Weekly Report 4|78 7.9.22-7.15.22
Between 12 July and 15 July, Xi Jinping conducted a visit to Xinjiang and spoke on the importance of “the party’s strategy for governance of Xinjiang in the new era” and “forg[ing] a firm consciousness of Chinese communal [identity].” (See Senior Leaders section)
Politburo Standing Committee Member and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee Chairman Wang Yang spoke at the 14th Straits Forum in Xiamen. (See United Front Work section)
Qiushi published the full text of Xi Jinping’s speech to the Politburo’s 39th collective study session, which was held on 27 May, 2022, on studying the origins of Chinese civilization. (See Senior Leaders section)
Senior Leaders
Hu Chunhua: Guided by Xi Jinping’s Important Discussions on “Three Rural Issues” Work, Actively Push For Comprehensive Rural Revitalization
7.11 Politburo Member and State Council Vice Premier Hu Chunhua (胡春华) attended the opening ceremony for a seminar for provincial and ministerial-level cadres on the subject of “comprehensively promoting rural revitalization,” emphasizing that it is “necessary to learn and deeply understand Xi Jinping’s important discourse on the Three Rural Issues (三农, agriculture, rural areas, and farmers).” Hu noted that Xi’s remarks on the topic reflect his deep interest in the subject; come from his “practical foundations, deep theoretical thinking [and] long-term strategic considerations”; and have provided “a general program (总纲领), general foundation (总依据), and general abiding criteria (总遵循) to do a good job with the Three Rural Issues in a new era and stage.” He proceeded to stress that “it is a major political task (重大政治任务) to study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s discourse on the Three Rural Issues,” and that cadres must “persist in reading the original text and understanding its principles.” Hu asserted that it is necessary to “grasp the laws of agricultural and rural development, improve work methods and methodologies, strengthen systematic planning and work coordination, persist in adapting to local conditions, proceed from a place of practicality, advance rural revitalization step-by-step, and persist in opposing formalism and bureaucracy.” Hu emphasized that it is necessary to “urgently implement” these principles, which, complemented by “practical creativity,” will “ensure continuous real results.” The seminar was jointly organized by the Organization Department of the Central Committee, the Central Agricultural Office (中央农办), the Central Party School (National Academy of Governance), and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Officials from the Party committee of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and from “relevant ministries”also participated in the seminar.
Li Keqiang: Put Forth Effort to Consolidate the Foundation of Economic Recovery, Promote the Economy’s Return to [the] Normal Trajectory as Soon as Possible to Maintain Operation Within a Reasonable Interval
7.12 Politburo Standing Committee Member and State Council Premier Li Keqiang (李克强) presided over a symposium of experts and entrepreneurs to analyze the economic situation and listen to opinions and suggestions on the next step in economic work. During the meeting, experts and heads of enterprises involved in investing, cross-border e-commerce, and industrial park operation services delivered speeches. In his speech, Li Keqiang stated that China’s economic development in the second quarter was “extremely unusual” and “unexpected factors” brought with them a serious impact, with downward pressure on the economy intensifying and “main indicators” falling sharply in April. Li commended the actions of the Chinese government which “took timely and decisive measures,” insisted on not engaging in “flooding” (大水漫灌), and implemented measures to stabilize the economy “in accordance with the established overall thinking and policy orientation.” Following a national teleconference on economic work, the effects of these policies “appeared quickly.” The decline of major economic indicators lessened in May and the economy stabilized and rebounded in June, which was “extremely difficult.” Li cautioned that the foundation of economic recovery is unstable, there are “many uncertain factors” in the development environment, and it will take “arduous efforts” to stabilize the overall situation of the economy. He then emphasized fully implementing the new development concept; efficiently coordinating epidemic prevention and control with socioeconomic development; insisting that development is the “foundation and key to solving all problems in our country”; stabilizing market entities, employment, and prices; advancing reform and opening up, and making concerted efforts to consolidate the foundation for a sound economic recovery in the third quarter, so as to return the economy to its normal trajectory as soon as possible.
In order to keep the economy operating within a reasonable range, Li emphasized dealing with the dilemma of stabilizing growth while preventing inflation and paying attention to preventing “imported inflation” (输入性通胀). He further emphasized being strong in maintaining the continuity of macroeconomic policies, particularly in increasing the implementation of the package of policies to stabilize the economy, while being “reasonable and appropriate” and not “taking an advance on [the] future” (不预支未来). Li stated that 160 million market entities are the “driving force” for economic development as well as the “backbone” of employment, and so it is necessary to sort out the implementation of various policies to help these entities and ensure that they remain effective. He called for further unblocking the main channels and “microcirculation” of transportation and logistics, opening up the “blocking points” of the industrial chain and supply chain, stabilizing market expectations, better employment ofcollege graduates and migrant workers, and “resolutely correct[ing] all kinds of employment discrimination.” Li then called for stabilizing food and energy prices and supply. Stating that reform and opening up is “China’s basic state policy,” Li called for the deepening of reforms, continuing to promote the reform of “delegating power, streamlining administration, and optimizing services” (放管服), creating a market-oriented and law-based international business environment, cultivating and expanding market entities, and stimulating market vitality and social creativity.. Li stated that overall planning and balancing can prevent policies that are single-aim (单打一), one-size-fits-all (一刀切), or raise the quota at each level (层层加码). Lastly, he emphasized continuing to expand opening up, stabilizing foreign trade and foreign investment, supporting enterprises to carry out extensive international cooperation, and achieving mutual benefit and “win-win” results in fair competition.
Politburo Standing Committee Member and State Council Vice Premier Han Zheng (韩正), Politburo Members and State Council Vice Premiers Sun Chunlan (孙春兰) and Hu Chunhua (胡春华), and State Councilors Wang Yong (王勇), Xiao Jie (肖捷), and Zhao Kezhi (赵克志) also attended.
Xi Jinping: Fully and Accurately Implement the Party Strategy for Governing Xinjiang in a New Era, Construct a United, Harmonious, Wealthy, Civilized, and Progressive Xinjiang with Good Living Conditions and Standards
7.12-15 Between 12 July and 15 July, Xi Jinping conducted a visit to Xinjiang. There, he emphasized the importance of “implementing the Central Committee’s strategic decisions and deployments”; “the party’s strategy for governance of Xinjiang in the new era”; “observing goals of social stability and long-term peace and order”; “adhering to the principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability”; and “coordinating pandemic control, economic and social development, and security.” On 12 July Xi visited Xinjiang University, where he praised China’s adaptation of Marxist theory in creating effective theories and policies on ethnicity, stressed adherence to the “correct road of solving ethnic issues with Chinese characteristics,” called for continued development of the Party’s ethnic theory in the new era and research on the community of the Chinese nation (中华民族共同体), and expressed his faith in the unity of all China’s ethnic groups, successful convening of the 20th Party Congress, and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Following his visit to the university, Xi went to the Urumqi International Land Port (乌鲁木齐国际陆港区), where he viewed the assembly center for The China Railway Express, before proceeding to view operations at Alashankou Port (阿拉山口口岸) and Horgos Port (霍尔果斯口岸) through real-time imagery. There, Xi emphasized that as “China continues to expand to the outside world,” there has been progress in the development of Western China and the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative. On 13 July, Xi paid a visit to a local community in the Tianshan District of Urumqi, where “minority residents” occupy 95 percent of the population. Xi viewed a children’s performance of traditional Chinese culture (中华优秀传统文化) at a party-masses service center (党群服务中心), and expressed that when education in traditional Chinese culture begins at a young age, it has a more solid influence. Xi also visited the home of a local Uyghur resident. During his visit, Xi emphasized that ethnic minorities in Xinjiang are “inseparable members of the large family that is the Chinese nation” and that the situation of “stable unity” should be valued. Afterwards, Xi visited the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Museum, where he viewed Xinjiang’s cultural relics. There, Xi delivered remarks on how Chinese civilization is “made from the confluence of the hundred rivers of all ethnic groups’ excellent cultures” and stressed “telling clearly” that Xinjiang has “since ancient times” been an “inseparable part of our country with multi-ethnic inhabitants” and that all its ethnicities have “blood ties” with the “family of the Chinese nation.” He said “it is necessary to further research the Chinese national community’s history and pluralistic structure of the Chinese nation.”
Following his visit to the museum, Xi Jinping visited Shihezi City (石河子市) to tour the Xinjiang [Production and Construction] Corps Military Land Reclamation Museum (新疆兵团军垦博物馆). At the museum, he praised the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC), emphasizing that they had “pushed Xinjiang’s development, advanced ethnic unity, maintained social stability, and made vital contributions to border defense.” Afterwards Xi visited plantations run by the XPCC, including a peach plantation and cotton fields. While there, he met with members of the 143rd Regiment of the XPCC and “encouraged and supported efforts to promote jobs in agriculture, develop the eco-tourism and agricultural tourism industries, and increase the incomes of employees.” Xi noted that the XPCC enjoys “a high [quality] level of agricultural machinery, large-scales of production, and good industrial conditions.” Xi emphasized that it is necessary to “unleash the advantages of the XPCC, bolster support of agriculture through technology and equipment, develop agricultural goods with comparative advantages, expand such industries, and advance green agriculture and animal husbandry.” Xi asserted that the “strategic uses of the XPCC are irreplaceable.”
On 14 July, Xi Jinping visited the city of Turpan where he learned about the local grape industry and the development of cultural tourism. In Turpan, Xi also visited the ancient city of Jiaohe (Yarghul), where he stated that “it is necessary to strengthen the protection and use of cultural relics and the protection and transmission of cultural heritage, continuously expand the influence of Chinese culture internationally, and bolster pride in nationality and confidence in culture.” On 15 July, Xi listened to the work report delivered by the XUAR Party committee and government, as well as the XPCC. Xi stated that it is necessary to take promoting long-term stability as a “ basic, fundamental, and long-term job” (根本性、基础性、长远性工作) and “explore ways to fully implement the Party strategy for Xinjiang in a new era.” Xi emphasized “forg[ing] a firm consciousness of Chinese communal [identity]” (铸牢中华民族共同体意识) and educating the masses, especially youth, in the “correct” view of ethnic history, claiming that “Chinese civilization is the root and vein (根脉所在) of all of Xinjiang’s ethnic cultures.” Xi proceeded to point out the importance of “improving management capabilities over religious affairs” and to allow religion to “develop healthily.” It is necessary to “persist in the direction of the Sinicization of Islam” (坚持伊斯兰教中国化方向) so that “religion can become adaptable to socialism.” Xi then emphasized the importance of “comprehensively and strictly [following] party governance” and the necessity of “strictly enforcing political discipline and rules.”
Also on 15 July, Xi Jinping met with soldiers stationed in Xinjiang, noting their “exceptional contributions to Xinjiang’s stability and border defense.” Xi stressed that it is important to implement “ideas regarding a strong army for the new era, a new direction for military strategy for the new era, and contribute to long-term social stability in Xinjiang.” He proceeded to emphasize the importance of “recognizing the intimate relationship between development and stability,” stressing that it is important to continue high-quality economic development, expand local industries, improve employment rates, and sustain a healthy environment.
Politburo Member Ding Xuexiang (丁薛祥), Politburo Member Liu He (刘鹤), Vice-Chair of the Central Military Commission Zhang Youxia (张又侠), Director of the Central Organization Department Chen Xi (陈希), Minister of the National Development and Reform Commission He Lifeng (何立峰), Secretary of the XUAR Party Committee Ma Xingrui (马兴瑞), and Chair of the Regional Government of Xinjiang Erkin Tuniyaz (艾尔肯 吐尼亚孜) accompanied Xi during his inspection tour.
Xi Jinping: Guide Deepening of Research on the History of Chinese Civilization, Strengthen Historical Consciousness, Make Cultural Self-Confidence Firm
7.15 Qiushi published the full text of Xi Jinping’s speech to the Politburo’s 39th collective study session, which was held on 27 May, 2022 and focused on the origins of Chinese civilization (中华文明). Xi said that the purpose of this session was not only to understand history, but also to promote the entire Party and society’s historical consciousness, staunch cultural self-confidence, commitment to the “socialist road,” and united struggle to “comprehensively build a modern socialist country” and realize the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation” (中华民族伟大复兴). Xi noted the length, uniqueness, and modern cultural significance of the history of Chinese civilization, and called for the continued exploration of its origins through five tasks. First, Xi called for strengthening interdisciplinary studies, focusing on unsolved mysteries in the origins and development of Chinese civilization with a combination of archaeology, documentary research, and science and technology. Xi noted that China should learn from, but not copy Western “civilizational theory,” and that research on Chinese civilization should be well-publicized. Second, he called for deeper research into the characteristics and form of Chinese civilization, providing theoretical support for a “new model for human advancement” (人类文明新形态). Xi expressed disapproval of the West for failing to see China from the perspective of “a history of five thousand years of civilization,” and called for study of topics including the development of the community of the Chinese nation (中华民族共同体) and “spiritual traits” like traditional virtues. Third, Xi called for the “creative transformation and innovative development” of traditional Chinese culture to aid in national rejuvenation, stressing the importance of combining traditional Chinese culture with a Marxist guiding ideology and advanced socialist culture. Fourth, he called for cultural exchange and mutual study of lessons from other cultures, as well as the promotion of the “construction of a community of shared future for mankind,” stressing that historically, international exchange brought progress and development. This involves “telling the Chinese civilization’s story well” to an international audience, helping them to understand China, the Chinese people, the Party, and the Chinese nation. Fifth, Xi said historical relics and cultural heritage should be “brought to life” to create a “dense social atmosphere of the inheritance of Chinese civilization.” Leading cadres at all levels should revere history and traditional culture, value historic preservation and cultural inheritance, and provide more policies supporting historic and archaeological studies. Finally, the results of research into the origins of Chinese civilization should be broadly propagandized, and the masses, particularly youth, should be educated and guided to better understand and identify with Chinese civilization.
Propaganda Work
People’s Daily Commentator Article: Growing Stronger With Age, Gold Will Not Change, Continuing the Past While Writing A Magnificent Chapter for the Future
7.11 People’s Daily published a Commentator Article commemorating the 61st anniversary of the signing of the China-Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance. The commentary states that the signing of the treaty laid the “political and legal foundation” (政治法律基础) for the two sides to “continuously deepen a friendship forged through blood.” Since the treaty’s ratification, the two sides have, “in accordance with the spirit of the treaty, strengthened communication and coordination, deepened mutually beneficial cooperation, promoted the traditional China-DPRK friendship to consolidate development, both effectively progressed their own socialist undertaking, benefitting both countries and their people, and made positive contributions to protecting and advancing peace and prosperity in the region.” The commentary proceeded to state that the “traditional friendship between China and the DPRK was personally created and nurtured by leaders from the older generation,” was formed during struggles against “imperialist aggression’ (帝国主义侵略), and constitutes an “invaluable asset common to both sides.” The commentator states that in recent years, both sides have sustained close exchanges and interactions through bilateral visits and engaged in frequent communication, thereby “pushing China-DPRK relations into a new historical era.” The commentary proceeded to praise North Korean leadership, stating that the “North Korean people, under the leadership of the Workers’ Party of Korea led by General Secretary Kim Jong-Un, [have been] self-reliant (自力更生) and hard-working (艰苦奋斗),” making major accomplishments in the national economic Five-Year Plan. It proceeds to assure that China, “being a good comrade and neighbor,” will continue supporting North Korea in“developing its economy, improving people’s lives, [and] all undertakings in advancing socialist construction.” The commentary concludes that “at present, the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century,” citing the pandemic in addition to “turmoil and change” in the “world’s development.” However, “regardless of how the international and regional situation changes,” the “Chinese Party and state” will not deviate from “maintaining, consolidating, and developing China-DPRK relations,” and “the Chinese people’s friendship for the people of the DPRK will not change, and China’s support for socialism in the DPRK will not change.”
People’s Daily Commentator: Gather Strength from Both Sides of the Strait, Promote Integrated Development
7.14 A People’s Daily Commentator Article reviewed and restated calls for reunification with Taiwan following the 14th Straits Forum on 13 July. The Commentator Article called the expansion of people-to-people exchanges and promotion of integrated development across the Taiwan Strait “both a righteous cause (大义) and a great benefit (大利).” It stated that since the 18th Party Congress, China has adhered to the concept of “two sides [of the Taiwan Strait], one family” (两岸一家亲), continuously deepened the integration and development of the two sides of the strait, continued to improve the well-being of Taiwanese compatriots, and “extensively gathered together [the] majestic forces for peaceful reunification.” The article noted that the Straits Forum has “always adhered to a ‘civil, grass-roots, and extensive’ (民间性、草根性、广泛性) orientation” and promoted the “spiritual harmony” of people on both sides of the strait. It then further claimed that the successful holding of the forum “once again shows that the two sides of the strait are inseparable and ‘share weal and woe’ (休戚与共) as a community with a shared future,” and “compatriots across the strait’s unanimous yearning for the shared pursuit of a better life and a closer and better cross-strait relationship cannot be stopped by anyone.” Referring to remarks made by Xi Jinping, the article stated that deepening integration and development of the two sides of the strait is the “only way to realize peaceful reunification with the motherland.” It echoed Xi’s welcome to young people to come to the mainland to “pursue, build, and realize their dreams,” and called for young people on both sides of the strait to “walk with the times, share the same destiny with the nation, walk with one heart, work together hand-in-hand, and persevere” as part of the “great process of realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”
Lastly, it claimed that Taiwan’s future “lies in national reunification,” and the well-being of Taiwanese compatriots “depends on national rejuvenation.” It further claimed that in the process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, “Taiwanese compatriots will certainly not be absent.”
Zhong Sheng: Using Lies to Concoct Evil Laws Severely Stains the Spirit of Rule of Law
7.15 People's Daily published the first article in a Zhong Sheng (钟声) series titled “The Sinister US Plot to ‘Use Xinjiang to Contain China’ (以疆制华) Will Not Prevail,” responding to the formal implementation of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA). The commentary said that the existence of forced labor in Xinjiang was a “pack of lies spun by US and Western anti-China forces,” that relevant laws interfered in China’s internal affairs and violated international law and norms, and that the United States claimed to be acting in the name of human rights, [international] rules, and law while actually damaging all three to uphold “US-style hegemony.” The commentary claimed all evidence or testimony of forced labor in Xinjiang was staged, produced through bribery, or scripted, and that the Australian Strategic Policy Institute and Sheffield Hallam University, which have published reports on forced labor in Xinjiang, were funded by the US State Department and NATO or included contributors who received funding from the US government and “even had links to terrorist groups.” The commentary said that according to the definition of “forced labor” in the International Labor Organization’s 1930 Convention on Forced Labor, there is no forced labor in Xinjiang, stressing that China had ratified the Convention and many more international agreements on labor while the United States had not. It said that the United States showed contempt for international rule of law by elevating its domestic law above international laws, and that the UFLPA’s requirement that imports from Xinjiang must be proven to not involve forced labor presumed guilt in violation of basic legal principles and constituted “economic bullying behavior.” The commentary said that the law was the basis for “illegal, unilateral sanctions” and “long-arm jurisdiction” (长臂管辖), and that the ability to hold or seize relevant goods was “bandit logic” and “looting behavior” that went against market rules and harmed the international trade order. It stressed that the purpose of such laws was to contain China, and that “more and more international figures” were aware of the United States’ true goal. The commentary concluded that such lies and laws would fail; that Xinjiang affairs are purely China’s internal affairs that no country has a right to interfere in; that the Chinese people and government are determined to defend “national sovereignty, security, and development interests”; and that no forces could succeed in using plots and schemes on Xinjiang-related issues.
United Front Work
14th Straits Forum Held in Xiamen, Wang Yang Attended and Delivered Speech
7.13 Politburo Standing Committee Member and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee Chair Wang Yang (汪洋) attended the 14th Straits Forum in Xiamen and delivered a speech. In his speech, Wang pointed out that the Straits Forum is a “grand event” for people-to-people exchanges and cooperation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, as well as a platform for compatriots to “share their kinship and sympathy.” Commenting on Xi Jinping’s reply to some of the Taiwanese youths who participated in the Straits Forum, Wang stated that Xi “showed his cordial care for the Taiwanese youth and the great importance he attaches to the Straits Forum.” Wang called for young people on both sides of the strait to respond to Xi’s call, walk together, work together, and “unite more Taiwanese youth” to come to the mainland to “pursue, build, and realize their dreams,” so that “youth can shine in the great process of national rejuvenation.” Wang stressed that the compatriots on both sides of the strait are a family “whose blood is thicker than water,” and since the 18th Party Congress, China has implemented the Party’s overall strategy for resolving the Taiwan issue in the new era, adhered to the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus (九二共识), promoted the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, and continuously improved systems and policies to ensure the well-being of Taiwanese compatriots and their equal treatment on the mainland. He called for the majority of Taiwanese compatriots to “see the general trend of the development of cross-strait relations, firmly stand on the right side of history, resolutely oppose all kinds of ‘Taiwan independence’ (台独) separatist acts, and firmly grasp their happiness and dreams in their own hands.”
Kuomintang (KMT) Vice Chairman Andrew Hsia (夏立言) said in a video speech that the KMT will, on the basis of the 1992 Consensus, promote cross-strait exchanges and dialogue, insist on opposing “Taiwan independence” (台独), and carry out “various activities that meet the expectations of the Taiwanese people” and are conducive to cross-strait peace, stability, and prosperity development work. New Party Chairman Wu Cherng-dean (吴成典) emphasized adherence to the 1992 Consensus, that both sides of the strait “belong to one China” (同属一中), resolutely opposing “uniting with the United States and resisting China” (联美抗中) and “pro-American, anti-communism” (亲美反共) policies, and achieving peaceful reunification through consultation and negotiation.
Party Discipline
Zhong Jiyan: Raise the Ability and Level of the “Three Not-Corrupts” for All, Fully Win the Prolonged War in the Tough Battle of the Anti-Corruption Struggle
7.14 An article under the pen name “Zhong Jiyan” (钟纪言), a homophone for “Voice of the Central [Commission for] Discipline [Inspection],” focused on the “three not-corrupts: not daring to be corrupt, being unable to engage in corruption, and not wanting to be corrupt” (三不腐:不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐). First, the commentary discussed the significance of the “three not-corrupts” and emphasized that they were an “original theory” proposed by Xi and an important part of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism With Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It listed many examples of Xi referring to the concept since the 18th Party Congress, as he “fac[ed] the still-severe and complex situation of the anti-corruption struggle,” and then clarifying the concept after the 19th Party Congress, with related efforts eventually obtaining “overwhelming victory and comprehensive consolidation” in this struggle. It emphasized that Xi had made anti-corruption a long-term aspect of Party-state governance. Second, the commentary discussed the relationship between the “three not-corrupts.” It explained the concept included “punishment, treatment, and prevention” (惩、治、防); set requirements in fields including discipline, laws, [government] systems, rules, ideology, morality, and culture; and should be fully understood, implemented, and developed throughout the Party-state. It stressed that the aspects of the “three not-corrupts” are mutually connected and equally important: punishment and deterrence so cadres do not dare to be corrupt, restriction [on authority] and oversight so cadres are unable to engage in corruption, and education and guidance so cadres do not want to be corrupt. Furthermore, these aspects are overlapping and mutually dependent, and must be adopted holistically.
Third, the commentary discussed how to implement the “three not-corrupts,” noting remarks by Xi at the 18 June 40th Politburo Collective Study Session that called for robust systems of responsibility for anti-corruption work. Xi had particularly emphasized the need for organs of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and National Supervisory Commission to face “new circumstances and challenges” in anti-corruption work, deepen their understanding of relevant rules, and raise the level and ability of their work. Implementing the “three not-corrupts” requires the Party-state to: “1. Persist in the Central Committee’s centralized leadership of anti-corruption work, promote robust systems and mechanisms for anti-corruption work; 2. Persist in first viewing the anti-corruption struggle from a political perspective, from start to finish, maintain anti-corruption political fixity (政治定力); 3. Persist in using theories and methods of “full cycle management,” advancing the normalization and long-term effectiveness of the prevention and treatment of corruption; 4. Persist in deepening reforms to the discipline inspection and supervision system, promote a robust Party and state oversight system; and 5. Persist in making the concept of fully promoting the ‘three not-corrupts’ run through self-construction (自身建设), create a discipline inspection and supervision corps of cadres that will let the Central Committee rest easy and the masses be satisfied.”
International Liaison Work
7.10-13 CCP International Department (CCP/ID) Head Liu Jianchao (刘建超) led a delegation to Nepal. On 10 July, he met with Prime Minister and President of the Nepali Congress (NC) party Sher Bahadur Deuba and Foreign Minister and NC leader Narayan Khadka. On 11 July, Liu met with Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) (Maoist Centre) Chair and former PM Pushpa Kamal Dahal (Prachanda). Also on 11 July, Liu spoke at a launch ceremony in Kathmandu for the Nepal Smiling Children Project, a food distribution charity. On 12 July, Liu met CPN (United Marxist-Leninist) Chair and former PM, Khadga Prasad Oli; and met CPN (Unified Socialist) Chair Madhav Kumar Nepal and senior leader Jhala Nath Khanal, also both former prime ministers. On 13 July, Liu met with President Bidya Devi Bhandari. On 13 July, Liu met with grassroots party organizations of the Marxist-Leninist and Maoist branches of the CPN, as well as President of the Nepal Workers and Peasants Party Narayan Man Bijukchhe.
7.13 CCP/ID Deputy Head Qian Hongshan (钱洪山) held a video call with Serbian Progressive Party Vice-President Miloš Vučević.
7.14 Liu Jianchao attended and spoke at the Second China-Pacific Island Countries Political Leadership Dialogue, held through video link. Participants included Fijian MP, Minister for Defence, National Security and Policing, and Minister for Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management Inia Seruiratu; Vanuatu Minister of Finance and Economic Management and Secretary General of the Vanua'aku Party Johnny Koanapo Rasou; President of Ownership, Unity and Responsibility (OUR) Party of the Solomon Islands Jimson Tanangada; and National General Secretary of the Pangu Party of Papua New Guinea Morris Tovebae.
7.14-5 Liu Jianchao also visited Singapore. On 14 July, he met with Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, Second Minister for Education, and Second Minister for Foreign Affairs Mohamad Maliki bin Osman and Senior Minister of State in the ministries of Foreign Affairs and National Development and Deputy Party Whip of the People's Action Party (PAP) Sim Ann (沈颖). On 14 July, Liu met with prominent scholars and former Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo (杨荣文). On 15 July, Liu met Deputy Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies, and First Assistant Secretary-General of the PAP Heng Swee Keat (王瑞杰).
7.15 Qian Hongshan met with Ambassador to the PRC of Estonia, Andres Unga.
7.15 CCP/ID Deputy Head Shen Beili (沈蓓莉) attended and spoke at the virtual China-Pacific Island Countries Business Dialogue.
7.15 CCP/ID Assistant Head Li Mingxiang (李明祥) attended and delivered a congratulatory message via videolink to the fifth National Congress of the South African Communist Party.