Weekly Report 4|62 3.5.22-3.11.22

At the fifth session of the 13th National People’s Congress, Politburo Standing Committee Member and State Council Premier Li Keqiang (李克强) read his annual Government Work Report. (see Two Sessions section)
Xi Jinping gave a speech at a joint group meeting of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Congress’ (CPPCC) agricultural sector and social welfare and social security sector delegations. (see Two Sessions section)
People’s Daily published an Editorial (社论) congratulating the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee on the closing of its fifth session. (see Propaganda Work section)
Two Sessions
Wang Yang: Learn From History to Strengthen Confidence, Unite to Create the Future
3.5 Politburo Standing Committee Member and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Chair Wang Yang (汪洋) met with the Sichuan delegation to the National People’s Congress (NPC) to review the Government Work Report. Delegates made speeches on issues such as accelerating the construction of water conservancy projects, promoting rural revitalization, and implementing the “Two Alleviations” (双减) educational policy. Wang then stated that the Government Work Report delivered by State Council Premier Li Keqiang (李克强) “fully implements the spirit of the 19th Party Congress and its plenums and fully reflects the overall deployment and requirements of the Central Committee,” further describing it as a “truth-seeking, pragmatic, and inspiring report.” Wang then highlighted achievements from the past year, including “winning the battle against poverty as scheduled,” “comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society,” “realizing the first centenary goal,” “starting a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country,” realizing a good start to the 14th Five-Year Plan, and the third historical resolution of the Party, among others. Wang Yang emphasized that “we are facing unprecedented changes in the world” with “many contradictions, risks, and unprecedented challenges to governance and administration,” but “we can learn from history (以史为鉴) to strengthen our confidence and determination to create the future.” He then stated that he hoped Sichuan would consolidate and expand the achievements of the Party History Study and Education campaign, “deeply understand the decisive significance of the ‘two establishes’ (两个确立), and strengthen the political, ideological, and operational consciousness of achieving the ‘two defends’ (两个维护).”
Wang Qishan: Appreciate the Decisive Significance of the “Two Establishes,” [Have] Staunch Faith, and Create Glory Again [in the Midst of] Seeking Progress While Maintaining Stability
3.5 Vice President Wang Qishan (王岐山) met with the Hunan delegation to the National People’s Congress (NPC) to discuss using the “two establishes” (两个确立) as the “greatest confidence” for overcoming challenges. Expressing praise for the Government Work Report, Wang emphasized that China’s “historic cultural traditions and present national conditions” necessitated having strong Party leadership to ensure stability on the “journey” of modernization and a “core” during the “critical stage” of realizing national rejuvenation. He further remarked that the “two establishes” were a “historical inevitability” and the “most important political outcome since the 18th Party Congress,” among issuing other praises. Wang then stated that self-confidence was a “clear characteristic” of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era that was expressed through facets such as “strengthening attachment to the Party’s leadership” and “the passing on and development of China’s brilliant traditional culture.” Noting the weight of China’s “security and stability tasks” amidst a complex international environment and the domestic pursuit of development and reform, he concluded by calling on the delegates to use theory to drive reality and resolve issues for the people and masses to increase their faith in the Party. Wang expressed hope that Hunan would “transform the ‘two establishes’ into the ideological and operational consciousness of the ‘two defends’ (两个维护) and welcome the victorious convening of the 20th Party Congress through concrete actions.”
Politburo Member and State Council Vice Premier Hu Chunhua (胡春华) also met with the delegation.
Xi Jinping: Unceasingly Consolidate the Ideological Foundation of the Chinese Communal [Identity], Jointly Construct the Great Motherland, and Jointly Create a Beautiful Life
3.5 Xi Jinping met with the Inner Mongolia delegation to the National People’s Congress (NPC) to discuss how “consciousness of Chinese communal [identity]” (中华民族共同体意识) is the basis of ethnic unity (民族团结), calling for deepened education and guidance of ethnic groups to instill this consciousness. He said that this consciousness was “the main line of the Party’s ethnic work in the new era,” an important policy for upholding ethnic unity and the “Chinese dream” of national rejuvenation, and “an important conclusion obtained from a deep summation of the lessons of historical experience.” He noted the need to be more firm in recognizing the “only roads” to follow for specific goals: persisting in the Party’s comprehensive leadership to develop socialism with Chinese characteristics; socialism with Chinese characteristics to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation; united struggle for the Chinese people to create great historic undertakings; implementing the new development concept for the expansion of China’s development in the new era; and “comprehensively and strictly [following] party governance” (全面从严治党) for the Party’s vitality, energy, and “walking the new road to the examination well.” Xi stated that “today’s Inner Mongolia is the result of united struggle from all ethnic groups, and tomorrow’s Inner Mongolia still needs united struggle from all ethnic groups,” discussing in greater detail how cadres should understand and promote ethnic policies.
The Fifth Session of the Thirteenth National People’s Congress Opens in Beijing
3.5 The National People’s Congress (NPC) was convened by Politburo Standing Committee Member and NPC Standing Committee Chair Li Zhanshu (栗战书), and attended by the rest of the Politburo Standing Committee and Vice President Wang Qishan. Politburo Standing Committee Member and State Council Premier Li Keqiang (李克强) read his annual Government Work Report on behalf of the State Council, which reviewed the government’s work in 2021, outlined key achievements in socioeconomic development, and laid out key tasks for 2022.
In his work report, Li noted events of 2021 including the Party’s centennial, the Central Committee’s Sixth Plenum and accompanying historical resolution, the success of anti-poverty efforts comprising the first centenary goal and beginning of progress towards the second centenary goal, and successes amid international and domestic challenges such as the pandemic. He emphasized main areas of economic work: “1. Maintain the continuity and targeted-ness of macro[economic] policies, promote maintenance of a rational economic operational range; 2. optimize and carry out financial relief policies for enterprises, consolidate the foundation of economic recovery; 3. deepen reform and broaden opening, continue to improve the commercial environment; 4. strengthen the leadership of innovation, stabilize the production and supply chains; 5. promote coordinated development of urban and rural areas, unceasingly optimize economic structure; 6. strengthen environmental protection, advance sustainable development; 7. work to guarantee and improve the people’s lives, accelerate the development of social enterprises; and 8. promote construction of rule-of-law government and innovative governance, maintain social harmony and stability.” Li noted that delegates should also be aware of the challenges and hardships they face, and live up to the responsibilities they are entrusted with in their work.
Li set the GDP growth target at 5.5%, the urban employment growth target at 11 million jobs, the limit for urban unemployment at 5.5%, and the limit for increase of the consumer price index at 3%. He listed additional areas of work for economic growth and stability.
NPC Standing Committee Vice Chair Wang Chen (王晨) explained the draft amendment to the Organic Law on Local People's Congresses and Local People's Governments, draft Decision on Issues in the 14th NPC Quotas and Elections, and draft Methods for the Election of Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions’ 14th NPC Delegates.
Han Zheng Participates in Hong Kong and Macau Delegation Deliberations
3.7 Politburo Standing Committee Member and State Council Vice Premier Han Zheng (韩正) separately met with the Hong Kong and Macau delegations to the National People’s Congress (NPC), where he emphasized that Hong Kong and Macau “actively prevented the pandemic, stabilized the economy, safeguarded people’s livelihoods, and maintained overall social stability” under the strong support of the central government. In addition, he stated that the electoral system as well as the “legal systems and enforcement mechanisms for safeguarding national security” in Hong Kong and Macau had “become more complete,” with “patriots governing Hong Kong” (爱国者治港) and “patriots governing Macau” (爱国者治澳). Han stated that the central government’s determination in implementing the “One Country, Two Systems” policy was “unswerving,” and that there would be no change in the implementation of the major policies of “Hong Kongers governing Hong Kong” (港人治港), “Macau people governing Macau” (澳人治澳), and a high degree of overall autonomy [for both regions]. He further emphasized that Hong Kong must “go all out” in preventing and controlling the pandemic while maintaining social stability, and Macau must work to maintain hard-won results and control of the pandemic. Lastly, Han affirmed the work of the delegates and “hoped that they will take advantage of the opportunities in the construction of the Guangdong-Macau In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin.”
Xi Jinping: Give a More Prominent Place to Raising Overall Agricultural Production Capacity, Continue Efforts to Drive the High-Quality Development of Social Security Projects
3.6 Attending a joint group meeting of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Congress’ (CPPCC) agricultural sector and social welfare and social security sector delegations, Xi Jinping emphasized ensuring the supply of agricultural products to help realize the rural revitalization strategy, raising agricultural production, and developing the social safety net. After praising the delegates for their reports, Xi recounted the successful accomplishments of the Central Committee’s leadership of the country over the past year in spite of challenges such as the pandemic. Xi noted that amid international and domestic challenges, China’s development still had five “strategic advantageous conditions”: 1. The “basic political guarantee” of the Party’s leadership to overcome various difficulties and challenges, 2. the “apparent superiority of the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics,” 3. “the solid base accumulated by the continuation of rapid development,” 4. a “social environment of long-term stability,” and 5. “a spiritual power of self-confidence and [striving for] self improvement.” Xi emphasized the importance of food security as a “big picture and fundamental interest of the country” (国之大者); the need for the Party and state to take on responsibility and oversight to ensure food security; the need to preserve the agricultural use of farmland; the importance of technology in resolving food-related issues; and the importance of establishing a large-scale view of food supply focused on the people’s desire for a better life. He also stated that rural revitalization should not be blindly fixated on economic development alone, but must also strengthen rural Party governance, rule of law, and grassroots autonomous governance, improve ideology and moral education in rural areas, and crack down on rural problems such as organized crime, drug use, and “illegal criminal activity violating the rights of women and children.” Xi also called for further improvements to unify, standardize, strengthen, and expand the social security system and various types of insurance. He stressed the importance of caring for and aiding the masses in difficult situations, such as providing temporary aid to disaster and pandemic victims; providing healthcare, education, and employment to people with disabilities; ensuring the health and safety of the homeless; “having concern and care for people with mental disabilities”; and protecting women, children, the elderly, and disabled people from abuse.
Xi also expressed the Central Committee’s well-wishes to female NPC and CPPCC delegates and workers, as well as all female citizens and expatriates, on the then-upcoming occasion of International Women’s Day.
Politburo Standing Committee Member and CPPCC National Committee Chair Wang Yang (汪洋) also attended the meeting.
Xi Jinping: Implement the Governing-the-Military-According-to-Law Strategy, Raise the Level of Rule-of-Law Construction in National Defense and the Military
3.7 In a speech to People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and People’s Armed Police (PAP) delegates to the National People’s Congress (NPC), Xi Jinping emphasized the importance of rule of law for governing the military and achieving the Party’s goals for the military in the new era. Xi said that the military should put more stress on implementing a strategy for governing the military by rule of law, continuing a process of comprehensively governing the military by law ever since the 18th Central Committee’s Fourth Plenum and the 19th Central Committee’s Sixth Plenum. He then listed components of the strategy, including strengthening the military’s “revolutionization, modernization, and standardization”; constructing a “military rule-of-law system with Chinese characteristics”; accelerating the “fundamental transformation” of methods of military governance; and being staunch in the Party’s “absolute leadership.” Xi stated that this will be a systemic, holistic process, where “key breakthroughs will drive advances across the board,” involving work including legislative and policy work and reforms, improved implementation of legislation, more robust supervision and accountability, improved laws and regulations concerning the military and foreign affairs, and using the law to protect national interests.
Wang Yang: Speech at the Closing of the Fifth Session of the 13th CPPCC National Committee
3.10 Politburo Standing Committee Member and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee Chair Wang Yang (汪洋) gave a speech at the closing of the fifth session of the 13th CPPCC National Committee. Wang began by reviewing the notable meetings and activities that occurred during the fifth session and noted its unanimous positions, among which included “[taking] the welcoming of the 20th Party Congress and studying and disseminating the spirit of the 20th Party Congress as major political priorities” (重大政治任务) for 2022. He went on to remark that the fifth session was characterized by “holding the banner high, democracy and unity, seeking truth and pragmatism, and conciseness and efficiency.” Moving on, Wang noted that 2022 was the last year of the 13th CPPCC National Committee and commented on how the CPPCC National Committee had “strengthened [its] political ability, concern for the needs of the people, and consultative ability” in the midst of its work. He then noted three principles and ideals that the CPPCC needed to put into practice better and more consistently: 1 “Having a clear-cut stand (旗帜鲜明) when discussing politics”; 2. “[having a] CPPCC for the people”; and 3. “the level of consultation.” Wang concluded by calling on attendees to “unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core; strengthen the ‘four consciousnesses’ (四个意识), consolidate the ‘four confidences’ (四个自信), achieve the ‘two defends’ (两个维护); hold high the flag of ideals and convictions and the sail of unity and struggle; and welcome the victorious convening of the 20th Party Congress with concrete actions!”
Political Resolution of the Fifth Session of the 13th CPPCC National Committee
3.10 The fifth session of the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Congress (CPPCC) National Committee passed a political resolution prior to the session’s close. The resolution held the following points:
That 2021 was a year of “milestone significance” for the Party and state, owing to accomplishments and events such as the Party’s centennial and completion of the first centenary goal. The resolution noted that the CPPCC persisted in “the Party’s comprehensive leadership of consultative work,” focused on “unity and democracy,” strengthened its ideological and political guidance in the Party History Study and Education campaign, engaged in deep consultations on “major issues of socioeconomic development,” and contributed to Party and state affairs.
That regardless of party membership, CPPCC attendees all esteemed the Chinese Communist Party and studied its ideology, including the “two establishes” (两个确立), the superiority of the political system of the Party’s leadership and socialism with Chinese characteristics, the political roles assigned to the CPPCC and its committees, and the need for “strengthening the ‘four consciousnesses’ (四个意识), consolidating the ‘four confidences’ (四个自信), and achieving the ‘two defends’ (两个维护).”
That Xi Jinping’s “important speech” to the agricultural and social welfare sectors of the CPPCC held a “very strong ideological, guiding, and targeted nature,” that it should be deeply studied and understood, and that its spirit should be put into practice throughout the CPPCC’s work.
That the upcoming 20th Party Congress will be a “major event in Party and state political life,” and the CPPCC will take welcoming it and thoroughly studying and implementing its spirit as a “major political priority” (重大政治任务). This includes actions such as making use of united front and consultative organs; practicing “whole-process people’s democracy” (全过程人民民主), transmitting “positive energy”; promoting the 14th Five- Year Plan; strengthening communication with non-Party intellectuals, private business figures, and “figures from new social classes”; strengthening Chinese communal identity [among minority ethnicities] and the sinicization of religion; carrying out “One Country, Two Systems” and ensuring Hong Kong and Macau are governed by “patriots”; persisting in the 1992 consensus and opposing Taiwan’s independence; and strengthening foreign friendships.
That the CPPCC must study and implement Xi Jinping’s “Important Thought on Strengthening and Improving People’s Political Consultative Work,” improving aspects of its work including theoretical innovation, consciousness of rules, and establishing specialized consultative mechanisms.
Propaganda Work
People’s Daily Editorial: Gather Strength and Wisdom, Jointly Write a New Chapter of Advancing Bravely
3.11 People’s Daily published an Editorial (社论) congratulating the 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee on the closing of its fifth session. Describing the fifth session as one of “democracy, unity, seeking truth, and advancing bravely,” the Editorial stated that it also “amply displayed the unique superiority of socialist consultative democracy and further gathered wisdom and strength to advance bravely on the new journey and establish a new era.” It then listed China’s five “strategic advantageous conditions” that Xi Jinping raised at the joint group meeting of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Congress’ (CPPCC) agricultural sector and social welfare and social security sector delegations on 6 March. Anticipating the greater need for cooperation and unity as China moves closer to realizing the second centenary goal, the Editorial called for the CPPCC to “effectively gather the wisdom and strength of the Chinese people and the sons and daughters of China at home and abroad and form great unity that is genuine, extensive, and close.” After stating the importance of having all work center on the upcoming 20th Party Congress and calling on the CPPCC to contribute to a good economic, political, and social environment, the Editorial concluded by exhorting readers to unite around the Central Committee and ultimately “tirelessly struggle for the comprehensive establishment of a modern socialist country and the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and strive to fight for new greater victories and glory.”
International Liaison Work
3.8 CCP International Department (CCP/ID) Head Song Tao (宋涛) held a dialogue via videolink with the Secretary of Iran's Expediency Discernment Council (EDC) Mohammad Bagher Zolghadr.
3.10 CCP/ID Head Song Tao met in Beijing with Mongolia’s ambassador to China, Badral Tuvshin, who delivered a letter to Xi Jinping on behalf of Mongolian Prime Minister and Mongolian People’s Party Chair Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai, thanking him for hosting the PM’s visit during the Beijing Winter Olympics.
Organization Work
3.11 Guo Tingting (郭婷婷) was appointed assistant minister of the Ministry of Commerce.
3.11 Kang Yi (康义) was appointed head of the National Bureau of Statistics of China.
3.11 Wang Linggui (王灵桂) was appointed deputy director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council.
3.11 Wang Xiqin (王希勤) was appointed president of Tsinghua University.