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Weekly Report 4|80 7.23.22-7.29.22



Xi Jinping attended and spoke at a seminar for provincial and ministry-level cadres on “Studying [the] Spirit of Xi Jinping’s Important Speeches and Welcoming the 20th People’s Congress.” (See Senior Leaders section)

A Xinhua Zhong Hualun (钟华论) authoritative commentary praised Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era and accomplishments made under Xi’s leadership. (See Propaganda Work section)

CCP Politburo Standing Committee member and CPPCC National Committee Chair Wang Yang (汪洋) attended and addressed a symposium for the 30th anniversary of the “1992 consensus.” (See United Front Work section)


Senior Leaders

Xi Jinping Attends and Gives Speech at Seminar on Studying the Spirit of Xi Jinping’s Important Speeches and Welcoming the 20th Party Congress for Leading Cadres at Provincial and Ministerial Level

7.26-27 Xi Jinping attended and spoke at a seminar on “Studying [the] Spirit of Xi Jinping’s Important Speeches and Welcoming the 20th People’s Congress.” In his speech, Xi stressed that the upcoming 20th Party Congress is a “very important conference to be held at a critical moment in the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist nation,” that it will plan goals, tasks and major policies for the development of the Party and the country for the “next five years or even longer,” and that it concerns the “future and destiny of socialism with Chinese characteristics, [as well as] the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation (中华民族伟大复兴).” Xi called for the Party to “clearly declare what flag the Party will fly on its new journey, what road it will take, what state of mind it will take, and what goal it will continue to advance toward.” He stated that all of these “will be of great significance” in uniting and inspiring the people of all ethnic groups in China to “strive for a new victory for socialism with Chinese characteristics.” Xi stressed that China’s development is faced with new strategic opportunities, tasks, stages, requirements, and environments, calling the risks, challenges, contradictions, and problems it faces “more complex than ever.” He called for strengthening “awareness of suffering” (忧患意识); adhering to “bottom-line thinking” (底线思维); strengthening the will to fight; using the “correct strategic policy” to respond to the situation, cultivate new opportunities, and make fresh progress; and relying on “tenacious struggle” to open up a new world of development for major projects. Xi added that the most fundamental thing is to “manage our own affairs well.” Later in his remarks, Xi emphasized adhering to the guidance of the “latest achievements in [the] sinicization and modernization of Marxism,” strengthening self-confidence in the “path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics,” continuing to coordinate and promote the “five in one” (五位一体) overall arrangement, and coordinating and promoting the “four comprehensives” (四个全面) strategic arrangement.

Looking back, Xi called the past five years since the 19th Party Congress “extremely unusual and extraordinary” and commended the CCP Central Committee for a variety of achievements during this period, including in its poverty alleviation work, pandemic prevention and control work, governance of the special administrative regions and implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, strengthening the tightening of discipline and improving party conduct (正风肃纪), and promoting “not daring to be corrupt, being unable to engage in corruption, and not wanting to be corrupt” (不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐), among others. He further stated that the continuous formation and development of a “good political ecology” (政治生态) provides a “strong political guarantee for the development of various undertakings of the Party and the country.” Xi then reviewed the past ten years since the 18th Party Congress, with highlighted achievements including achieving a “series of landmark results,” overcoming many “long-term unsolved problems,” accomplishing many “long-term important events,” and historic achievements gained through withstanding challenges and risks in political, economic, ideological, natural, and other areas. However, despite the achievements thus far, Xi warned that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation (中华民族伟大复兴) cannot be achieved easily and by “beating gongs and drums” (敲锣打鼓), and so China must have the courage to “carry out a great struggle with many new historical characteristics” and “be prepared to make even more arduous efforts.”

Looking forward, Xi called for the 20th Party Congress to split the general strategic plan into two steps: 2020 to 2035, during which the modernization of socialism is basically realized; and 2035 to mid-21st century, in which China will be built into a “great modern socialist nation that is prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious, and beautiful.” During the next five years, he called for the 20th Party Congress to focus on the problem of “unbalanced and insufficient development,” making up for shortcomings, consolidating the bottom line, promoting advantages, and studying and proposing new ideas and new measures to solve problems. Lastly, in order to consolidate its long-term ruling position, Xi called for the Party to remain sober and firm in “taking the test” (赶考), “always win the heartfelt support of the people,” never relax in the management of the Party, and lead social revolution with the Party’s “self-revolution” (自我革命).

State Council Premier and Politburo Standing Committee Member Li Keqiang (李克强) presided over the meeting; Politburo Standing Committee Members Li Zhanshu (栗战书), Wang Yang (汪洋), Wang Huning (王沪宁), Zhao Leji (赵乐际), and Han Zheng (韩正), as well as Vice President Wang Qishan (王岐山) also attended.

Guided by Xi Jinping’s Important Discourse on the Three Rural Issues, Strive to Comprehensively Promote a New Situation for Rural Revitalization

7.28 Politburo Member and Vice Premier Hu Chunhua (胡春华) published an article in People’s Daily on rural revitalization (乡村振兴), consisting of three sections. Hu began by stating that Xi Jinping’s discourse on the“three rural issues” (三农) provides important practical and theoretical guidance and should be implemented as a “major political task” (重大政治任务). Hu emphasized the importance of the “two establishes” (两个确立), strengthening the “four consciousnesses” (四个意识), consolidating the “four confidences” (四个自信), and achieving the “two defends” (两个维护). Hu discussed several objectives related to the “three rural issues” that should be realized.

First, Hu stressed understanding the significance of Xi Jinping’s discourse on the Three Rural Issues. Hu emphasized that the “three rural issues” have been important to the Party since its inception and “an important line throughout each historical era of revolution, construction and reform.” He also emphasized that Xi Jinping’s discourse on the “three rural issues” is a continuation of this line, and has “drawn upon wisdom derived from history.” Xi’s discourse also represents the “the inheritance and continuation of the Party’s excellent traditions, important principles, and basic experience in rural work.” Hu proceeded to expand upon the “theoretical significance” of the “three rural issues,” and explain that they constitute an “important part of Xi Jinping’s Thoughts on Socialism for the New Era.”

Hu then explained the content and meaning of Xi’s discourse on the topic. Hu emphasized that it is necessary to accelerate modernization in rural areas, “insist on the ‘three rural issues’ as the Party’s top priority, prioritize further development in agriculture and rural areas in modernization, and take rural revitalization as a major task to achieve national rejuvenation.” Hu stressed that domestic food security is integral, and that securing a steady supply of grain and other important agricultural goods will be a “primary task” for the Party. Hu stated that “we will channel energy into resolving harmful issues related to seeding and arable farmland, ensure reasonable incomes for grain farmers, stand on our own feet to properly grasp the domestic production of grain and agricultural products, and address uncertainty in the external environment by ensuring steady domestic production and supply.” Hu proceeded to discuss the Party’s poverty-alleviation strategies, emphasizing that Xi has “personally taken command, personally went out to battle, and personally supervised the war” against poverty. Hu emphasized that it was important to link poverty alleviation efforts to rural revitalization efforts and to “continuously lessen the development and income gap.” Hu then emphasized adherence to the path of “common prosperity” (共同富裕), pointing out that Xi Jinping had once been a rural resident himself and carries an “emotional tie to rural people” (农民情结). Xi has “consistently kept the interests of farmers in mind,” and measures progress in rural work by whether farmers have seen their incomes increase. Hu also emphasized the promotion of green agriculture and the need to promote “ecological industrialization” (生态产业化). Hu proceeded to discuss the importance of construction in rural areas to farmers, including better living conditions, infrastructure, and public services. Hu also emphasized that “we must definitely not be hot-headed” and “disregard the desires of rural people in big demolition or construction” activity, or forcibly evict residents from villages. Hu then discussed the importance of improving the rural governance system, stating that Party organizations should spearhead efforts to provide farmers “organizational guidance, social services, and [opportunities for] democratic participation.” Afterwards, Hu discussed the significance of rural reform, noting that Xi Jinping has personally taken action to reform the process of rural land contracting and the rural collective property rights system (农村集体产权制度). He proceeded to stress that Xi Jinping’s discourse on the “three rural issues” had “indicated the direction forward for strengthening the Party’s leadership of rural work,” and that improvements should be made to bolster a“comprehensive and unified leadership system for rural work.”

Finally, Hu discussed putting Xi’s discourse into practice. He began this section by emphasizing the importance of adhering to the basic laws behind the “three rural issues,” and stressed that “we must persist in protecting the material interests and democratic rights of farmers.” Hu then states that “it is necessary to study Xi’s discourse on the three rural issues and make it mandatory in the training of Party cadres.” Hu concludes by stating that “we must adhere to the two bottom lines (两条底线) of guaranteeing food security and avoiding mass returns to poverty, do a good job in the key point of rural revitalization, ensure that there is comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization and that there is new progress and results achieved, and take real action to welcome the opening of the 20th Party Congress.”

Xi Jinping Presides Over Politburo Meeting

7.28 A Politburo meeting analyzed the current economic situation, deployed economic policies for the second half of the year, and approved the “Summary Report on the Status of the 19th Central Committee’s Ninth Round of Inspections.” The meeting said that work in the latter half of the year must focus on seeking progress while maintaining stability (稳中求进); full implementation of the new development concept, new development pattern, and “high-quality development”; consolidation of trends towards economic recovery; stabilization of employment and prices; and maintaining a “reasonable interval” for the economy’s operation. The meeting reaffirmed that “persistence is victory” against the coronavirus pandemic, and the relationship between pandemic measures and socioeconomic development must be viewed “comprehensively, systematically, and in the long-term,” particularly considering the “political cost” (政治账). It stressed maintaining current pandemic policies including a “dynamic zero” (动态清零) strategy, promptly and strictly responding to outbreaks, implementing Central Committee policies, protecting the resumption of key economic and social functions, and continuing research on variant tracking, medication, and vaccines. Returning to the topic of the economy, the Politburo discussed aspects of economic, fiscal, and monetary policy including enlarging demand, the proper use of and restrictions on local government bonds, maintaining adequate liquidity, credit support to enterprises, and improvements to the supply chain. It discussed risk prevention in areas such as food safety, energy supply, the housing market, financial markets, and local “village banks” (村镇银行) and stressed continued reform and international trade, with reforms particularly concerning standardization and supervision of the “platform economy." The Politburo emphasized protection of people’s livelihoods, highlighting protection of vulnerable groups and employment of “key groups” like university graduates, and called for more enthusiasm and ambition from local governments and enterprises regarding economic development. Finally, the Politburo praised the work and the positive findings of the ninth round of inspections, while also discussing its negative findings and calling for more disciplined, loyal, responsible, and effective governance.

Xi Jinping: Thoroughly Implement Strategy for Military Talent Cultivation for Building a Strong Army in the New Era, Make Better Use of the Guiding and Supportive Role of Talent for Stronger-Army Undertakings

7.29 Prior to the 95th anniversary of the People’s Liberation Army on 1 August, Xi Jinping addressed a Politburo collective study session on the strategy for military talent cultivation for building a strong army in the new era (新时代人才强军战略). Xi stressed that military talent cultivation and improving relevant administrative systems was important to the Party’s goal of building a strong and “world class” army, calling for continued study of the November 2021 Central Conference on Talent-Related Work. Xi noted that since the 18th Party Congress, the Central Committee and Central Military Commission had placed a higher priority on talent cultivation, revitalized the Party’s political management of talent, improved the composition of talent corps, deepened reforms to the human resources system, and improved the scope and integration of talent fields. Xi said that due to international unrest and greater instability and uncertainty of China’s national security, the core task (中心任务) of the military in the next five years was to reach the “centenary goal for military establishment” (建军一百年奋斗目标), requiring the military to strengthen its awareness of suffering (忧患意识), sense of responsibility, and initiative to improve talent work. Xi called for further development of talent cultivation including better grasping the characteristics and nature of military careers and talent, improving the targeted focus and effectiveness of talent work, and ensuring talent cultivation meets needs related to strengthening the military. He stressed political aspects of this work and ensuring that the Party’s “absolute leadership of the military” is incorporated through the entire process; focusing on warfighting capabilities and improving relevant and timely preparations and supply support; and strengthening knowledge, innovation, and usage of modern technologies. Xi called for various improvements to the recruitment, training, and management of military talent, such as reforms to military academies and improved planning for many types of professional development. Xi stressed that Party and state officials at all levels need to cooperate with and support military development through policies like support for military dependents’ employment and provision of veterans’ benefits.


Propaganda Work

Zhong Hualun: Respond to the Task of the Times, Light the Journey of Rejuvenation

7.24 A commentary from Zhong Hualun (钟华论), a pen name for Xinhua News Agency’s authoritative commentaries focused on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era (习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想, hereafter referred to as “Xi Jinping thought”), praised various aspects of this ideology and accomplishments made under Xi’s leadership. The commentary said that Xi Jinping thought answered key questions about the characteristics and development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, a strong, modernized socialist nation, and a long-ruling Marxist party. It noted that the Historic Resolution passed by the Sixth Plenum of the 19th Central Committee set Xi Jinping and Xi Jinping thought’s core position for the Party and Central Committee (the “two establishes,” 两个确立), claiming this reflected the entire Party and nation’s will and held “decisive significance” for the Party-state’s undertakings and the process of national rejuvenation. It declared that under “the leadership of the Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core” and the guidance of Xi Jinping thought, China was “bound to win even greater victory and glory” in the struggle to realize the second centenary goal and realize national rejuvenation.

The commentary praised Xi Jinping thought as the “fruit” of the seed planted by Marx, experiencing the winds and rain of the various eras of the Chinese Communist Party’s history while being nourished through Chinese traditional culture. It explained that Xi Jinping’s announcement of a “new era” at the 19th Party Congress implied the transition from “standing up and growing rich” to “growing strong” and welcoming the prospect of national rejuvenation, suggesting new hopes for China’s development and global stature. It also noted Xi’s focus on the “Chinese characteristics” of socialism with Chinese characteristics, seen in Xi’s formulation of the “four confidences” (四个自信, confidence in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics) and the “Chinese dream” (中国梦). It discussed some of the characteristics of Xi Jinping thought, such as Xi’s understanding of “the laws of history” and focus on environmentalism, and praised accomplishments made under Xi’s leadership that support national rejuvenation, namely, improving and reforming China’s system of governance; pursuing economic growth, ending absolute poverty, and improving living conditions and the environment; and promoting core socialist values, the “vitality of Chinese civilization” for innovation, consciousness of Chinese communal [identity] (中华民族共同体意识), shared global values, and other aspects of national “spiritual strength.” It noted that future prospects were bright, but would require difficult struggle to reach, saying quotes from Xi on the next “chapter” of socialism with Chinese characteristics showed “the will of China’s navigator in a new era (新时代中国领航人) is staunch.” The commentary then praised the analysis and plans of the Central Committee (led by Xi and since Xi took office) based on China’s domestic and international situation to achieve national rejuvenation and “socialist modernization.” Giving examples of successful policies, it said that “using Chinese-style modernization (中国式现代化) to advance the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation” was a “grand blueprint for advancing socialist modernization,” “imparted distinctly Chinese characteristics to modernization,” made “a strategic choice to guarantee stable and long-term development,” and set out on a “road of modernization benefitting the world.” The commentary devoted its final section to praising Xi Jinping’s emphasis on the Party’s “self-revolution” (自我革命), strict internal governance, and anti-corruption efforts as a means to ensure the Party’s ruling status. In conclusion, it called for unity under the guidance of Xi Jinping thought, “welcoming the 20th Party Congress with concrete action,” and striving to advance towards the second centenary goal and the achievement of national rejuvenation.


United Front Work

Symposium on the 30th Anniversary of the ‘1992 Consensus’ Held in Beijing; Wang Yang Attends and Gives Speech

7.26 CCP Politburo Standing Committee member and CPPCC National Committee Chair Wang Yang (汪洋) attended and addressed a symposium for the 30th anniversary of the “1992 consensus” (九二共识) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Wang stated that “promoting the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and advancing the process of the peaceful reunification of the motherland is the common aspiration of all the sons and daughters of China and the basic position of the CCP on resolving the Taiwan issue.” He called for “adhering to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era, implementing the Party’s overall strategy for resolving the Taiwan issue in the new era (新时代党解决台湾问题的总体方略), broadly uniting the sons and daughters of China at home and abroad, adhering to the one-China principle (一个中国原则) and the ‘1992 consensus,’ jointly initiating the great historical undertaking of the reunification of the motherland, and sharing in the greatness and glory of national rejuvenation.” Wang praised “the Chinese people on both sides of the Strait” for supposedly reaching the consensus, and said that the “core essentials” of this consensus are that “both sides of the Strait belong to one China and will work together to seek national reunification.” He stressed that “no one and no force can negate or distort” this consensus and that the consensus had “clarified the fundamental nature of cross-Strait relations and laid the political foundation for the development of cross-Strait relations.”

Wang stated that “By adhering to the ‘1992 consensus’ and endorsing the one-China principle, cross-Strait relations can improve and develop, and Taiwan compatriots can benefit. [However,] by denying the ‘1992 consensus’ and deviating from the one-China principle, cross-Strait relations will [experience] tensions and turmoil, and the vital interests of Taiwan compatriots will be harmed.” Wang also said that adhering to the consensus reflects popular opinion on both sides of the Strait, safeguards “the interests of compatriots on both sides of the Strait,” and defends the”achievements of the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations.” He added that China is “willing to strive for the prospect of peaceful reunification with the greatest sincerity and the greatest efforts”; that it is “willing to carry out dialogue, communication, and democratic consultation with all parties, groups, and individuals on cross-Strait political issues and the relevant issues of advancing the peaceful reunification of the motherland”; and that it “welcomes and supports all advocacy and efforts beneficial to developing cross-Strait relations and promoting the process of the reunification of the motherland.” He asserted that “‘Taiwan independence’ secession is the greatest obstacle to the reunification of the motherland and a serious hidden danger to national rejuvenation. The Taiwan authorities refuse to recognize the ‘1992 consensus,’ and some countries indulge and instigate ‘Taiwan independence’ splittist forces to cause trouble and provocations. If [these trends] continue to develop, [they] will only push Taiwan toward an abyss of disaster and bring grave harm to the vast number of Taiwan compatriots.” He concluded by stating that “no one and no force should underestimate the Chinese people’s strong determination, firm willpower, and great ability to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity. The vast number of Taiwan compatriots must deeply understand the truth that reunification has benefits,‘Taiwan independence’ is a dead-end road (绝路), and outsiders are unreliable and [these compatriots must] act as upstanding (堂堂正正) Chinese people.”


Party Discipline

The 19th Central Committee Ninth Round of Inspections Completes Giving Feedback

7.18 The Central Leading Group for Inspection Work (中央巡视工作领导小组) held a meeting to review the ninth round of inspections under the 19th Central Committee. Between 19 July and 22 July, fifteen inspection teams provided individual feedback to central and state organs that were subject to inspection. Their feedback emphasized that “all Party groups (党组) of the [inspected] central and state organs have persistently adhered to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, continuously strengthened the ‘four consciousnesses’ (四个意识), consolidated the ‘four confidences’ (四个自信), and achieved the ‘two defends’ (两个维护).” The inspections found that overall, Party and state organs are being “earnestly responsible” and are in a “positive and motivated state.” There were, however, problems that were discovered during inspections. These include “insufficient strengthening of political construction, not enough in-depth learning of the Party’s innovative theories, insufficient practical implementation of the Central Committee’s strategic decisions and deployments, and unfamiliarity with functional responsibilities and new demands from the new era.” There are also problems related to “preventing and eliminating risks,” and the “two responsibilities” (两个责任) for strict Party governance have not been sufficiently implemented. Feedback further emphasized that in some “key areas and positions, there are risks associated with integrity, the ‘four winds’ (四风) issue still happens, the implementation of the Party’s organizational line in the new era is not sufficiently in place, and there are weak links (薄弱环节) among leaders, talented cadres, and grass-roots Party construction.” To improve, feedback highlighted that all inspected units should “study and implement the spirit of general Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech when hearing reports on the status of inspection work ; follow and do a good job of the ‘three examples’ (三个表率) and meet demand to construct a ‘model agency’ (模范机关); take another step to strengthen political construction; continuously improve the system of governance and the modernization of governance capabilities; take up the political responsibilities of preventing and eliminating risks; and seriously investigate corruption problems.” The feedback stressed that all units should implement the Central Committee’s “Opinions on Strengthening Monitoring, Rectification, and Application of Results.” All those inspected should also “make good use of inspection results, bolster investigation and research into common problems found by inspections, promote the improvement of the system, and deeply treat both symptoms and root causes,” among other actions. Lastly, feedback identified some “problems with leading cadres.” Those in question have been referred to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI), National Supervisory Commission (NSC), and the Central Organization Department, among other relevant agencies.


International Liaison Work

7.24 CCP International Department (CCP/ID) Head Liu Jianchao (刘建超) met with the Chairman of the Mongolian People’s Party and Prime Minister of Mongolia Luvsannamsrain Oyun-Erdene.

7.26 CCP/ID Deputy Head Qian Hongshan (钱洪山) met with the Ambassador to the PRC from Switzerland, Bernardino Regazzoni.

7.27 CCP/ID Assistant Head Li Mingxiang (李明祥) participated in an online seminar with former Minister of Health and Child Welfare from Zimbabwe, David Parirenyatwa.

7.27 Qian Hongshan held a video call with Russia’s First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Foreign Affairs, Dmitry Novikov.

7.28 CCP/ID Deputy Head Chen Zhou (陈洲) delivered a keynote speech at an awards ceremony attended by representatives from fourteen left-wing political parties based in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka.

7.28 Qian Hongshan held a video call with the Deputy Speaker of Moldova’s Parliament and Executive Secretary of the Party of Socialists, Vlad Batrîncea.

7.28 The CCP/ID held a conference with more than one hundred governing Marxist political parties from more than seventy countries. Liu Jianchao addressed the conference and read a letter to the attendees from Xi Jinping.

7.28 Liu Jianchao met with Serbian Ambassador to the PRC, Maja Stefanović.

7.29 Liu Jianchao met with a group of diplomatic envoys to the PRC from several unspecified Latin American and Caribbean nations.


Organization Work

7.26 Shen Hongbing (沈洪兵) was appointed director of the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

7.28 The Party Central Committee and state ministries announced their list of 293 delegates to the 20th Party Congress, who were elected on 19 July.

7.29 Jin Zhuanglong (金壮龙) was appointed party secretary of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), replacing Xiao Yaqing (肖亚庆), who is now under investigation by the CCDI and NSC on suspicion of “violating law and discipline.”

7.29 Wang Xiangxi (王祥喜) was appointed party secretary of the Ministry of Emergency Management.


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