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Weekly Report 4|96 11.12.22-11.18.22


Xi Jinping delivered a speech addressing the 17th G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, discussing issues such as international relations, global development, and global security. (See Senior Leaders section)

People’s Daily published a Zhong Sheng (钟声) commentary about US-China relations in light of the recent meeting between Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden. (See Propaganda Work section)

Four Zhong Yin (仲音) commentaries praised new measures “optimizing” China’s COVID policy while emphasizing continued adherence to the country’s general “dynamic zero” strategy. (See Propaganda Work section)


Senior Leaders

Xi Jinping: Jointly Meet the Challenges of the Times and Construct a Better Future

11.16 Xi Jinping delivered a speech addressing the 17th G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia. Xi emphasized that the world today is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century, noting challenges related to the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical tensions, a dearth in global governance, food and energy crises, and challenges facing human development. Xi stated that “confronting” these challenges will require all countries to establish a “community of shared future for humankind” (人类命运共同体). Xi emphasized that “using ideology to draw lines and engage in bloc politics (集团政治) and camp confrontation (阵营对抗) will only divide the world” and stated that countries should not engage in constructing “small yards, high fences” (小院高墙) or create exclusive “small cliques” (小圈子). Xi proceeded to discuss the importance of global development, noting that he has proposed the Global Development Initiative (GDI, 全球发展倡议). Xi noted that the “Group of Friends of the GDI” already consists of 60 countries and that China has provided extensive funding to further global development and South-South cooperation (南南合作). Xi also pledged to increase investment in the China-United Nations Peace and Development Fund and called for the accession of the African Union to the G20. Xi then emphasized the importance of deepening international cooperation to combat the pandemic, curbing global inflation (全球通胀), and mitigating system-level economic and financial risks. Xi further noted that China has fully implemented and contributed to the G20 Debt Service Suspension Initiative (二十国集团缓债倡议) and provided support to developing countries at a difficult time. Xi emphasized that China seeks to defend the WTO’s status as the “core” of the multilateral trade system, actively promotes WTO reforms, and advocates for the liberalization of investment and trade. Furthemore, Xi stressed the importance of providing developing countries support in funding, technology, and capacity-building to facilitate the global transition towards green and low-carbon (绿色低碳) development. Xi stressed “international cooperation in anti-corruption” and stated that no member of the G20 should become a “haven” (避风港) for perpetrators of corruption and their assets.

Xi proceeded to state that global development demands a peaceful and stable international environment, and that he therefore proposed the Global Security Initiative (全球安全倡议). Xi discussed challenges in food and energy security and noted that problems in supply -chains and disruptions in international cooperation are main challenges. He stated that countries should “avoid politicizing (政治化), instrumentalizing (工具化), and weaponizing (武器化)” food and energy problems, all “unilateral sanctions measures” (单边制裁措施) should be removed, and all “relevant restrictions on technological cooperation” should be canceled. Lastly, Xi stated that China has recently conducted the 20th Party Congress and planned the goals, tasks, and major policies of the next five years and potentially beyond. Xi stressed that China will “not waver” from the “path of peaceful development, deepening reform, expanding opening, and using Chinese-style modernization to promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese people.”

Xi Jinping’s Written Speech at the APEC CEO Summit Stresses that China Will Not Waver from Promoting and Constructing a Shared Future for the Asia-Pacific

11.17 Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit in Bangkok titled “Adhering to our Original Intention, Jointly Promoting Development, and Opening a New Chapter for Asia-Pacific Cooperation. '' Xi pointed out that the world currently stands at a “crossroads” (十字路口). Xi stated the importance of “walking the road of peaceful development” and emphasized that the “Asia-Pacific is not anybody’s backyard and should not become an arena for great powers (大国角斗场).” Xi stated that people will “never agree to” and that the “times will never allow” attempts to engage in a “new cold war” (新冷战). Xi said that “blocking and dismantling industrial supply chains in the Asia-Pacific” would only lead to a “dead-end” (死胡同) in economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific. Xi proceeded to outline six objectives for APEC to work towards. First, it is necessary to lay a “solid foundation for peaceful development,” establish a common, integrated, cooperative, and sustainable security concept, and build a security infrastructure (安全架构) for the Asia-Pacific. Second, it is important to uphold a “people-centered development concept” (人民为中心的理念). Third, there should be a “higher level of openness, ” progress on an “Asia-Pacific free trade area,” and promotion of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DECA). Fourth, Xi stated that a “higher level of interconnectedness must be realized” and referenced joint construction via the Belt and Road Initiative (一带一路) in addition to constructing a higher-quality, interconnected internet infrastructure for the region. Fifth, a more stable industrial supply chain must be built, market principles (市场原则) should be adhered to, and unilateralism (单边主义) and protectionism (保护主义) must be opposed. Sixth, economic optimization (经济优化) must be elevated, technological and scientific innovation must be accelerated, and the “transformation” of the Asia-Pacific’s digital economy must be realized. Xi also stressed the importance of upholding green and low-carbon (绿色低碳) development, expanding green industry and green finance, and accelerating the construction of a “green cooperation pattern” in the region. Xi proceeded to state the significance of Chinese-style modernization, pointing out that the realization of modernization by China’s population of 1.4 billion will constitute an event unparalleled in the history of human development. Xi stated that in the next 15 years, the number of Chinese people in the middle-income class will exceed 800 million and that this will promote “unceasing growth in a large-scale market (大规模市场).” Xi then emphasized continuing to advance “whole-people’s common prosperity” (全体人民共同富裕) and improving the “material and spiritual living standards of the people.” Lastly, Xi expressed his hope that “friends from the business world will actively promote economic cooperation, actively participate in China’s reform and opening up (改革开放) and establishment of modernization, and contribute positive energy to development in the Asia-Pacific and world.”


Propaganda Work

He Yin: Share the Responsibilities of a Digital Age and Jointly Promote the Development of the Digital Economy

11.14 People’s Daily published a He Yin (和音) commentary about how China is willing to “join hands” with other countries to walk a “digital development path” that emphasizes more effective digital governance, robust digital security guarantees, and win-win digital cooperation. The commentary stressed that “innovation” is an “important driving force to lead world development” and highlighted Xi Jinping’s comments at the 16th G20 Summit in Bali and the 28th APEC CEO Summit in Bangkok that emphasized the advancement of digital technologies. It emphasized that “bridging” the world’s “digital divide” is an “urgent task,” citing data from the International Telecommunication Union that almost 3 billion people in the world, most of whom are located in countries currently undergoing development, lack internet access. It stated that “improving global digital governance is the common aspiration” of all parties and that when “faced with opportunities and challenges brought about by digitization,” the international community should “strengthen dialogue, deepen practical cooperation, and join hands to construct a more fair, reasonable, open, inclusive, safe, stable, prosperous, and vital cyberspace.” It noted that Xi Jinping has proposed the idea of constructing a “community of shared future in cyberspace” and that China has proposed three principles for digital governance, namely upholding multilateralism, balancing both security and development, and upholding fairness and justice. It stressed that China’s actions pertaining to digital governance have received high praise from the international community. It cited China’s launch of the “Global Data Security Initiative” (全球数据安全倡议) and active participation in international and regional data governance initiatives as examples. It proceeded to note that as of 2021, China’s digital economy reached a value of 45.5 trillion RMB and thus ranks second in the world. Furthermore, it emphasized that China’s digital economy accounts for 39.8 percent of its GDP and that China ranks first in the world in terms of aggregate value of e-commerce transactions and mobile payments. It then noted that China has signed Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) on cooperation via the “digital silk road” (数字丝绸之路) with 17 countries, established related bilateral cooperation mechanisms (合作机制) with 23 countries, and worked with African countries to establish the China-Africa Partnership Plan on Digital Innovation (中非数字创新伙伴计划). It further noted achievements such as creating the China-ASEAN Information Harbor (中国—东盟信息港), establishing e-commerce dialogue mechanisms with countries in Central Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and assisting countries in Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and other Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) member-countries, by providing cloud services (云服务). It stated that China would actively promote digital economy work under the frameworks of the G20, APEC, BRICS, and the WTO, and that China will make “important contributions” to further developing a global digital economy.

Zhong Yin Commentaries on COVID Policy

Four Zhong Yin (仲音) commentaries responded to a 10 November meeting of the Politburo Standing Committee regarding “optimizing” COVID policy and the State Council Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism’s release of related measures the following day.

14 November’s commentary, “Unswervingly Persist in Implementing the General Strategy of ‘Protecting Against Imported Cases and Domestic Resurgences,’” focused on the “protecting against imported cases and domestic resurgences” (外防输入、内防反弹) strategy, praising localities and ministries for persisting in this strategy while also implementing the new measures. The commentary said that “the Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core” has put the lives of the people first; adjusted regular pandemic measures in response to variants, regional variation and outbreaks, and other changes in the pandemic; achieved “major positive results” in coordinating pandemic control and socioeconomic development; and demonstrated the strength of China’s pandemic response and the advantages of its Party-led socialist system. It concluded that facts have proven that the “protecting against imported cases and domestic resurgences” strategy suits China’s national conditions and is an effective, correct policy. The commentary stressed the ongoing “dual risk” of imported cases and domestic outbreaks, shown in the increased frequency and scale of outbreaks in China over the past year. It stated that China must “stay clear-minded” and persist in the aforementioned strategy against these risks. It emphasized that transmission of the pandemic is closely linked to the movement of “at-risk individuals” (风险人员) and called for close analysis of the international pandemic, health checks at ports, “optimized” border entry processes, and rapid and precise control of risks from both imported cases and domestic cluster outbreaks. Finally, it stressed the full implementation of central policies and warned against problems such as insufficient efforts or indifference to pandemic prevention and control.

15 November’s commentary, “Unswervingly Persist in Carrying Out the General Policy of ‘Dynamic Zero,’” focused on the “dynamic zero” (动态清零) general policy. The commentary described new guidance and measures as an “adjustment” and “optimization” of existing policy, based on an understanding of the pandemic’s variants and spread and the past three years of pandemic experience. It said the new measures were more “scientific and precise,” stressing that they do not amount to slackening or “lying flat” (躺平). It then stated that China had weathered each wave of the pandemic, protected its citizens to the greatest extent, and earned “major positive results” in coordinating pandemic control and socioeconomic development due to its dynamic zero policy and further optimization measures, proving that this was the best choice for China at the present stage. It further noted the global spread of the pandemic, challenges from pandemic variants, and distinct vulnerabilities of China’s population to explain why loosening pandemic control measures would cause a major outbreak. Reiterating warnings from the prior commentary about the risks of complacency, it stressed adhering to the “bottom line” of not allowing a large-scale resurgence of the pandemic, so as to protect the people and minimize economic and social costs. The commentary then called for further improvements to the “dynamic zero” policy by improving its “scientificness” and “precision,” summarizing the recently published guidance to this effect, such as improving the accuracy of risk analysis. In conclusion, it reiterated the need to persist in a dynamic zero policy as the means to final victory over the pandemic.

17 November’s commentary, “Calculate the Overall Cost and See the Advantages,” argued that economic statistics show China’s pandemic policy has a good cost-benefit ratio, suggesting that the choice between protecting people’s health and the economy is a false dichotomy. First, it stressed that the lives and health of the people are the most important measure of the pandemic’s cost. It said that while almost all people have been impacted by the global pandemic to some extent, China has been impacted least in the world in terms of COVID cases and fatalities, offering “irrefutable proof” that the “dynamic zero” policy is the best choice for protecting life and health. It then claimed that in a major pandemic, the most cost-effective response is to protect the broadest scope, the most people, and longer-term interests, so China had accepted some economic costs to effectively protect its population, especially vulnerable elders and children. The commentary admitted that in the short term, control of the pandemic meant “certain temporary impacts” on development, but said in the long term this would aid healthy and sustainable development, making “dynamic zero” the strategy with the lowest social and economic costs. It then stated that China had “sufficient advantages” to accomplish dynamic zero: the leadership of the Party to unite the people and deal with complex challenges, the socialist system’s organizational and administrative strengths, and the Chinese people’s strength in facing adversity. Furthermore, China has accumulated the national strength (国力), material resources and skills, and specific experience with the pandemic to succeed. It concluded by calling for adherence to central policies, implementing the policies mentioned in the previous two commentaries, and not becoming complacent, stating that China will then be able to achieve “double victory” in defeating the pandemic and accomplishing socioeconomic development.

18 November’s commentary, “Grasp Implementation [Well] and Increase Confidence,” discussed the new “optimizing” measures introduced 11 November and the 9th edition of China’s national COVID prevention and control plan. The commentary stated that as the characteristics and spread of the virus have changed, understanding of and measures responding to the pandemic must change as well. It explained that each new edition of the national pandemic response plan had changed in accordance with the evolving traits of new variants, changing domestic and international circumstances, experience gained over time, and expert wisdom. As a result, measures have become increasingly scientific, improved, and precise, resulting in China’s relatively low rate of infections, severe cases, and fatalities while proving the correctness of the Central Committee’s general strategy. It reiterated that the new measures are more “scientific and precise” and do not amount to slackening or “lying flat.” It pointed out that beyond these new measures, all other measures must be carried out in accordance with the latest national COVID plan, calling for ideological unity with and full implementation of the Central Committee’s decisions. The commentary then stressed that the risks and threats of the pandemic remain high, noting that many factors of new variants such as their transmissibility and effects are not yet fully understood. Moreover, it noted specific vulnerabilities of China’s population that could lead to healthcare resource shortages and threats to the most vulnerable groups should there be a rapid and large-scale outbreak. It reiterated that the Central Committee’s decisions must be implemented in response, and the “bottom line” of preventing such a large-scale outbreak must be defended. In conclusion, the commentary stressed the importance of confidence and “fighting spirit” (斗志) while avoiding “war-weariness.” It emphasized the need for the Party’s members to take on responsibility and work at the grassroots and front lines.

Qiushi Editorial Department: The New Journey is a Long Voyage Filled With Glory and Dreams

11.15 A commentary by Qiushi’s Editorial Department discussed Xi Jinping’s 23 October speech to foreign journalists at the 20th Party Congress after the announcement of the new membership of the Politburo Standing Committee, newly published in the same Qiushi issue. The commentary praised this “important speech” and called for readers to study it and other speeches Xi made during and soon after the Party Congress, such as the speech he delivered while visiting Yan’an. Before analyzing the content of his speech, the commentary praised Xi himself at length, describing him as a leader suiting the greatness of the times. It described his election as not just the common wish of all delegates to the Congress, but a manifestation of the “heartfelt love and respect” (衷心爱戴) of all party members for Xi and the faith of all of China’s people in following him towards a better future. It summarized China’s challenges and milestone accomplishments from the past ten years under Xi’s leadership, describing these as a vindication of Xi’s status as the “people’s leader” (人民领袖) and national rejuvenation’s “pilot and navigator” (掌舵者、领航人). After praising Xi’s contributions to Marxist theory, the commentary emphasized public support for and the accomplishments stemming from the “two establishes” (两个确立). It then discussed four main points of Xi’s speech to foreign journalists. First, Xi made the point that the Party and people should “maintain a mentality of enthusiastically forging ahead.” The commentary reiterated Xi’s summary of the goals and content of the “new journey” (to become a modern and strong socialist country, achieve the second centenary goals, and advance national rejuvenation through “Chinese-style modernization,” which has its own distinct qualities and goals), stressing the importance of studying and implementing this guidance. Quoting Xi’s remarks that great accomplishments are challenging, the commentary noted that China’s development is now in a period where “strategic opportunity” coexists with risks, challenges, and unpredictable factors, calling for increased risk-awareness, “bottom-line thinking,” and preparedness for a great test. Second, the Party must persist in “serving the people in all things and relying on the people in all things.” The commentary described this remark by Xi as indicative of his sense of responsibility and empathy towards the people. It noted the Party’s accomplishments under Xi in serving the people (such as improvements to standards of living), its recent successes in popular mobilization (such as the anti-poverty campaign and the fight against the pandemic), and its reliance on the people to accomplish its future goals. Third, promote the Party’s self-revolution (自我革命). The commentary stated that the Party will be key in accomplishing national modernization and revival, and that Xi’s speech had stressed the importance of the Party’s self-revolution to ensure its status as “the strongest and most reliable backbone of the Chinese people.” The commentary cited a quote from Lenin that the seriousness of a political party can be judged by its willingness to admit errors, seek their causes, and rectify them. It concluded that the Chinese Communist Party’s resilience and public support was in large part due to its willingness to confront its internal problems, carry out self-revolution, and maintain its advanced, upright, and Marxist character. It stressed that the Party must remain conscious of the issues such a large Party faces and continue strict self-governance and self-revolution. Fourth, China should “enrich the common values of humanity.” The commentary cited Xi’s remark from his speech that China stands with the people of all nations; carries forward humankind’s shared values of “peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom”; and will support world peace, development, and a “community of shared future for all humankind” (人类命运共同体). It praised various aspects of China’s foreign policy under Xi, such as advocacy of “true multilateralism,” opposition to hegemony, development of a global network of partners, and participating in the reform of the global governance system. The commentary then noted that while inevitable global trends are in favor of peace, development, and cooperation, the world currently faces challenges like hegemonic, bullying behavior and deficits of peace, development, and security, leaving the people of the world at a crossroads for which path their country should follow. It referenced Xi Jinping’s remarks in his speech praising China’s past and ongoing commitment to reform and openness to the world, which will create global opportunity. In conclusion, the commentary expressed confidence in China’s ability to meet its goals and called for unity with the Central Committee with Xi as the core and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era.

Zhong Sheng: Head of State Diplomacy Charts the Course for US-China Relations

11.16 People’s Daily published a Zhong Sheng (钟声) commentary about the recent meeting between Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden in Bali, Indonesia. The commentary stated that the meeting featured “deep communication” and clarified bilateral intentions, drew red lines, prevented conflicts, specified a direction, and discussed the prospects of cooperation. It stated that meetings between head of states are the “compass” (指南针) of US-China relations and play a “leading strategic role” in the development of bilateral relations. It proceeded to state that as “two major countries,” China and the United States should “strengthen their sense of responsibility” when it comes to handling bilateral relations to prevent ties from “derailing or going out of control.” It noted that the world is currently at a “historical turning point” (历史转折点) and that each country needs to confront challenges and grasp opportunities going forward. Xi stressed that both the US and China need to espouse an attitude that is responsible to “history, the world, and the people,” find the “correct direction” for the development of bilateral relations, and promote their return to a “healthy and stable development track (发展轨道).” It stated that “history and common reality” shows that an “important prerequisite” (重要前提) of properly handling relations is both sides having the “correct view” of each other’s “domestic and foreign policies (内外政策) and strategic intentions (战略意图).” It stated that the “domestic and external policies of the Party and government of China are open and transparent” and that China’s “strategic intentions are open and above board.” It referenced, for example, Beijing’s goals of promoting national rejuvenation through Chinese-style modernization (中国式现代化), adhering to an independent and peaceful foreign policy, and upholding the UN as the “core of the international system.” It stated that the US viewing China as its “most important strategic competitor” and its “largest geopolitical challenge” constitutes a “miscalculation” of US-China relations and a “misreading” of China’s development.

The commentary proceeded to state that “US-China relations should not be a zero-sum game” characterized by a mentality of “you win, I lose” or “you rise, and I fall.” It stated that the mutual interests of the United States and China have not decreased but increased and that “no conflict, no confrontation, and peaceful co-existence are in the basic interests” of both countries. It stated that the US should put into practice President Biden’s commitment to the “four nots and no one intention” (四不一无意) and implement promises related to “having no intention to ‘decouple’ (脱钩) from China, thwart China’s economic development, or to contain (围堵) China.” It then stressed that Xi has emphasized the importance of adhering to the US-China Three Communiques (中美三个联合公报). It highlighted that the the Taiwan issue is the “core of China’s core interests (核心利益),” the “foundation of the political foundation (政治基础) of US-China relations,” and the “number one uncrossable red line (不可逾越的红线) in US-China relations.” It stressed the importance of the US not supporting Taiwan “independence,” ceasing the “hollowing out” of the one-China policy (一个中国政策), and restraining and putting an end to Taiwan “independence” splittism. It stated that on issues related to democracy and human rights there needs to be “mutual respect” and an effort to avoid ideological confrontation between camps. Furthermore, it stated that the US-China economic and trade relationship delivers mutual benefits, and that fighting trade wars (贸易战), technological wars (科技战), “building fences and barriers” (筑墙设垒), and strongly pushing “decoupling and chain breaks” (脱钩断链) will only lead to “harming others” and will not be “beneficial to oneself.” Lastly, it stated that “suppression and containment will only stimulate the will and passion of the Chinese people” and that China will not “submit to any hegemonic bullying (霸权霸凌).”


Party Discipline

General Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Issued Opinions on Strengthening the Tightening of Discipline and Improving Party Conduct, and Persevering in Implementing the Spirit of the Central Eight Regulations

11.14 The General Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection issued the “Opinions on Implementing the Deployments Requirements of the 20th Party Congress, Persevering in Implementing the Spirit of the Central Eight Regulations, and Deepening the Work of Correcting the ‘Four Forms’ (四风: formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance).” In these Opinions, the General Office required that disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies at all levels must always keep the “three musts” (三个务必) in mind, constantly enhance the political awareness of promoting work style construction with the spirit of self-revolution (自我革命), and take the spirit of supervising implementation of the Central Eight Regulations as a regular task of improving Party and government conduct. The Opinions pointed out that the 20th Party Congress made new arrangements for persevering in implementing the Central Eight Regulations, declaring that they are “not just for five or ten years, but long-term effective iron rules (铁规矩) and hard levers (硬杠杠); the spirit of the Central Eight Regulations can only be tightened, never relaxed,” and “must be grasped to the end.” The Opinions emphasized that the Party must correct the “four forms” (四风) with the spirit of “hammering nails” (钉钉子), focusing on formalism and bureaucracy that affect the implementation of the Central Committee’s decision-making and deployment, as well as “one size fits all” (一刀切) policies and “chaotic additions” (乱加码) to policies. It further emphasized rectifying “stubborn diseases” such as illegal collection of gifts and money, misuse of funds, mismanagement of capital and foreign firms based in China, and “protective umbrellas” (保护伞) involving gangs or corruption. The Opinions emphasized united adherence to “not daring to be corrupt, being unable to engage in corruption, and not wanting to be corrupt (不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐) and using party discipline and government measures to deal with violators “strictly and severely.” Lastly, the Opinions called for grasping the leadership of the “key minority” (关键少数) or leading cadres and urging leading cadres at all levels to be strict with self-discipline, strictly manage their jurisdictions, and vigorously promote the new style of uprightness.


Comprehensively Promoting Reform

He Lifeng: High-quality Development is the Primary Task of Comprehensively Building a Modern Socialist Nation

11.14 Politburo Member and National Development and Reform Commission Chair He Lifeng (何立峰) published an article in People’s Daily emphasizing the key tasks necessary to promote high-quality development (高质量发展) in China. He first quoted sections of Xi Jinping’s 20th Party Congress Report and emphasized high-quality development as the “primary task” of comprehensively building a modern socialist nation and the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation (中华民族伟大复兴). He then split his article into three main sections: First, He declared that the promotion of high-quality development has achieved historic, great achievements. Through implementation of the “new development concept” (新发展理念), the Party Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core has united and led the Party and country to overcome numerous challenges and development problems, leading to the country’s economic strength, technological strength, comprehensive national strength and international influence all “leap[ing] up to a higher level.” Facing the “complex and severe international situation” while adhering to the general tone of “seeking progress while maintaining stability” and controlling the pandemic, He stated that since 2013, China’s economy has achieved an average annual growth rate of 6.6%, the aggregate value of its economy has more than doubled to 114.4 trillion RMB, and its per capita GDP has increased from USD $6,301 to US$12,556. In the course of such growth, he noted that commodity price levels were “generally stable,” more than 130 million new jobs were created, and the balance of payments remained “basically balanced.” He noted that constructing an innovative country through innovation-driven development has achieved “fruitful results,” highlighting achievements in neutrino oscillation (中微子振荡), iron-based superconductors (铁基超导), neuroscience, Chinese space activities, deep sea exploration, satellite navigation, superconducting quantum computing, nuclear power, ultra-deep water petroleum production, and the construction of multiple international innovation centers and comprehensive national science centers. He further highlighted developments in emerging industries, such as new generation information technology, biotechnology, high-end equipment, and green environmental protection, and stated that digital technologies such as cloud computing, big data, blockchain, and artificial intelligence are “deeply integrated with traditional industries.” Addressing international partnerships, He noted that the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) has been implemented, “contributing Chinese wisdom and strength to world peace and development.” He also drew attention to China’s fight against poverty, declaring that China had finally solved a problem that had “plagued the Chinese nation for thousands of years.”

Second, He highlighted the “important experience of promoting high-quality development.” He stressed the importance of upholding the Party’s leadership over economic work with Xi Jinping as the core of the Central Committee in order to continue writing the “two major miracles” (两大奇迹; rapid economic growth and long-term social stability), likening the Chinese economy to a “huge ship” (巨轮) which needs the steering and “stabilizing force” (定海神针) of the Party’s leadership. On the “new journey,” He called for “resolutely defending the ‘two establishes’ (两个确立) and resolutely achieving the ‘two defends’ (两个维护)” to ensure that the Central Committee’s strategic decision-making is “not deviated from, modified, or bent out of shape,” and effectively completes the goals and tasks of promoting high-quality development. As part of high-quality development, He emphasized improving people’s livelihoods and well-being as the “fundamental purpose of development,” and striving to make up for the shortcomings in people’s livelihoods so that development results can benefit all people more equitably. He noted that the Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core has adhered to the holistic approach to national security (总体国家安全观), calmly responded to the “profound and complex changes in the domestic and foreign situations,” and focused on solving “various contradictions and problems,” so that “development security can be guaranteed and continue to improve.”

Third, He stressed adhering to the theme of promoting high-quality development in implementing various economic tasks. Looking forward to the next five years, he declared that it will be a “critical period for the start of comprehensively building a modern socialist nation.” Through a focus on building a new development pattern (新发展格局), he called for combining the strategies of expanding domestic demand with the deepening of supply-side structural reforms to enhance the power and reliability of the domestic economic cycle. He further stressed focusing on improving total factor productivity; improving the resilience and security level of industrial and supply chains; promoting the integrated development of urban and rural areas and the coordinated development of regions; building a “high-level socialist market economic system” (高水平社会主义市场经济体制); promoting “high-level opening up” (高水平对外开放); promoting green and low-carbon development; and improving people’s quality of life.


Organization Work

11.15 Sun Weidong (孙卫东), previously PRC Ambassador to India, was appointed Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs.


International Work

11.15 CCP International Department (CCP/ID) Head Liu Jianchao (刘建超) held a video call with the Secretary-General of the Mongolian People’s Party, Amarbayasgalan Dashzegve.

11.15 The CCP/ID and China NGO Network for International Exchanges (中国民间组织国际交流促进会) held an international summit on the theme “Strengthening International Non-Governmental Unity and Cooperation, Jointly Making a Better Future for Humankind.” The summit was attended by representatives from non-governmental organizations and media from more than 70 countries, and CCP/ID Assistant Head Chen Zhou (陈洲) gave a speech.

11.15 CCP/ID Head Liu Jianchao and Assistant Head Shen Beili (沈蓓莉) delivered a report on the “spirit of the 20th Party Congress” via video call to members of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), including PCC Central Committee Secretariat member and Department of Attention to the Social Sector Head Jorge Luis Broche Lorenzo, PCC Organization Department Head Deivy Pérez Martín, and PCC International Affairs Department Acting Head, Ángel Arzuaga Reyes.

11.17 CCP/ID Deputy Head Guo Yezhou (郭业洲) held a video call with the Deputy Leader of Malta’s Labour Party, Daniel Micallef.

11.18 CCP/ID Head Liu Jianchao held a video call with the General Chairman of the Gerindra Party and Indonesia’s Minister of Defense, Prabowo Subianto.

11.18 The CCP/ID participated in a launch ceremony for the launch of a Nigerian edition of its own Contemporary World (当代世界) magazine, accompanied by a symposium on “the culture of harmony in China-Africa relations.” The event was attended by Liu Jianchao, Nigeria’s Foreign Minister Geoffrey Onyeama, PRC Ambassador to Nigeria Cui Jianchun (崔建春), Nigerian Ambassador to the PRC Baba Ahmad Jidda, and Chinese Communist Party Central Propaganda Department International Broadcasting bureau head Hu Kaihong (胡凯红).

11.18 The CCP/ID hosted an in-person reception on the topic of the spirit of the 20th Party Congress for foreign businesspeople in China. Shen Beili addressed the reception, which included more than 120 attendees from various countries.


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