Chinese people and people from every country in the world, and grasped the direction of China’s development direction and jointly advanced the common prosperity of every country in the middle of the global outlook and the trend of the times.” Xi then remarked that “today, human society faces a historic moment about which direction to take,” observing that it had had a choice between between hostility, decoupling, and “zero sum games,” and “mutual respect,” “openness and cooperation,” and “mutually beneficial, win-win [interaction].” As “important force[s] in promoting mankind’s progress,” Xi then gave an overview of the responsibilities political parties must assume, namely the “responsibility to lead the way and grasping and molding mankind’s common future,” “the responsibility of aggregating consensus and holding fast to and molding mankind’s common values,” “the responsibility to promote development and distribute more of the fruits of development more fairly to the people of every country,” “the responsibility to strengthen cooperation and join hands to respond to global risks and challenges,” and “the responsibility to improve governance and continue to increase the capability to seek happiness for the people.” Xi then stated that the CCP’s goals included “the majestic cause of prompting mankind’s peaceful development,” and that the CCP “considered [both] the people’s rejuvenation and mankind’s progress.” After saying the CCP “strove to… unswervingly be builders of world peace, contributors to global development, and protectors of the international order,” Xi explained how the “Chinese-style modernization,” “deepening reform and widening opening up,” “assuming the responsibility of a great country and great Party,” and “improving global governance” could positively impact humanity. He concluded by stating that “the Chinese Communist Party is willing to continue to organize together with political parties from every country, stand on the correct side of history [and] of mankind’s progress, [and] make greater contributions to promoting and constructing a community with shared future for mankind and constructing a better world.”


Centenary Spotlight: Propaganda Work

Guo Jiping: Striving Together Toward the Noble Cause of Human Peace and Development

6.26 On 26 June, People’s Daily published a Guo Jiping (国纪平) commentary on the “world vision of the Chinese Communist Party.” Tracing the history of the Party’s contributions to the world, the commentary stated that “unceasingly making new and greater contributions to humankind has been the great ambition of the Chinese Communist Party from the beginning.” Further, as socialist China has grown and developed over time, it has “powerfully promote[d] the peaceful development of the world and the progress of human civilization, defend[ed] the international order, and provide[d] new ideas and actions to improve global governance.”

The commentary then made several points: 1. China serves as an alternative force to the West. It has strengthened world peace, expanded the forces of democracy and socialism, and aided the struggle of oppressed peoples and nations, as well as boosting global economic development. 2. China’s model of socialist modernization, led by the CCP, has provided developing countries with Chinese solutions and a path toward modernization and development that is relevant to their contexts. 3. The sinicization of Marxism, as developed and propagated by Xi Jinping, has been a critical part of China’s development and its model for the world. 4. China and the CCP have always seen their development as bound up with the good of the world, from its promotion of peace and international development to win-win diplomacy, global governance and its commitment to achieving peak carbon and carbon neutrality. 5. In the face of rising challenges and instability, especially following the pandemic, the CCP has stressed international cooperation, economic recovery, cultivating trust, and building a community of shared future for mankind. 6. The Chinese Communist Party is at the core of China’s global rise. The Party has remained true to its original vision, kept the people at the center, continues to strive toward its goals, and is constantly reforming itself. The commentary concluded that the Party will, “as it has in the past, join hands with all peoples, striving together toward the noble cause of human peace and development!”

Ren Zhongping: One Hundred Years of Glory, Sharpening the Original Drive Toward Rejuvenation

6.28 On 28 June, A People’s Daily commentary under the highly authoritative pen name Ren Zhongping (任仲平), which stands for “important People’s Daily commentary” (人民日报的重要评论) extolled the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP), celebrated its present, and looked toward its future on the occasion of its centenary. In the first section, the commentary framed the centenary as a story of national rejuvenation. Referring to the “Road of Rejuvenation” exhibition at the National Museum of China, the commentary stated that “achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is a glorious and arduous cause that requires the joint striving of generation after generation of the Chinese people.” It further quoted Xi Jinping, who characterized the preceding century as full of struggle but said that the Party had “unite[d] and guide[d] the Chinese people to blaze a great path,” saying that its achievements had brought about a widely recognized “miracle in the history of the Chinese people’s development and of human social progress.” Second, the Ren Zhongping commentary traced the Party’s notable accomplishments in the face of significant odds: establishing itself as a powerful force, securing and maintaining its rule, reforming and opening up, and now pursuing a new development concept. Third, the commentary pointed out that “since modern times, the establishment of the CCP, the establishment of the PRC, and the advancement of reform and opening and socialism with Chinese characteristics have become the three great milestones (三大里程碑) in achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.” Moreover, the CCP has made great contributions to the people, the nation, and the world: over the last 100 years it has sought the happiness of the people, the rejuvenation of the nation, and harmony for the world. The fourth section discussed China’s approach to development, emphasizing its coherence with China’s actual circumstances rather than imposed foreign constructs and its non-coercive posture internationally, offering opportunities for development rather than relying on colonization or exporting a “Chinese model.”

Fifth, the commentary highlighted tests faced by the Party, saying that generations of leaders and people had overcome them by drawing on Marxist ideology and the Party’s original principles. In the present, tests have included the coronavirus pandemic and the battle for poverty alleviation, both of which the CCP has triumphed over. Sixth, the CCP has been fueled by great suffering and sacrifice. The same spirit of struggle that inspired soldiers to sacrifice in the Korean War and other battles now inspires CCP officials to fight for poverty alleviation. In the seventh section, the commentary stressed the importance of continuing on the path begun by those who went before, saying that the CCP should “implement the new development concept, establish the new development pattern, and promote high quality development.” It also promoted self-reliance in science and technology. The eighth and last section revisited the commentary’s major theme, reminding readers to keep the struggles and sacrifices of the past in mind in the present and look toward a “bright and grand future.”

Achieve Goals for the Party and the People in the Great Undertaking of National Rejuvenation (Editorial)

6.30 People’s Daily published an editorial on 30 June about the “1 July Medal” awards ceremony to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the CCP. After briefly summarizing Xi’s speech at the event, the editorial emphasized that “a hopeful nation cannot be without heroes and a country with prospects cannot be without pioneers” and highlighted the accomplishments of the CCP over the past 100 years. It noted that among the medal winners were military veterans, grassroots cadres, artisans, educators with “red genes,” scientists, and farmers who all made “outstanding contributions to create valuable spiritual wealth.” The editorial then repeated parts of Xi’s speech about the four characteristics the medal winners all possess and the need for heroes in the new era. It asserted that “The era we live in is a great era to press people to advance bravely, the cause we are carrying out is a great cause that no one has ever done before, and the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics that we are currently devoted to is the common cause of all people.” It concluded by stating the importance of uniting around the Party with Xi as the core, “strengthening the ‘four consciousnesses’ (四个意识), consolidating the ‘four confidences’ (四个自信), and achieving the ‘two defends’ (两个维护).”

Creating a Hundred Years of Glory, Writing a Thousand Years of a Great Undertaking (Editorial) —— Enthusiastically Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the CCP

7.1 People’s Daily published an editorial on the centenary of the founding of the CCP. The editorial began by noting the Party’s “glorious achievements” between 1921 and 2021, including the founding of New China, reform and opening, and the many changes and achievements since the 18th National Congress of the CCP, among other things. It stated that the Party has undergone “a century of eventful years” that included both suffering and glory and has developed into “the world’s largest Marxist ruling party that has held power in the largest socialist country for over 70 years, has over 95 million members, and receives the most extensive support and endorsement from over 1.4 billion Chinese people.” The editorial noted that China has “always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a defender of international order” before asserting that “no other party in the world has encountered so many untold dangers and difficulties” and that through this, achieved the “most extensive people’s democracy in a country with several thousands of years of feudal society history.” It pointed to rapid social and economic development, industrialization, scientific and technological strength, national defense, and cultural and international influence as examples of the Party’s progress over the past 100 years. It also gave a brief overview of Marxism’s influence on China’s leaders, noted that “the history of our Party is the history of unceasingly advancing the sinicization of Marxism,” and highlighted Marxism’s new vitality in China in the 21st century. The editorial claimed that by 2035, the Party will realize its goal of “socialist modernization” and by the middle of the century, it will have built a comprehensive socialist, modernized great power. It asserted that “Only the Chinese Communist Party can leady China, only socialism can save China, only reform and opening can develop China, socialism, and Marxism, and only the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics can lead China toward prosperity, wealth, and power to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.” The editorial concluded by quoting Xi Jinping’s remarks on China’s development progress and encouraged continuing to strive for the realization of the second centenary goal and the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”

Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No Good Life for the Chinese People

7.1 An editorial in the CCP’s theoretical journal, Qiushi, reflected on Xi Jinping’s statement in his 1 July speech that the CCP had achieved its first centennial goal of achieving a moderately prosperous society and historically solving the problem of absolute poverty and was now moving toward the second centennial goal of building a modern socialist country, the two of which were the “great glory of the Chinese people.” The editorial traced the history of China from the feudal system through the present, comparing “Old China” with “New China” and celebrating the latter’s many achievements. It said that throughout the challenges of history, the Chinese people had “chosen the Chinese Communist Party, armed with scientific truths of Marxism.” Further, the CCP had “no interests of its own”; rather, “seeking the Chinese people’s happiness and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation” has been the “unswerving original intention and mission of the Chinese Communist Party since its founding.” Turning to the international sphere, the Editorial said that Xi Jinping had navigated a “grim and complex” landscape, including development, stability, and the coronavirus epidemic while keeping the people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation at the forefront of his focus. It concluded that none of China’s progress would be possible without the Chinese Communist Party.

On Studying and Implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Important Speech Given at the Celebration of the 100-Year Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party

This lengthy Commentator Article series run by People’s Daily covered the major themes of Xi Jinping’s speech for the CCP’s 100-year anniversary. It highlighted the importance of the CCP in China’s past, present and future, called for supporting the leadership of the CCP as China continues to develop into a modern socialist country, and emphasized specific areas for implementing Xi’s speech.

2 July’s Article, titled “The Most Magnificent Epic of the Chinese Nation in Its Thousands of Years of History Has Been Written,” reviewed the historic significance of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in ideological terms and reaffirmed its modern importance. The Commentator Article stated that “the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has been the greatest dream of the people and of the nation” and quoted Xi Jinping’s remarks that the past century of the CCP’s endeavors can be “summed up into one theme: achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.” The Article praised the CCP’s role in China’s success and future and claimed that “only socialism is able to save is the only way China can develop!”

3 July’s Article, titled “A Moderately Prosperous Society Has Been Established on Chinese Soil,” celebrated China’s “comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society”, its First Centenary goal. The Commentator Article quoted Xi’s claim that the CCP and the Chinese people are “now high-spiritedly striding towards the fulfillment of the Second Centenary goal of establishing a strong and modern socialist country in all respects.” It reviewed the history of the first centenary goal, which started with Deng Xiaoping, and then turned the focus to China’s achievements since the CCP’s 18th National Congress, which, with Xi at the core of the Party Central Committee, included: reaching new frontiers in China’s development, building a strong economy and science and technology sectors, consolidating national strength, a burgeoning middle class over 400 million strong, and a GDP which exceeded 100 trillion US dollars in 2020. The Commentator Article argued that upholding the CCP’s strong leadership is necessary to bring into play the advantages of socialism with Chinese characteristics and to unite and lead the people, because the Party is, “the most reliable and strongest pillar of the Chinese people.” The Article ended with Xi’s remarks that, “establishing a well-off society in all respects was not the finish line, but was instead the starting point for new life and a new endeavor.”

4 July’s Article, titled “Carry On the Great Founding Spirit of the Party Forever,” defined the founding spirit of the Party, reviewed its source, and revealed the path it will lead the Chinese nation down. The Commentator Article used Xi Jinping’s remarks to define the founding spirit as, “sticking to truth, holding fast to [the Party’s] ideals, implementing the original aspirations [of the Party], undertaking [the Party’s] mission, not fearing sacrifice, and remaining both valiant in the fight and loyal to the Party.” It claimed that the 100-year old Party is still in its prime, even in the face of much hardship, because of this strong revolutionary and “go-all-out” spirit in the Party.

The Commentator Article affirmed that, no matter what happens, “the CCP... will not waver in helping the people, regardless of the cost or sacrifice.” It resultantly claimed that “loyalty to the Party is the political characteristic of chief importance,” even going as far as to asking members to be, “willing to dedicate everything they have to the Party and the people, even their precious lives.” The Article also praised the 95-million plus members of the Party as “the biggest ruling power on the planet, with immense global influence.” It warned that “the closer we get to the goal of our struggle, the harder it will get, and the more we will need to enhance the spirit of party building,” but also optimistically stated that as the Chinese nation, “stands at the convergence of the two centenary goals, the dawn of its great rejuvenation is [already] behind it, with a bright future ahead of it.”

5 July’s Article, titled “Uphold the Leadership of the Communist Party of China on the New Journey,” highlighted the need for China to uphold the strong leadership in the CCP. The Commentator Article quoted Xi Jinping urging the country to draw on the lessons of history, which he believes witness to the need for and benefits of the Party. The Commentator Article claimed that China would not have its modern achievements and national support without the CCP and its leadership. It included Xi’s statement that, “the leadership of the CCP is the most innate and distinctive feature of [socialism with Chinese characteristics] and is the biggest advantage of such a system.” The Article linked China’s flourishing economy and social stability to Party leadership, and Xi Jinping’s remarks even went so far as to classify the CCP as “the most reliable and strongest pillar of the Chinese people,” and the “foundation and lifeblood of the Party and of the nation.” The Article made a firm call for loyalty, claiming that upholding Party leadership is the only way to face the difficulties and obstacles of the future, and that, after all, “the Party is the leader over everything.” However, the Article ended with a unifying call for the Party and all of the people in China to come together to confront the obstacles facing China, and that when they do, “no power will be able to stop the rhythmic steps of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!”

6 July’s Article, titled “Unite and Lead the Chinese People in the Continuous Struggle for a Good Life on the New Journey,” the Commentator Article stated that the Chinese people are the highest priority in the mind and heart of the Party and everything it does. It said that, “the starting point and stance of founding, rejuvenating, and strengthening the Party are the interests of the people.” It explained that the party has only ever sought to help the people live a better life, despite any challenges they face, and that the Party has always sought to “preserve this original intent and be one with the interests of the people.” The Article quoted Xi Jinping’s remark that, “the Party does not have its own interests, and has never represented a special interest group,” and that even the needs of people in rural areas will be met, because, “on the road of socialism, even one person must not go lacking” Notably, the Article referenced a report from the Harvard Kennedy School’s Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, which found that, “95% of Chinese citizens trust the Chinese government, ranking first among the surveyed countries.”

7 July’s Article, titled “Continue to Promote the Sinicization of Marxism on the New Journey,” saw the Commentator Article connect Marxism to China’s past, present, and future. The Article quoted Xi Jinping saying, “Marxism is the foundational guiding thought in founding the Party and building the state, the spirit and banner of the Party.” It reviewed how “the fate of Marxism has long since been tied to the fate of the Party, the Chinese people, and the Chinese nation.” Painting China as a champion of Marxism, it went on to say that Marxism “has profoundly changed China and been enriched by China.” The Article then stressed China’s need for socialism with Chinese characteristics for its future and development, and praised its using science and truth to do so. The article can be summed up in Xi Jinping’s declaration that, “the reason the CCP is capable and socialism with Chinese characteristics is good is, in essence, because Marxism is capable.”

8 July’s Article, titled “Adhere to and Develop Socialism with Chinese Characteristics on the New Journey,” made a strong defense of Socialism with Chinese characteristics. The Commentator Article quoted Xi Jinping’s remarks that the policy is, “a fundamental achievement earned at a high cost by the Chinese people from their many hardships, and is the correct path for the Chinese people to achieve their great rejuvenation.” The Article stated that history makes the benefits and achievements of the Party obvious and that socialism with Chinese characteristics is the “inevitable choice for the development of Chinese society in modern times” and a “road that can take the Chinese people far.” The Article further explained that socialism with Chinese characteristics is, “an immense spiritual power for the Chinese people as they go forward triumphantly” and is a big reason why China and its people should feel more self-confident than any other country or political party. The Article covered Xi’s pleas to implement the strengthening of the ‘four consciousnesses’ (四个意识), consolidating of the ‘four confidences’ (四个自信), and achieving of the ‘two defends’ (两个维护), and ended by reaffirming socialism with Chinese characteristics as an essential guarantee for China’s future.

9 July’s Article, titled “Accelerate the Modernization of the National Defense and Armed Forces on the New Journey,” emphasized the need for China to have a strong and modern military. The Article quoted Xi as saying, “a strong country must have a strong army, for only then can a country be safe.” In this vein, the Article urged China to, “speed up [the process of] turning China’s army into a world-class military power” and called the people’s army an immense power for protecting the nation and world peace. It highlighted Xi Jinping’s advice on strengthening the military, which included, “upholding the Party’s absolute leadership over the armed forces,” increasing “reform, science, technology, and talent,” and becoming “the top-ranked global military,” to “defend [China’s] sovereignty, safety, and development interests.” Looking to the future, the Commentator Article also pointed out that China’s 19th Party Congress set a goal to become the top military power by the mid-21st century.

10 July’s Article, titled, “Ceaselessly Promote Building a Community of Shared Future for Mankind on the New Journey” made a broad call for international cooperation. The Article built its argument around Xi Jinping’s initiative to build a community of shared future for mankind. The Article explained that since China has always sought “one family under heaven” (天下一家), it has tried to develop in a manner conducive to world peace. It claimed that the fate of humanity has never been more intertwined and painted a picture of a harmonious society, China’s proposed solution for the challenges facing humanity. The Article used ‘peace’ as the article’s focal point, reminding the reader that “in the more than 70 years of the history of the Republic of China, it has never initiated a war,” and called on China to unite with every peace-loving country, because “China is only well-off if the world is well-off, and China must be well-off for the world to be even better.”

11 July’s Article, titled, “Carry On the Great Struggle with Many New Historical Characteristics on the New Journey,” offered a rallying cry to the Party and the people not to give up in the never-ending struggle. Having achieved the first centenary goal, the Article highlights the efforts of the CCP to not lose momentum going into the future. The Article pointed out that China was weak at the inception of the Party, but that now it is strong and wealthy. It showed the role of struggling by teaching that, “the Party relied on struggle to get to today and must rely on the struggle to win tomorrow” in response to Xi Jinping’s statement that, “in the struggle, we are closer to and have more confidence and capability to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than ever, yet at the same time we must prepare to put forth ever more difficult and strenuous efforts.” It is by such a struggle that this article claims China will conquer its every threat and challenge and achieve its second centenary goal.

12 July’s Article, titled, “Strengthen the Great Unity Between China’s Sons and Daughters on the New Journey,” stressed the importance of unity among China's people in order to achieve its goals for the future. The Commentator Article centered around Xi Jinping’s remark that, “the united front of patriotism is an important and especially effective device of the CCP as it unites China’s sons and daughters to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.” It emphasized that China’s people are united, and that unity is critical for the Party to be able to, as Xi Jinping put it, “maximize the united power of the struggle.” The Article continued to push unity, and clarified that “unity is iron and steel; simply put, unity is power.” It ended with a call to “strengthen unity between every faction, group, ethnicity, class, and side,” to establish a people of one mind who can bring about the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

13 July’s Article, titled “Continually Promote the Great New Project of Party Building on the New Journey,” called for self-revolution by the Party and its members. The Commentator Article took inspiration from Xi’s speech to claim, “the Party’s courage for self-revolution and strictly governing and managing the Party is the most distinctive characteristic of the Party.” The Article expressed confidence in the Party’s capability and described party building as “a pioneering undertaking for our Party… an important tool as the Party leads the people to implement a great social revolution.” The Article later admitted that some parts of the Party still need to conform, and confessed that, “the foundational problem of how to receive the support of the people forever, and how to have long-lasting power, must be answered and solved.” It concluded by citing Xi’s call for a more tightly knit Party, cadres who are both talented and have integrity, and continuing the fight against corruption.

14 July’s Article, titled “Strive to Gain Greater Glory for the Party and the People,” highlighted both the growth of the Party and how it can achieve the aforementioned goal. The Article reinforced the need to study and implement the important spirit of Xi’s 1 July speech, in which he specifically asked Party members to “strive to gain greater glory for the Party and the people.” It called the speech a “guiding document of Marxism, a political declaration reminding Party members of its original mission, [and] the operative guide for the Party to guide the people and build the future.” In order to achieve greater glory, the Commentator Article urged Party members to go all out in their every post, to ensure that the people are the highest priority, to use “the truth of Marxism to light the path before us” and to use Xi Jinping’s thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics to guide their efforts to fight against all problems facing the Party.

He Yin: Pushing the Wheels of History Forward Towards a Bright Goal

Directly following the 100-year anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), People’s Daily ran a four-part He Yin (和音) commentary series called “Pushing the Wheels of History Forward Towards a Bright Goal,” which addressed China’s leadership role in the international community as a major advocate for peace, security, and development, and highlighted its proposal to build a global community for the community of shared future for mankind.

3 July’s commentary, titled “National Rejuvenation, the Irreversible Course of History,” began by defining China as a “boundless power” under the united leadership of the CCP. He Yin referenced Xi Jinping’s remarks at the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party, at which he claimed that the CCP has transformed the progress and fate of the Chinese people and the trends of global development. He Yin also quoted British journalist Martin Jacques, who said China’s achievements, “not only changed China, but also profoundly changed the world.” In a move to show international support for China and its inspiring achievements, including freeing hundreds of millions of its citizens from poverty, He Yin also pointed out Argentinian and Russian media that respectively praised the CCP’s ability to “conquer challenges while maintaining a long-term view” and turning from “a country invaded by others into the second largest economy [in the world].” Confident in the continual rise of China’s international influence, He Yin centered the Party’s success back on the people. He Yin said the CCP has “unparalleled confidence in the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation because they are the CCP’s greatest strength.” He Yin also included Xi Jinping’s declaration that, “The Party’s foundation, blood, and power are the people… the Party has its heart linked with the heart of the people. We breathe together, share the same fate, and they are the greatest source of strength for the CCP’s power.” He Yin then announced that in the new centennial journey of the CCP, China has a “firm determination to stand up against any foreign powers trying to bully, oppress, or enslave it… and is willing to move the wheels of history towards a bright goal with any peace-loving country and people.”

4 July’s commentary, titled “Walk One’s Own Road to Firmly Grasp the Destiny of National Development and Progress,” He Yin emphasized China’s growth and progress as a modern socialist country and its unwillingness to bend to the desires of outside powers in the ideology of its development. He Yin claimed that China was able to make a massive leap from an “age of catching up” to an “age of leadership” by “adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and Chinese-style modernization.” Rather than be ashamed of China’s method, He Yin held Xi Jinping up as an example to the people of holding their heads high as they continue to insist upon and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics. He Yin explained that socialism with Chinese characteristics has gotten China through many challenges and is “the correct path for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese people…[and is evidence that] socialism with Chinese characteristics is a path of success.” This is a unique path in the world, but one that He Yin defined as a starting point of the CCP’s ideology and a historical conclusion gained from the century-long struggle of the CCP.

He Yin additionally invited every country to learn and take lessons from China’s immense success, quoting British sociologist and author Martin Albrow who said, “The extraordinary success of the CCP not only consists in its leadership, but even more so lies in its providing a new governing model for the world.” He Yin declared that socialism with Chinese characteristics offers a new pathway to developing countries. Offering support, He Yin stated that China is “willing to share [its] experience of development with any country that needs it,” and in turn, China will always welcome beneficial suggestions and well-intentioned criticism; yet it “will never accept patronizing and arrogant didacticism.” After this affirmation of China’s individuality, He Yin then provided insight into China’s view of itself by including a remark made by Tan Sri Ong Tee Keat, founder of the Malaysian Center for New Inclusive Asia, who said, “Under CCP leadership, China will not yield to any outside pressure and absolutely will not change its determined pattern and method for development,” expressing China’s confidence in its ideology. This installation in the series ended with He Yin affirming “great success in China’s future as it continues along the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics and works side by side with the international community to create a brighter future for humanity.”

5 July’s commentary, titled, “Hold High the Banner of Peace, Development, Cooperation, and Win-Win,” made an international call for harmony in order to achieve the CCP’s goal of building a community of shared future for mankind. He Yin quoted Xi Jinping’s promise that the CCP will, “continue to use its power to make contributions towards world peace, international development, exchanges and learning between civilizations, and unceasing progress for mankind [to do so], just as it has always done.” According to He Yin, “every political party should be aware of the need to undertake this generational mission.” He Yin further taught that the “CCP is a Party that seeks the well-being of the Chinese people and progress for all of humanity.” To prove this point, He Yin then reminded the reader that the CCP’s constitution includes the mandate to “safeguard world peace and promote shared development,” and that the CCP is willing to cooperate with every other world power to achieve these goals. Expanding on this narrative, He Yin then quoted Xi Jinping as saying, “It is not in the blood of the Chinese people to be aggressive, and dominating others is not in their matter what degree China develops to… China will not seek hegemony, expansion, or a greater sphere of influence.” He Yin contrasted these negative hypotheticals to China’s commitment to safeguard and enhance world peace by mentioning that China has dispatched more than 50,000 peacekeepers to approximate 30 UN peacekeeping operations, has published its Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and promoted global collaboration, integration, cooperation, and sustainable security. Besides China’s own initiatives, He Yin also pointed out that many international figures positively appraise China’s multilateralism and believe that the CCP has provided a more “reasonable and equitable international relations paradigm” (former chairman of the Iranian Parliament, Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel), claiming that China’s efforts to “safeguard and practice multilateralism and preserving an international system with the United Nations at the core and an international order with international law as the foundation, will allow China to be an unchanging and stable power in these turbulent times [with global challenges unforeseen in the past century].”

6 July’s commentary, titled “Ceaselessly Work Together in the Great Undertaking of Building a Community with Shared Future for Mankind,” expounded at greatest length on the proposed community. 6 July marked the conference for the CCP and World Political Parties Summit. It centered on the theme of “Seeking the Well-Being of the People: the Responsibility of Politicians,” and was attended by over 600 representatives from 120 countries and 300 political parties and organizations. The summit promoted the building of a community with shared future for mankind, which He Yin identified as “one of the overall strategies for China’s new era and for developing modern socialism with Chinese characteristics,” which was China’s response to “the big problems of the future.” He Yin reported that the proposed community was garnering increasingly more support and turning into a reality. Especially now, He Yin warned, there is “no alternative but to stick together in hard times,” and offered to work side by side with any country who would like to.


Centenary Spotlight: United Front Work

Special Study and Implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Important Speech at the Celebratory Meeting on the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party

7.3 Politburo Standing Committee member and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee Chair Wang Yang (汪洋) presided over and gave a speech at a CPPCC National Committee meeting held to study and implement the spirit of Xi’s centenary speech. The meeting held that Xi’s speech comprehensively reviewed the Party’s great undertakings and achievements over the past 100 years and said it “radiated with the rays of Marxist truth,” is the “manifesto of the times” for the Party to achieve its second centenary goal, and has “extremely important political, historical, and realistic significance.” The meeting emphasized the need to use the study and implementation of the spirit of Xi’s speech as its “most important political task” and “strengthen the ‘four consciousnesses’ (四个意识), consolidate the ‘four confidences’ (四个自信), achieve the ‘two defends’ (两个维护).” It also stated the importance of adhering to the Party’s leadership, uniting the Party, and continuing to consolidate its long-term ruling position to achieve the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.” The meeting also decided that the CPPCC National Committee will carry out a second stage of party history study and education. Vice Chairmen of the CPPCC National Committee, including Zhang Qingli (张庆黎), Liu Qibao (刘奇葆), Lu Zhangong (卢展工), Ma Biao (马飚), Xia Baolong (夏宝龙), Li Bin (李斌), Bagatur (巴特尔), Wang Yongqing (汪永清), and He Lifeng (何立峰) attended and spoke at the meeting.


Centenary Spotlight: Party Discipline

While Attending a Group Study for the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Zhao Leji Emphasized Learning More About Implementing the Spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Important Remarks from the Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party Into the New Journey to Better Implement the Duty and Mission of Combating Corruption

7.2 On 2 July, the day after Xi Jinping delivered his centenary remarks, the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) held a group study session to study his speech. CCDI head Zhao Leji (赵乐际), chaired the meeting and emphasized that from then on, implementing Xi Jinping’s speech will be an important political task. Zhao taught that the speech summed up the last century, looked to the future, and showed the Party’s penetrating ability and importance as the foothold for the entire Chinese people. He stated that “the Discipline Inspection and Supervisory organs should integrate their duties with practical study of the quintessential key points [from Xi Jinping’s speech], firmly grasp the main points of bringing about the great rejuvenation of the Chinese people, firmly grasp the great founding spirit of the Party, firmly grasp drawing lessons from history and the essential requirements for creating the future, firmly grasp the Party’s solemn call to all party members and the Party’s courage to reform itself, always be ready for unexpected difficulties, and ceaselessly combat corruption on the path of political consciousness, ensuring that the Party does not change or go about as it continues to make new contributions.” Finally, before ending with a call for clean and corruption-free governance, the article stated that Zhao also emphasized guaranteeing the “two revolutions” of self-revolution and self-improvement, using the valuable experience gained from doing so, and to focus on “China is Great” in strengthening political oversight and bringing into play its implementation to promote and safeguard improvement and development.

Politburo Member and deputy head of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Yang Xiaodu (杨晓渡) also attended the meeting. The Central Party History Study and Education 11th Leading Group was also present and guided discussion.


Centenary Spotlight: Central Military Commission

With Approval From Central Military Commission, Central Military Commission General Office Releases Notice on the Military Earnestly Studying, Publicizing and Implementing the Spirit of Chairman Xi’s Important Speech at the Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party

7.8 On 8 July, with approval from the Central Military Commission (CMC), the CMC General Office issued a notice on the military “ studying, publicizing, and implementing” the spirit of Xi Jinping’s speech at the celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) founding. The notice stated that Xi’s speech was a “Marxist programmatic document,” a “political manifesto for CCP members in the new era to remain true to the original aspiration and keep the mission firmly in mind,” a “compass of action for our Party to unite and guide the people in learning from history and initiating the future,” and had “political, theoretical, and practical significance” for socialist modernization and realizing the Chinese Dream. In addition, the notice requested the military make studying, publicizing, and implementing the speech a “major present and future political task” and further strengthen the ‘four consciousnesses’ (四个意识), consolidate the ‘four confidences’ (四个自信), and achieve the ‘two defends’ (两个维护). Furthermore, the notice called for the military to, among other things, “emphasize understanding and grasp the basic requirements of realizing the second centenary goal, be even more firm on the new journey, and more consciously keep the original aspiration and mission firmly in mind, [and] initiate a beautiful future.” Moving on, the notice specifically singled out studying the speech as “the most important theoretical work” and “the core content of party history study and education,” calling for “strengthening [the speech’s] publicization and explanation.” The notice concluded by calling on Party committees to carry out the the CCP Central Committee’s and the CMC’s requirements, and to “guide officers and soldiers to consciously be firm believers and practitioners of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially Xi Jinping Thought on a Strong Military.”


Senior Leaders

Central Committee and State Council Release “Opinions on Strengthening and Improving Ideological and Political Work in the New Era”

7.12 On 12 July, the Central Committee and State Council released “Opinions on Strengthening and Improving Ideological and Political Work in the New Era.” The “Opinions’ stated that ideological and political work was “the lifeline for all work,” holding implications for “the fate of the Party, national stability, and ethnic cohesion.” Furthermore, the “Opinions” remarked that since the 18th Party Congress, “a global, fundamental shift has happened in our country’s ideological sphere.” With Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as a guide, the “Opinions” mentioned “the combination of ideological and political work with economic construction….to offer a powerful political and ideological guarantee for the Party and country’s central work” as one of its numerous guiding principles.

Moving to specific actions, the “Opinions” highlighted five main foci. First, the “Opinions” discussed “using ideological and political work as an important way of governing the Party and country,” and mentioned that “every level of Party committee must bear political and leadership responsibilities, [and] establish a robust ideological and political work responsibility system.” Second, the opinions turned to “ deepening and launching ideological and political education,” which encompasses Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, the Chinese Dream, socialist core values, party and Chinese history, socialist rule of law, and knowledge of hardships such as the efforts to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, among other topics. Third, the “Opinions” stressed “increasing the quality and level of grassroots ideological and political work,” specifically singling out companies, rural areas, [government] organs, schools, neighborhoods, and the internet. Fourth, the “Opinions” discussed the need to “promote the guarding of ideological and political work’s innovation and development,” mentioning among other things the need to “increase the dissemination, guidance, influence, and credibility of the news [and public opinion” and “[the establishment of] a social thought trend investigation, analysis, and judgment mechanism.”Finally, the “Opinions” “emphasized constructing [and] jointly carrying out the large structure of ideological and political work,” which entails “creating combined expert and part-time work teams,” “establishing grassroots-level model ideological and political work points” (基层思想政治工作示范点), and “establishing… an ideological and political work test and evaluation system.”

Li Keqiang Presides Over Symposium on Economic Situation with Experts and Entrepreneurs, Emphasizes Macro Policies Must Grasp Interval Regulation Well, Adhere to Employment Priority, Arouse the Vitality of Market Forces to a Greater Degree, Promote the Economy’s Long Term Improvement

7.12 Politburo Member and Premier Li Keqiang (李克强) presided over and convened a symposium on the economic situation with experts and entrepreneurs to study the current economic situation and solicit suggestions for future economic work. Li Keqiang said that despite the fact that China’s employment was good and economic growth “was in accordance with expectations, “[the] domestic and international environment [is] still tangled and complicated” (错综复杂), particularly noting how rising commodity prices increased the cost for businesses, particularly impacting small- and medium-sized businesses. In response to such issues, Li expressed the need to “have resolute confidence in [China’s] economic development while squarely facing difficulties,” as well as to plan socioeconomic development and COVID-19 prevention as a whole and “ guarantee and improve the people’s livelihood in the middle of development.” In addition, he stressed the need to “maintain rational intervals” throughout the remainder of 2021 and into 2022. Specifically, Li stated in response to domestic and international changes and market needs, “strengthening interval regulation adhering to employment priority” should occur simultaneously with “maintaining the continuity and stability of macro policies,” and listed several ways to support employment, such as “active financial policies and stable monetary policies,” “expanding employment channels for university graduates and others,” and “offering more part-time employment opportunities to migrant workers.” Li concluded by remarking on the need to use reform and opening up to “more effectively arouse the vitality of market forces,” which involves, among other things, deepening reforms such as “streamlining administration and decentralizing power, increasing oversight, and optimizing service” (放管服), strengthening oversight, and “better use the international and domestic markets.”

Politburo Standing Committee Member and Vice Premier Han Zheng (韩正) and Politburo Standing Committee Members Sun Chunlan (孙春兰), Hu Chunhua (胡春华), Liu He (刘鹤), and Wang Yong (王勇) also attended.

Sun Chunlan Meets with Chinese Delegation for the 32nd Summer Olympics, Emphasizes Striving Hard to Obtain the Double Bumper Harvest of Athletic Achievement and Spiritual Culture

7.14 On 14 July, Politburo member and Vice Premier Sun Chunlan (孙春兰) met with the the Chinese Delegation for the 32nd Summer Olympics on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee to extend greetings and best wishes. Sun Chunlan “encouraged the athletes to remember the [task] General Secretary Xi Jinping ardently [entrusted them with], [and] [with] the mission on [their] shoulders and [having themselves in the struggle], strive hard to obtain the double bumper harvest of athletic achievement and spiritual culture, make the five-starred red flag flutter high above the Olympic field, and strive for greater glory for the Party and the people.”

Aspire to the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation, Keep the People’s Future and Destiny in Mind

7.16 Qiushi published an article by State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi (王毅) reflecting on Xi Jinping’s centenary speech. In the article, Wang outlined the implications of Xi’s speech for the major themes of China’s international relations, focusing on three areas: building a community of shared future for mankind, China’s diplomacy under the leadership of the Party, and great power diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. With regard to building a community of shared future for mankind, Wang noted that promoting the building of a community of shared future for mankind was an undertaking that enjoyed “the broad and extensive” devotion of the Chinese Communist Party. Further, promoting a community of shared future for mankind is “rooted in the profound heritage of Chinese culture.” Wang pointed out that this reflects the Chinese Communist Party’s ability to conform to the trend of the times, and said that China’s national rejuvenation would make important contributions to the world. Addressing China’s diplomacy under the leadership of the Party, Wang wrote that such diplomacy committed China to peaceful development, noting that it has never provoked military conflict and that it pursues the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Additionally, Wang asserted that diplomacy under the leadership of the Party was committed to fairness and justice, advocating for all countries to be treated equally on the international stage and to “win-win” diplomacy. It is likewise committed to global governance, “upholding the international system with the United Nations at its core and international order with international law as its foundation.” At the same time, China advocates for its interests, sovereignty, and territorial integrity as prerequisites for successful global governance and collective security. Finally, regarding China’s great power diplomacy, Wang stressed China’s desire for a “new type of international relations,” reiterating the importance of development, mutuality, and eschewing unilateralism. As well, he highlighted China’s pursuit of partnerships and exchanges, and of open and fair markets that benefit all nations.


Propaganda Work

The Great Undertaking of the Century That Links Past and Present- Written on the Historic Moment of Comprehensively Establishing a Moderately Prosperous Society

7.5 People’s Daily published a Ren Zhongping (任仲平) commentary on China’s efforts in establishing a moderately prosperous society. The commentary opens by calling the comprehensive establishment of a moderately prosperous society “not only a crucial step in realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese people, but also a great feat in the history of humanity’s social development.” Next, the commentary described how China had developed remarkably compared to the past, and noted that under the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) leadership, establishing a moderately prosperous society had regained the “lost 200 years” of China where it had not been able to take advantage of opportunities for globalization and industrial and technological development. Turning to elaborate further on the concept of “moderately prosperous society,” the commentary explained how a “moderately prosperous society” had always been a “persistent hope” throughout Chinese history, and how the “ Chinese Communist Party’s grasp of the rules of establishing socialist modernization deepened daily” as the concept of “moderately prosperous society” expanded due to improvements in the people’s lives. Moving on, the commentary discussed the various challenges that China faced in establishing a “moderately prosperous society,” such as financial issues, a large population of impoverished people, environmental issues, in addition to the the trade war with the United States and economic issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the face of these difficulties, the Chinese Communist Party put forth development strategies such as the “four comprehensives” (四个全面), which created space for China’s development, which eventually resulted in improvements to the lives of the people. The commentary credited the achievements China made in establishing a comprehensive moderately prosperous society to China’s political and systemic superiority. In addition, the commentary noted that comprehensively establishing a moderately prosperous society deepened China’s understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics, namely the “essential characteristic” of party leadership, putting the people first as the “brightest undertone” (最鲜明的底色), and ancient civilization as the “deepest gene.”

Shifting focus to China’s overall modernization, the commentary noted that unlike other countries, China’s modernization -under the leadership of the CCP- had achieved the “two miracles” of economic growth and long-term social stability. It achieved this, the commentary noted, because it had adhered internally to “people-centered development” and externally to peaceful development. However, the commentary further stated that despite the achievements realized establishing a “moderately prosperous society,” many development issues, such as urban-rural income inequality, are still outstanding. In this sense, the commentary noted that establishing a moderately prosperous society was not the “fruit of long-term struggle,” but rather a “mobilization to set sail on a new journey.” Turning to discuss China’s technological achievements, such as the Beidou navigation system and Chang’e 5, the commentary noted that China’s modernization “not only pursued a higher level of self-reliance, but also upheld the ideals of openness, cooperation, mutual benefit, and win-win.” The commentary concluded by stating that, “Time and history belong to those who advance bravely! Planning as a whole the overall strategic situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and profound global changes unseen in a century, by sounding the bell of time with firm conviction and playing the string of the times with a high-spirited attitude, we can definitely play to a more forceful and majestic historic symphony, and write a more brilliant and splendid chapter in development .”

Zhong Sheng: The Farce of Misappropriating “Freedom of Speech” Must Stop

7.12 People’s Daily published a Zhong Sheng (钟声) commentary in response to the Media Freedom Coalition statement on Apple Daily, posted to the US Department of State (DOS) website. It observed that the signatories to the statement represented less than half of Coalition membership. Calling the statement “preposterous,” the commentary said that at its core, the statement “ignores the moral bottom line,” “confuses right and wrong,” and “misappropriates ‘freedom of the press’” to stand against justice and righteousness. Furthermore, Apple Daily is a “pornographic,” “yellow news” publication that “reeks of blood,” “peddles lies,” and incites violence. In fact, such “yellow news” journalism has its roots in the United States, where the commentary claimed it was implicated in the assassination of President William McKinley. Citing John Stuart Mill, it went on to assert that freedom of the press cannot be absolute, but must be limited where it causes harm to others. In Hong Kong, the media had indeed done such harm by inciting violence and stoking chaos, under the pretense of press freedom. Finally, it said that though a “minority of Western countries” had written articles on the Apple Daily issue, this was nothing more than a farce of “giving succor to the enemy in the name of ‘freedom of the press’ and deliberate misrepresentation.

Zhong Sheng: Xinjiang’s Will Inevitably Usher In an Even Brighter Tomorrow

7.15 A People’s Daily Zhong Sheng article emphasized that Xinjiang’s ethnic groups are living with civil rights in all aspects, and that most countries internationally recognize China’s efforts to boost development and to promote safety and security in Xinjiang. Zhong Sheng referenced a white paper released by China’s State Council on 14 July entitled, “A Guarantee of the Equal Rights of All of Xinjiang’s Ethnic Groups”, which outlined their human rights at every level: civil, economic, cultural, age and gender, religious, and others. Zhong Sheng also brought up that China has worked to make Xinjiang safe from the terrorist group called the East Turkestan Liberation Organization (ETLO), and that due to China’s anti-terrorism efforts in Xinjiang, it has not had a terrorist attack in more than four consecutive years. Zhong Sheng ended by summarizing international support for China’s role in Xinjiang’s development, which included the praise of envoys from 19 Latin American and Carribean countries who went to Xinjiang in May of this year, and mentioned that Xinjiang’s GDP has increased by 160.3 times since 1955 due to China’s help. It ended with a criticism of international powers who “distort the facts, create something out of nothing, speculate about Xinjiang, and repeatedly manufacture lies about it.”

Zhong Sheng: Advising the United States Not to Misjudge the Situation

7.16 In this article, Zhong Sheng made a clear statement to the United States that they should not use political manipulation to interfere with Taiwan after the incoming Director of the American Institute Taiwan (AIT) Sandra Oudkirk arrived on the island in a military plane. The commentary stated that, “any political scheme concerning Taiwan is self-deception, because not only does China have an unwavering commitment to protect national sovereignty and territorial integrity, but [any political scheme concerning Taiwan] will also expose the US’ ill-intent to the rest of the international community.” Zhong Sheng argued that Taiwan is indisputably part of China, a “sacred, indivisible part of China’s territory,” and that the United States should thus avoid any signal that could be interpreted as supporting “Taiwanese Independence.” It then called out the United States for violating one of the provisions of the China-US Three Joint Communiques, and reminded the United States that recently, 28 US anti-war groups released a letter emphasizing the importance of a One China Policy in maintaining peace in that region, and then advised America once again to adhere to its official position.


Central Military Commission

Central Military Commission Holds Ceremony for Promotion to the Rank of General; Xi Jinping Issues Order and Expresses Congratulation to Promoted Officers

7.6 On 5 July, the Central Military Commission (CMC) held a ceremony for the promotion of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Southern Theater Command Commander Wang Xiubin ( 王秀斌), PLA Western Theater Command Commander Xu Qiling (徐起零), PLA Army Commander Liu Zhenli (刘振立), and PLA Strategic Support Force Commander Ju Qiansheng (巨乾生) to the rank of General at the August 1st Building in Beijing. Xi Jinping issued orders to the four promoted officers, which were read by Politburo Member and CMC Vice Chairman Xu Qiliang (许其亮). The promotion ceremony was hosted by Politburo Member and CMC Vice Chairman Zhang Youxia (张又侠). After the ceremony concluded, Xi took a group photo with the four promoted officers. State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Wei Fenghe (魏凤和), CMC members Li Zuocheng (李作成), Miao Hua (苗华), and Zhang Shengmin (张升民) also participated in the promotion ceremony.


International Liaison Work

6.28 CCP International Department (CCP/ID) Deputy Head Shen Beili (沈蓓莉) met with RSBK CEO and former Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) Leader Rudolf Scharping.

6.29 CCP/ID Deputy Head Guo Yezhou (郭业洲) met with Vietnamese Ambassador to China Phạm Sao Mai.

6.29 Shen Beili held a video call with United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) First Vice President Diosdado Cabello Rondón.

7.13 Guo Yezhou conducted a video exchange with Maltese National Party (PN) Leader Bernard Grech.

7.13 CCP/ID Deputy Head Qian Hongshan (钱洪山) held a video call with Communist Party of Spain (PCE) President Jose Luis Centella.

7.15 CCP/ID Assistant Head Li Mingxiang (李明祥) attended and addressed the opening of a webinar for senior cadres of the Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front (ZANU–PF). Other participants included PRC Ambassador to Zimbabwe Guo Shaochun (郭少春), Zimbabwean Ambassador to China Martin Chedondo, and ZANU-PF Politburo member and Secretariat member Michael Bimha.


Organization Work

6.29 Chen Siyuan (陈思源) was appointed vice minister of the Ministry of Public Security.

7.7 Fu Hua (傅华) was appointed editor-in-chief of Xinhua News Agency.

7.7 Pei Wentian (裴文田) was appointed deputy head of the National Mine Safety Administration.

7.8 Zhu Zhongming (朱忠明) was appointed vice minister of the Ministry of Finance.

7.8 Xie Jinwei (解津伟) was appointed deputy head of the National Archives Administration.

7.14 Xu Xiaolan (徐晓兰) was appointed vice minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.


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