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Weekly Report 4|95 11.5.22-11.11.22



Politburo member, State Councilor, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi published an article in People’s Daily on major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics (中国特色大国外交). (See Senior Leaders section)

Politburo Member, Secretary of the Central Committee Secretariat, and Central Propaganda Department Minister Li Shulei published an article in People’s Daily calling for increased work to build up China as a “socialist cultural power.” (See Propaganda Work section)

The Politburo Standing Committee met and heard reports on the status of pandemic prevention and control work, discussing the current situation of the pandemic and how to “optimize” relevant measures. (See Senior Leaders section)


Senior Leaders

Wang Yi: Comprehensively Promote Major-Country Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics

11.8 Politburo member, State Councilor, and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi (王毅) published an article in People’s Daily on “major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics” (中国特色大国外交). The article emphasized that the 20th Party Congress Report included a “concise outline” (精练概括) of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics and proposed a series of “important arguments” (重要论断) and “strategic deployments” (战略部署). It emphasized the importance of “seriously comprehending the spirit of the Report,” studying Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, and “unswervingly forging a new situation for major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.” The article proceeded to emphasize five areas of focus. First, it emphasized how promoting major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics is a necessary requirement for the development of the Party and country’s work in the new era. It stressed that to realize the “great rejuvenation of the nation, it is necessary to advance major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.” It highlighted that there are currently “risks and challenges” in the country’s development, and that great rejuvenation will “inevitably be coupled” with a “great struggle” (伟大斗争) with novel “historical characteristics.” It noted problems such as “unilateralism, protectionism, and hegemonism” and how the world has entered a “period of turmoil and change” (动荡变革期). It cited Xi Jinping’s statement that the “world is so big, there are so many problems; the international community looks forward to hearing China’s voice [and] seeing China’s plans.” It asserted that it is necessary to cooperate with other countries to achieve peace and development and construct a “common future for all mankind.” Second, the article emphasized the necessity of consolidating “groundbreaking and historical achievements” for major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. It noted that the Party’s “unified and centralized” leadership over external work has been strengthened; that China now plays a “central role” (中流作用) in international affairs via the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Global Security Initiative (GSI), Global Development Initiative (GDI); and how China’s diplomatic network has increased, citing Xi Jinping’s numerous overseas visits, new strategic partnerships, and increased solidarity and cooperation with developing countries. It proceeded to emphasize the protection of national “core interests,” noting issues including Beijing’s success in building and resuming diplomatic ties with “nine of the Taiwan region’s ‘diplomatic allies’” and stating that Beijing will “forcefully strike against the arrogance of ‘Taiwan independence’ splittist forces.” It further stressed that Beijing will “successively frustrate different kinds of attacks and smears (攻击抹黑) launched against our country that relate to [issues] like Taiwan, Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Tibet, the pandemic, and human rights.”

Third, it emphasized the use of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy (习近平外交思想). It stressed adhering to socialism with Chinese characteristics, a path of peaceful development, advancing “Chinese-style modernization,” and promoting a new type of international relations. Fourth, it emphasized the promotion of a community of shared future for all humankind (人类命运共同体) and safeguarding “international fairness and justice.” It stressed that China continues to adhere to an “independent and peaceful foreign policy” and that China “opposes Cold War thinking (冷战思维), interference in internal affairs by other countries, and double-standards.” It emphasized that “we will firmly defend the country’s unification and territorial integrity” and that “any external force” which provokes China on the matter will be confronted head-on (迎头痛击). It proceeded to state the importance of continued economic globalization and promoting “trade and investment liberalization.” It emphasized further promoting organizations and mechanisms such as the WTO, APEC, Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and BRICS in addition to “strengthening” the “voice and representation” of developing countries in global affairs. It further stated the importance of “actively participating in the setting of global security rules, strengthening international security cooperation, actively participating in UN peacekeeping operations” and participating in “global governance of climate change.” Lastly, the article emphasized uniting around the Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core and the need to “deeply comprehend the decisive significance of the ‘two establishes’ (两个确立), strengthen the ‘four consciousnesses’ (四个意识), persisting in the ‘four confidences’ (四个自信) and achieving the ‘two defends’ (两个维护).”

Xi Jinping Inspects Joint Operations Command Center, Stresses Implementation of the Spirit of the 20th Party Congress and the Comprehensive Strengthening of Troop Training and Preparedness

11.8 Xi Jinping inspected the Joint Operations Command Center (联合作战指挥中心) of the Central Military Commission (CMC). His inspection emphasized the implementation of the spirit of the 20th Party Congress and showed a “clear attitude” to “comprehensively strengthen military training and combat readiness.” Xi emphasized that the entire military should focus its energy and devote all strength to fighting wars, accelerate the improvement of capabilities that will enable victory in wars, and effectively fulfill the military missions and tasks of the new era. Xi pointed out that the 20th Party Congress emphasized the construction of a modern, socialist country and the national rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, proposed strategic deployments (战略部署) for national defense and military construction, and stressed the need to “realize the centenary struggle goal for military establishment (建军一百年奋斗目标) as scheduled.” Xi emphasized the need to use “practical actions” to forge new grounds for national defense and military modernization. Xi stressed that currently, the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century, “instability and uncertainty” in the country’s “security situation” is increasing, and the task of “military struggle” (军事斗争) is more arduous and burdensome. In this context, Xi emphasized the the importance of implementing “[Xi Jinping] Thought on Strengthening the Military” for the new era, implementing a strategic military policy (军事战略方针) for the new era, and upholding a “basic standard” for fighting capacity. Xi further emphasized “firmly defending the country’s sovereignty, security, and development interests.” Xi proceeded to state that the Joint Operations Command Center plays an “important support” role to the Party Central Committee and the CMC and occupies an “important position” with “heavy responsibilities.” He stressed that it is integral to work hard to construct a completely loyal “strategic command mechanism” (战略指挥机构) that is efficient in command and resourceful in fighting.

CMC Vice-Chairpersons Zhang Youxia (张又侠) and He Weidong (何卫东), in addition to CMC Members Li Shangfu (李尚福), Liu Zhenli (刘振立), Miao Hua (苗华), and Zhang Shengmin (张升民), accompanied Xi during his inspection.

Xi Sends Congratulatory Letter to the 2022 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit

11.9 Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the World Internet Conference, also known as the Wuzhen Summit. Xi emphasized that in the current era “digital technologies” constitute the “leading force” of the “world’s technology revolution (世界科技革命) and industrial transformation.” Xi emphasized that digital technologies are becoming increasingly integrated into all areas of economic and social development, that they are “deeply changing” modes of production, people’s way of life, and approaches to societal governance. Xi stated that “confronting the opportunities and challenges” presented by digitization will require the international community to “strengthen dialogue and exchanges, deepen practical cooperation, and join hands to construct a cyberspace that is more fair and reasonable, open and inclusive, secure and stable, and rich and vital.” Xi stressed that China is willing to work with other countries to jointly construct and share in digital resources and consolidate “precise and effective digital governance” and a “guarantee of digital security.” Xi proceeded to state the importance of “accelerating the construction of a cyberspace community of a shared future” and “contributing [China’s] wisdom and strength” to world peace and development.

Politburo Standing Committee Convenes

11.10 The Politburo Standing Committee met and heard reports on the status of pandemic prevention and control work, then proposed 20 measures to “further optimize” this work, which were published the following day by the State Council Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism. Xi Jinping also delivered an “important speech,” the contents of which were not detailed in Xinhua’s summary. The Politburo Standing Committee members noted that the COVID-19 virus continues to mutate, that the global pandemic is still in a state of transmission, and that domestic outbreaks in China have continued. Noting conditions including China’s large number of vulnerable groups and insufficient healthcare resources, regional outbreaks, viral mutations, and seasonal factors, the members stated that the scale and scope of COVID-19’s spread may further expand, necessitating the continued seriousness of pandemic prevention and control work. They emphasized full and accurate implementation of the Central Committee’s decisions; staunch continuation of the “protecting against imported cases and domestic resurgences” (外防输入、内防反弹) strategy and “dynamic zero” (动态清零) general policy; control of the pandemic, stabilization of the economy, and security of development; coordinating pandemic prevention and control with socioeconomic development; and protecting the peoples’ lives and health to the greatest extent possible while limiting the pandemic’s impact on socioeconomic development to the greatest extent possible.

The Politburo Standing Committee then discussed the correct approach to pandemic prevention and control, stressing rapid action, including the “four earlies” (四早), to prevent the pandemic’s spread; focus on stamping out major outbreaks; and more “firm, determined measures” to halt the pandemic’s spread and impact on daily life. It called for maintaining “scientifically precise” measures, increasing the effectiveness of pandemic work, correctly analyzing the risks of the pandemic, and optimizing and improving the precision of measures such as quarantining, nucleic acid testing, healthcare services, and vaccination. It emphasized improving the effectiveness, precision, and widespread adoption (particularly among “key communities”) of vaccines. It also called for strengthening “analytic judgment,” avoiding slackening off in pandemic controls while also opposing an “irresponsible attitude,” overcoming formalism and bureaucracy, and not enacting “adjust as you go” (层层加码) or “one-size fits all” (一刀切) measures. It also stressed protecting the people’s basic livelihoods and social services, such as providing for their daily needs, ensuring the ability to seek medical treatment, and offering additional assistance to the elderly, sick, and disabled. Finally, the Politburo Standing Committee called for the Party-state to unite around the decisions of the Central Committee, to fully recognize the difficulty and gravity of their struggle against the pandemic, to strengthen their “ability to struggle” and redouble their efforts, to provide “ideological guidance and psychological clarification” (思想引导和心理疏导), and to win the war of “normalized (常态化) pandemic prevention and control.”


Propaganda Work

Uphold International Fairness and Justice, Fairness is in the Hearts of the People

11.7 People’s Daily published a Zhong Sheng (钟声) commentary criticizing Xinjiang-related “attacks” on China by the US and other Western countries. The commentary stated that in response to the United States and a small number of Western countries “attacking” China over Xinjiang at the Third Committee of the 77th UN General Assembly, almost 100 countries have “voiced justice” and expressed “understanding and support of China’s legitimate position.” It asserted that the international community, particularly developing countries, “oppose the politicization of human rights issues” and that the US and other countries would never succeed in their plot to “smear, suppress, and contain China.” The commentary noted that last month, the US and select Western countries used the Xinjiang issue to “cause trouble by starting rumors” (造谣生事) and tried to pass a resolution in an attempt to “use UN human rights organs” to “interfere in China’s internal affairs.” It stated that such efforts were “strongly opposed” (强烈反对) by the majority of developing member-countries. It noted, for example, that Cuban representatives made a speech on behalf of 66 countries expressing opposition to the politicization of human rights issues and the use of human rights excuses to “interfere in China’s internal affairs.” 30 other countries have also allegedly issued independent statements supporting China. It stated that regardless of how the US and select Western countries “package” Xinjiang-related “lies,” they will never be able to change the “truth” about the historical progress made in Xinjiang in regards to human rights or conceal their “treacherous plot” (阴险图谋) to use the Xinjiang issue to “destroy China’s stability and thwart China’s development.” It stated that the reason their provocations will fail is because these countries practice “double standards” on human rights issues. It said that these countries are “keen to use human rights issues to attack and smear other countries” but “pretend to be deaf and dumb” when it comes to their own human rights issues, pointing out that they virtually ignored “human rights crises in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, among others” and “turned a blind eye” (熟视无睹) to domestic problems. It pointed out, for example, problems in the US related to high inflation, the spillover of the energy crisis, the deterioration of social security, the intensification of political and social polarization, and people’s livelihoods becoming increasingly arduous. It stated that the international community “clearly recognizes” that the “baseless attacks” (无端攻击) against China on Xinjiang-related issues by the US and select Western countries constitute a “challenge to basic principles of international relations and international fairness and justice” and is also a “serious provocation” against each country’s mutual interests. It emphasized that in the contemporary world, hegemonic efforts to “bully the weak (恃强凌弱), use tricks to scam others (巧取豪夺), and engage in zero-sum games (零和博弈)” are causing “serious damage.” It urged the US and these countries to “get off their high horse” in acting like a “teacher” (教师爷), stop engaging in political manipulation (政治操弄), and instead “deeply reflect” on their own “serious human rights issues” and the “human rights disasters” (人权灾难) they have created for other countries.

People’s Daily Commentary Department: Deeply Understand the Chinese Characteristics and Essential Requirements of Chinese-Style Modernization

People’s Daily’s Commentary Department continued its series of commentaries discussing the five main characteristics of “Chinese-style modernization” (中国式现代化) as identified by Xi Jinping in the 20th Party Congress Report.

7 November’s commentary, “This is the Modernization of All People’s Common Prosperity,” discussed how Chinese-style modernization focuses on “common prosperity” (共同富裕). The commentary opened by describing the beneficial long-term impact of an anti-poverty relocation program Xi implemented in 1997 as deputy party secretary of Fujian province, using this as an example of successful “common prosperity.” It noted Xi and the Central Committee’s prioritization of the concept since the 18th Party Congress, accomplishments in anti-poverty work, and current “favorable conditions” to achieve common prosperity. The commentary pointed out that while all countries seek prosperity through modernization, inequality has only worsened over the centuries in many developed countries. In contrast, China will pursue development and modernization which all its people can contribute to and benefit from, take the people’s wishes for a good life (美好生活) as a focal point of modernization, and demonstrate China’s advancement of human civilization and realization of values. The commentary explained that this means both increasing the benefits of development and allocating them more fairly by “properly managing the relationship between [market] efficiency and fairness (效率与公平)” to address issues caused by uneven or insufficient development. It then noted that achieving common prosperity would be a difficult and long-term task, calling on readers to accurately assess the challenges this goal faces, ensure sustainable economic and financial foundations for improving the people’s lives, and make practical, steady progress in encouraging local experimentation and diverse approaches.

8 November’s commentary, “This is Modernization Which Coordinates Material and Spiritual Civilization,” discussed the cultural components of Chinese-style modernization, beginning with praise for state-sponsored media such as the film “The Battle at Lake Changjin” (长津湖) and the television series “Navigator” (领航). The commentary explained that accomplishing national rejuvenation would require both material and spiritual strength, and neither modernization nor socialism could be materially and spiritually deficient. It emphasized that development of material civilization is critical for the Party to maintain power and rejuvenate the nation (执政兴国), serves as the “master key” (总钥匙) to resolve all problems, and serves as the foundation for China to stand on its own in the world. Noting that China has developed a more solid material foundation, it said that the bar for material civilization had been raised and the contradiction between the people’s growing needs and uneven or insufficient development must be solved. The commentary then discussed the importance of spiritual civilization, explaining that material wealth without spiritual purpose causes problems, including a single-minded focus on wealth, for countries. It noted the Party and state’s actions in the past ten years to encourage spiritual civilization, such as celebrating role models, martyrs, and the anniversaries of the Party and state’s founding; promoting the development of “China’s excellent traditional culture” (中华优秀传统文化); building China’s international messaging ability; and advancing intercultural exchanges. The commentary then emphasized the importance of both implementing development strategies and ensuring the public’s growing spiritual needs are met. It stated that on the “new journey,” material and spiritual civilization would mutually benefit each other, cultural confidence will coexist with openness and tolerance, and scientific innovation and traditional culture will enrich each other. It stressed the importance of having guiding values, cultural cohesion, and spiritual motivation for achieving national rejuvenation through Chinese-style modernization.

9 November’s commentary, “This is Modernization With Peaceful Symbiosis Between People and Nature,” discussed the ecological principles of Chinese-style modernization, noting that the natural environment is necessary for humanity and its development. It praised Xi and the Central Committee’s efforts to incorporate “construction of an ecological civilization” into ideology, law, government systems, organizations, and work style, achieving substantial results in ecological development and conservation. The commentary stated that most developed Western countries had followed a “first pollute, then clean up” model of industrialization, whereas China has refused to dismiss environmental concerns and pursued ecologically sustainable development over the past ten years. It stressed that China’s modernization must include both material and ecological development, explaining that this did not mean less development, but higher-quality, green development. The commentary highlighted phrases in the 20th Party Congress Report setting the direction for environmental policy, such as “actively and steadily promote peak-carbon and carbon neutrality.” It called for implementation of these and other environmental goals, the “spirit of the 20th Party Congress,” and “Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization.”

10 November’s commentary, “This is Modernization Which Takes the Road of Peaceful Development,” emphasized China’s contributions to international development as part of Chinese-style modernization. It emphasized that since the 18th Party Congress, under the leadership of “the Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core,” China has upheld world peace and promoted the construction of a “community of shared future.” It stated that China has grown from being a “poor and weak” (积贫积弱) country to becoming the world’s second-largest economy and that it did so not by relying on “external military expansion and colonial plundering (殖民掠夺),” but through the “diligence of the people and defending peace.” It highlighted “high-quality” construction via the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), new platforms for international cooperation such as the China International Import Expo, and invited other countries to board the “fast and convenient train” that is China’s development. It further stated that China would more “actively participate in UN peacekeeping operations” and spur a “constructive role in defending world peace and regional stability.” It noted, for example, that China has provided more than 2.2 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses to more than 120 countries and international organizations and announced that carbon usage will peak by 2030 and that carbon neutrality will be realized by 2060. Furthermore, it emphasized that Beijing has contributed “Chinese wisdom” and provided “Chinese solutions” in global governance. It proceeded to note that as of September this year, China has established diplomatic relations with 181 countries and partnerships with more than 110 countries and regional organizations. It stated that China’s “circle of friends” (朋友圈) is continually expanding. Lastly, the article emphasized that by “unswervingly walking the path of peaceful development” China can “inject new momentum for peaceful development in the cause of human and civilizational progress.”

11 November’s commentary, titled “Use Chinese-Style Modernization to Promote the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation,” was the final installment in the series. The commentary stressed the importance of understanding “Chinese-style modernization,” noting that this was a major “blueprint” from the 20th Party Congress, a summary of China and other countries’ historic experiences of modernization, and an important theoretical distillation of how China, as a large Asian nation, had modernized. It called for understanding and implementation of the concept in all aspects of work and a willingness to brave rains and wind on the path of Chinese-style modernization. It praised the suitability and potential of Chinese-style modernization as proven by past practice (particularly under Xi) and national conditions. It then claimed that the key to successful modernization and national rejuvenation as well as the most important characteristic of Chinese-style modernization was the Party’s leadership. It stressed unity with the Party and the “two upholds” (两个维护), the necessity of united struggle (团结奋斗), and the need to unite ideology and action with the “spirit of the 20th Party Congress” and the Central Committee’s decisions.

Li Shulei: Strengthen Spiritual Strength to Realize the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation

11.10 Politburo Member, Secretary of the Central Committee Secretariat, and Central Propaganda Department Minister Li Shulei (李书磊) published an article in People’s Daily calling for increased work to build up China as a “socialist cultural power” (社会主义文化强国). In the opening paragraph, Li claimed that “culture is the soul of a country and nation,” and if culture is prosperous and strong, then the “country will be prosperous” and the “nation will be strong.” He noted that Xi Jinping’s 20th Party Congress report “deeply grasped the laws of cultural construction and the role of culture in the new era and new journey” and made strategic plans for building a “socialist cultural power,” so as to provide the “fundamental basis for the new brilliance of socialist culture” and the enhancement of “spiritual power” to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation (中华民族伟大复兴).

Li then organized his article under three broad sections: First, cultural self-confidence and self-improvement is a “powerful spiritual force” for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation (中华民族伟大复). He noted that cultural self-confidence is the “most basic, deepest, and most lasting force in the development of a country or nation,” and is related to the rise and fall of national fortunes, cultural security, and national spiritual independence. Standing at “a new historical starting point,” Li called for viewing the important function of culture in promoting the progress of human civilization from the perspective of history, grasping the important role of culture in leading social change in the tide of the times, and bringing into full play the “important value of culture to create a better life” in the comprehensive development of humans. He stressed that comprehensively building a modern socialist power “inevitably requires building a socialist cultural power,” and without the prosperity of socialist culture, “there will be no socialist modernization.” Li noted that promoting the construction of a community of shared future for humankind (人类命运共同体) will also “inevitably require the continuous enhancement of Chinese culture.” He stated that the CCP has “created a new form of human civilization and expanded a new path for developing countries to modernize,” and have contributed “Chinese wisdom, Chinese solutions, and Chinese strength” to addressing common global challenges by “promoting the common values of all mankind and building a community with a shared future for mankind.” Li further noted that the closer China is to the goal of national rejuvenation and significantly improving its national status, the more it needs to enhance its soft power and “demonstrate the influence of Chinese culture, so that more people in the world can understand and share the Chinese spirit and Chinese values, so as to make new and greater contributions to the progress of human civilization.”

Second, firmly grasp the correct direction of socialist cultural construction. Li pointed out that the 20th Party Congress clarified the guiding principles and development path of cultural construction in the new era, and pointed out the correct direction for developing socialist culture with Chinese characteristics and building a socialist cultural power. He noted that Marxism is the fundamental guiding ideology of the Party and country, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is contemporary Chinese Marxism, as well as the essence of Chinese culture and spirit. Li called for adhering to the “double serves” (二为, the arts should serve the people and and socialism) and the “double-hundred” (双百, “let a hundred flowers bloom, and a hundred schools of thought contend”), as these are the key to determining the future and destiny of socialist cultural undertakings. He noted that it is necessary to correctly distinguish between “issues of political principles, issues of ideological understanding and issues of academic viewpoints,” and take a clear stand and resist all kinds of “erroneous viewpoints.”

Third, create a new brilliance of socialist culture in the construction of a cultural power. Li noted that the 20th Party Congress report set out clear requirements for “cultural construction in the new era and new journey” (新时代新征程文化建设), and that the Party must “stimulate the cultural innovation and creativity of the entire nation on the road of socialist cultural development with Chinese characteristics.” He pointed out that the Party must build socialist ideology with “strong cohesion and leadership”; fully grasp the Party’s leadership over ideological work; fully implement the responsibility system for ideological work (意识形态工作责任制); adhere to the Party’s management of ideology and the media; accelerate in-depth integration of media; strengthen the construction of an all-media communication system; shape a new pattern of mainstream public opinion; and continuously improve the dissemination, guidance, influence, and credibility of news and public opinion. Li stressed it was necessary to “grasp the initiative of the Internet, the main battlefield of ideological struggle”; strengthen the construction of Internet content; improve the comprehensive network governance system; and promote the formation of a “good network ecology” (良好网络生态). Lastly, he emphasized the need to “stick to the position of Chinese culture”; refine and display the spiritual identity and cultural essence of Chinese civilization; speed up the construction of Chinese discourse and a Chinese narrative system; tell Chinese stories well; spread Chinese voices well; “present a credible, lovely, and respectable image of China”; present the long history and cultural heritage of Chinese civilization in order to encourage the world to understand China, the Chinese people, the CCP, and the Chinese nation; strengthen the construction of international communication capacity; carry out in-depth cultural exchanges and cooperation with other countries; and promote Chinese culture globally.


Central Military Commission

Xu Qiliang: Achieve the Centenary Struggle Goal for Military Establishment on Schedule

11.7 State Central Military Commission (CMC) Vice-Chair Xu Qiliang (许其亮) published an article in People’s Daily calling for the study and implementation of the military-related goals in the 20th Party Congress Report. Xu first emphasized the People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) history of loyalty to the Party and people. He then summarized military accomplishments and developments since the 18th Party Congress, such as progress in major structural military reforms; military modernization; political and disciplinary work; more realistic training; opposition to foreign “provocations,” opposing Taiwan’s ‘independence,’ opposing terrorism, and preventing the “nibbling away” at China’s borders; accelerated weapons development, and so on, all of which can be fundamentally attributed to Xi’s “staunch leadership” as CMC chair and the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Strengthening the Military (习近平强军思想). Xu noted that the next five years would include the PLA’s centennial and stated that the PLA would be completely loyal to the Party and people, support national rejuvenation, and contribute to world peace, development, and progress. He stressed the importance of the centenary struggle goal for military establishment (建军一百年奋斗目标), explaining why this goal was “a major strategic decision for grasping the era’s requirements for a strong country and military,” “a major task related to national security and all development,” and “an extremely critical step in the ‘three-steps’ (三步走) development strategy to modernize national defense and the armed forces.” He stressed that the PLA needed to achieve this goal on schedule, stating that past progress under Xi, Xi Jinping’s command, and Xi Jinping Thought on Strengthening the Military would help in this process.

Xu then stated that accomplishing this goal would also require: 1. “Innovation of military strategy and combat command,” through actions like research into the impact of new technologies; 2. “Construction of a high-level strategic deterrent (战略威慑) and joint combat system,” involving increasing China’s deterrence capabilities in light of “great power games” (大国博弈) and improving command mechanisms; 3. “Strengthening military organizational structures (布局) in emerging fields (新兴领域),” namely by keeping pace with the influence of technological developments; 4. “Promoting the transformational upgrading of military training”; and 5. “Forming a good situation for the integrated advancement of combat, [military] construction, and preparations,” particularly on issues concerning national “core interests” such as opposing Taiwan “separatism” and foreign meddling. Xu then discussed key aspects of military development relevant to accomplishing the centenary goal. These included strengthening the “basic advantage of the Party’s absolute leadership of the PLA,” namely through conformity with ideological precepts including the “two establishes” (两个确立) and obedience to the CMC and its chair Xi Jinping; improving the quality and effectiveness of “strategic management” (战略管理), such as by improving the effectiveness of administrative functions and resource allocation; fully making use of reform and innovation in areas such as military theory, technology, organization, management, and culture; continuing to improve talent strategy; and consolidating and increasing the integration and capabilities of the “national strategic system” (国家战略体系), such as by coordinating development in strategically important fields and optimizing the production of defense technologies.


United Front Work

Wang Yang Attended the 24th Plenary Meeting of the 13th CPPCC Standing Committee

11.1 Politburo Standing Committee Member and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee Chair Wang Yang (汪洋) attended the 24th meeting of the 13th CPPCC Standing Committee. During their speeches, all members of the CPPCC Standing Committee expressed their support of the new Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core and voiced their agreement with the “grand blueprint” (宏伟蓝图) and important deployments (重大部署) made at the 20th Party Congress. They emphasized “seriously studying and advocating for the implementation of the spirit of the 20th Party Congress” and expressed they would “unite in struggle" (团结奋斗). The members of the Standing Committee discussed several topics including the “implementation of whole-process people’s democracy (全过程人民民主)”; using Chinese-style modernization (中国式现代化) to advance the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation; promoting innovation for “high-quality development”; uniting overseas Chinese, returned overseas Chinese, and Chinese students studying abroad; the “invigoration of the country through scientific education” and the accelerated realization of advancement, self-sufficiency, and strength in technology; and private enterprises (民营企业) working hard to “actively contribute to growth and employment.” The members also emphasized “firm opposition to Taiwan independence,” and promoting peaceful cross-strait development and integrated development. It stressed “realizing national rejuvenation and the country’s reunification at an early date.” Lastly, they emphasized continued trust in the system of “‘One Country, Two Systems” (一国两制) and to “struggle to forge new glory (新辉煌) in the cause of ‘One Country, Two Systems.’”


Central Military Commission

Central Military Commission Issues “Some Opinions on Deepening Implementation of the Chairman Responsibility System”

11.2 The Central Military Commission (CMC) issued new Opinions with the goals of “implementing the spirit of the 20th Party Congress” and promoting “higher-standard, more strict requirements” for the implementation of the CMC Chairman Responsibility System (军委主席负责制). The Opinions note that following the 18th Party Congress, the CMC issued important “political plans” and organizational arrangements; led the military to “strengthen the ‘four consciousnesses’ (四个意识), consolidate the ‘four confidences’ (四个自信), and achieve the ‘two defends’ (两个维护)”; implemented the Chairman Responsibility System; strengthened political discipline and foundation; achieved major theoretical, practical, and systemic accomplishments; provided a systemic guarantee for military reform; and “listened to Chairman Xi’s command, was responsible to Chairman Xi, and set Chairman Xi at ease.” The Opinions also include analysis on realizing the first military centenary goal and tasks for national defense and military modernization. They call for the military to “deeply understand the decisive significance of the ‘two establishes’ (两个确立)” and achieve the “two defends”; to strengthen their “political consciousness” of the Chairman Responsibility System; to implement deployments of Xi Jinping and the CMC; and to carry out their tasks well. The Opinions also put forth specific requirements for deeper implementation of the Chairman Responsibility System, particularly for high-level Party committee members and cadres.


International Work

11.8 CCP International Department (CCP/ID) Head Liu Jianchao (刘建超) met with the Ambassador to the PRC from Russia, Igor Morgulov.

11.8 Liu Jianchao (刘建超) delivered a keynote speech at the third China-Arab States Political Parties Dialogue.

11.10 Liu Jianchao held a video call with United Russia Supreme Council Chair, Boris Gryzlov.

11.11 CCP/ID deputy head Chen Zhou (陈洲) chaired an international summit on The Belt and Road Initiative (一带一路) and Global Governance, which was co-hosted by the Belt and Road Think Tank Cooperation Alliance (“一带一路”智库合作联盟) and Fudan University. Speakers at the event included Fudan Party secretary Jiao Yang (焦扬), governor of the Hungarian National Bank György Matolcsy, vice-president of the New Development Bank (新开发银行) Zhou Qiangwu (周强武), and Yale professor and former US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Susan Thornton.


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