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Weekly Report 4|100 12.10.22-12.16.22


State Council Vice-Premier Sun Chunlan visited Beijing to issue guidance on pandemic prevention and control work under newly revised national policies and convey Xi Jinping’s “concern and regards.” (See Senior Leaders section)

People’s Daily published two full-page Ren Ping (任平) commentaries expressing optimism in the resilience of the Chinese economy. (See Propaganda Work section)

People’s Daily published a lengthy Ren Zhongping (任仲平) commentary reflecting on China’s experience with the COVID-19 pandemic over the past three years. (See Propaganda Work section)

The next Party Watch Weekly Report will be published on 9 January, 2023.


Senior Leaders

During Inspection in Beijing, Sun Chunlan Emphasizes Meticulous Implementation of Optimization Measures to Ensure a Smooth and Orderly Transition in Pandemic Prevention and Control

12.13 State Council Vice-Premier Sun Chunlan (孙春兰) visited Beijing to guide pandemic prevention and control work and convey Xi Jinping’s “concern and regards.” Sun visited various hospitals, pharmacies, and district health services centers to learn about the situation vis-a-vis clinics, the consultation and referral process, graded diagnosis and treatment operations, hospital construction, and pharmaceutical reserves and supply. She emphasized the importance of deeply implementing the “guiding spirit” (指示精神) of Xi Jinping’s series of instructions on pandemic prevention and control, implementing the decision-making and deployments of the Party Central Committee and State Council, and adhering to putting the “people’s lives above all and people’s interests above all.” She asserted the importance of implementing the “twenty guidelines (二十条) and the new ten guidelines (新十条) well, strengthening coordination, changing attitudes (转变观念), and shifting the focus of work from preventing and controlling infections to medical treatment.” She stressed that the “objectives” of work now are to prevent serious illnesses, ensure prevention and control measures are adjusted in a “smooth and orderly” manner, and to effectively coordinate “pandemic prevention and control with socioeconomic development.” She stated that presently the number of positive cases in Beijing is in a “period of rapid growth, but that the majority of cases are asymptomatic (无症状) infections and mild cases (轻型病例),” noting that there are currently 50 COVID patients in Beijing’s hospitals and that most of them had pre-existing conditions. She emphasized that the “Party Central Committee and State Council highly prioritize pandemic prevention and control in Beijing and the most urgent task now is supporting Beijing’s guarantee of medical treatment and medication to the masses.” She stressed the importance of “further optimizing measures, expanding medical resources (医疗资源), and accelerating the establishment of fever clinics (发热门诊) and emergency hospitals (方舱医院).” She stated that all fever clinics should increase their number of consultation rooms and bolster their capacity to provide medical services. She explained that this would divert pressure on large hospitals and reduce waiting times for patients. Sun proceeded to discuss the importance of “giving full play to community health institutions and internet clinics (互联网医院).” She emphasized that communities should shift from “prevention and control” of “at-risk personnel” to “healthcare treatment and services,” do a good job in conducting health inspections, deliver medicine directly to doors, and provide psychological support. Furthermore, it is necessary to bolster protection for those with pre-existing conditions, the elderly, children, pregnant women, and hemodialysis patients (血液透析患者). Sun also stated that all hospitals, regardless of whether it is a COVID or ordinary patient, are obligated to provide treatment. Next, Sun asserted that the production of pharmaceutical products and detection kits has been accelerated and that “overall” demand can be accommodated. Lastly, Sun stated that the city of Beijing is going to great lengths to resolve the problem of medical treatment for the masses and asserted that “we are absolutely [capable] of smoothly overcoming the peak of the pandemic.”


Propaganda Work

Zhong Yin Commentaries on COVID Policy

People’s Daily continued to publish its series of Zhong Yin (仲音) commentaries on newly “optimized” COVID policy. Given the frequency of these commentaries, the Party Watch Weekly Report will now only include the most significant installments.

11 December’s commentary, “Create Synergy and Do a Good Job Implementing Optimized Pandemic Prevention and Control Measures,” discussed serving the masses in the context of a broad resurgence in the coronavirus epidemic. The commentary emphasized that the most “important experience” of the country in pandemic prevention and control was in “seeking progress while maintaining stability (稳中求进), walking small steps without stopping, and taking the initiative to optimize and improve pandemic prevention and control policies.” It noted that the infection and death rate in China is below the global average and that “practice has fully demonstrated” that China’s strategy of containing the virus has “guaranteed people’s lives and safety to a great degree” and created positive living conditions in addition to an environment conducive for investment and development. It stated that the “weakening of the pathogenicity of Omicron virus, the popularization of vaccination, and the accumulation of prevention and control experience” has led the country to confront an improved “new situation” with “new tasks.” It proceeded to state that the ten optimization measures will further elevate the “scientificness and accuracy of pandemic prevention and control” and will enable it to become “more operational and targeted.” It emphasized the importance of recognizing that the ten new guidelines do not constitute “relaxing prevention and control” or “lying flat” (躺平). It listed several factors that make the pandemic a particularly acute challenge in China, including a large elderly population, many people with chronic or underlying conditions, and insufficient medical resources that are unevenly distributed. It stressed that through vaccinating the elderly at an accelerated pace, and by bolstering preparations through consolidating medical resources and pharmaceuticals, the pandemic can be successfully overcome. It proceeded to state the importance of coming together to combat the virus and ensuring that medical personnel are adequately supported, that they receive vaccinations, that their health is monitored, and that they are capable of meeting the demands of “clinical work” (临床工作).

12 December’s commentary, “Promote the Implementation of Effective Optimization Measures,” emphasized the need for citizens to take responsibility for their own health and protection. The commentary stated that Beijing waited for Omicron cases to decrease significantly, for vaccines and drugs to come out, and for an opportunity to further optimize pandemic prevention and control measures before promulgating the new “ten guidelines” (新十条). It stated that the “ten guidelines” were decided based on current epidemic trends and that they are more suited to the “new situation in pandemic prevention and control” and to deal with the “new characteristics of new COVID variants.” It stated that one of the purposes of optimizing measures is to “reduce the effects the pandemic has created on the livelihoods of the people and masses.” It proceeded to emphasize that what is important now is to guarantee medical treatment to groups considered severely ill or at high-risk. It is further necessary to coordinate pandemic prevention and control with normal hospital services and accommodate the people’s demands for healthcare. It stated that the “key” is to now implement policies that are “scientifically precise” (科学精准) when optimizing measures. It emphasized adjusting “quarantine methods” (隔离方式), accelerating the vaccination of elderly populations, and guaranteeing the normal operation of society. It proceeded to stress the importance of the “four responsibilities'' (四方责任: local, department, danwei and personal responsibilities), bolstering the building and integration of medical resources, improving the classification, diagnosis, and treatment system, and bolstering health management capabilities. Next, it emphasized that only when “every person does a good job with personal protection (个人防护) can people protect themselves, their families, and can the first pandemic prevention and control barrier be built.” It stated that those without underlying conditions or those with them in stable condition can self-isolate at home while patients with severe cases or at severe risk should be admitted to specific hospitals. It emphasized being the “first person responsible for your own health,” improving personal “health consciousness,” and “staying at home when you truly should be.” Lastly, it emphasized that “practice has fully demonstrated that the pandemic prevention and control policies of the Party Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core are accurate, scientific, effective” and that it is necessary to “comprehensively and accurately fully implement the Party’s decision-making and deployments.” People’s Daily Ren Ping Series on China’s Economy People’s Daily published two full-page Ren Ping (任平) commentaries expressing optimism in the resilience of the Chinese economy.

13 December’s commentary was titled “Honing Its Advance, The Chinese Economy Has Bright Prospects.” It stated that in 2022, China continued “seeking progress while maintaining stability” (稳中求进), with its society and economy maintaining “overall stability.” It stressed maintaining faith that “time and trends are on our side” in spite of the “confluence of changes unseen in a century and a global pandemic,” asserting that China would “weather the waves.” Second, it discussed Chinese economic accomplishments. The commentary praised Xi’s leadership and directives, including those regarding the pandemic and economy. It praised the successes of China’s pandemic control and economic policies, and stressed that the main reason for the Chinese economy’s resilience was central leadership and the guidance of Xi’s ideology. Next, the commentary said that China’s economy had survived a “stress test,” making its foundation of stability more sturdy and adding momentum to its energy and progress. It claimed that despite some fluctuating and short-term data on the economy, overall economic stability is unchanged and the “main indicators” of the economy are generally trending positively. The commentary then explained that even though China’s economy has shown losses, their impact is “phased, short-term, exogenous, and has not harmed the basis of internal [economic] momentum.” It emphasized the lifesaving impact of China’s pandemic policies and stated that public health and safety is necessary for economic growth. The commentary then praised signs of China’s economic progress and reiterated that readers can be confident that even if China’s economy “fluctuates,” its positive long-term fundamentals remain unchanged, and China will continue its economic recovery while contributing to the global economy. Third, the commentary discussed the qualities of the Chinese economy which ensure its stability: 1. Its large scale and capacity, such as its large market which continues to draw international investment; 2. Its “self-healing ability” (自愈力) and resilience; 3. Its vitality; 4. Its large internal economic circulation, with opportunities for development in areas like infrastructure; and 5. Its precise economic policy tools. Fourth, the commentary described China’s successful progress on long-term development goals, particularly under Xi, in the areas of 1. Innovation, especially in science and technology; 2. Coordinating development to address urban-rural inequality; 3. Environmental impact; 4. International openness and trade; and 5. Sharing the fruits of development via domestic social services and anti-poverty work. At the conclusion of each of the above four sections, the commentary stated that the positive factors discussed in the section are unchanged and show the bright future prospects of the Chinese economy. In its final section, the commentary emphasized the importance of maintaining resolve and morale in the face of challenges. It called for unity around the Central Committee with Xi at its core; implementation of Xi’s ideology; adherence to other ideological precepts including the “two establishes” (两个确立), “four consciousnesses” (四个意识), “four confidences” (四个自信), “two defends” (两个维护), and “three musts” (三个务必); and bravely struggling to “weather the storm” and achieve a new economic “miracle." 14 December’s commentary, “Bravely Advancing, China’s Economy Will Steadily Go Far,” focused on the economic significance of China’s political strengths. It stressed maintaining confidence, stating that while the “new voyage” of socialist modernization was “full of glory,” it would not be an easy one. The commentary praised Xi Jinping’s leadership and ideology at length, stating, “The Chinese economy is a ship, and the larger the vessel and the larger the waves, the more important the navigator at the helm (掌舵领航) is.” It called for study and implementation of “Xi Jinping Economic Thought” (习近平经济思想) and emphasized the organizational, logistical, and motivational abilities of the Party, which is “the most dependable backbone” for China’s successes. The commentary then listed the strengths of the “system of socialism with Chinese characteristics” which ensures the Party can effectively endure and overcome challenges. First, the system can take a holistic approach to the entire country, and has the “unique advantage” of mobilizing resources to take on large, difficult, and urgent tasks. Second, the system can accurately, scientifically, and proactively observe and respond to changes, managing the “overall situation, root cause, direction of the situation, and long-term.” Third, the system combines the government and market’s strengths, with the ability to organize, mobilize, plan, adjust, implement, and administer policies. Next, the commentary discussed the resilience, potential, and “circulation space” of China’s economy, emphasizing the size of China’s economy, population, and capacity for growth. It then discussed China’s economic development in broader historical and social perspective, praising China for undergoing rapid development while maintaining social order and stability. It described the Chinese people as overwhelmingly satisfied in their continuously improving lives, citing the country’s successes in everything from raising disposable income to cracking down on crime. It particularly noted accomplishments in the last ten years, and explained that long-term social stability would support the continued healthy development of the economy. Finally, the commentary emphasized the importance of the “spirit of the Chinese people” in driving China’s historical development. It rhetorically asked what reason the Chinese people could have to lack faith in themselves, or if there was any goal the people could not reach, given the milestones of China’s progress and development. It praised the Chinese people’s hard work, fortitude, and confidence. In conclusion, it called for the implementation of economic guidance from the 20th Party Congress in the new year, expressing confidence that “wind and rain will not impede our advance.”

Zhong Sheng: Remember History and Defend Peace

12.13 People’s Daily published a Zhong Sheng (钟声) commentary commemorating the anniversary of the Nanjing massacre in which it stated that 300,000 “compatriots” were killed. The article said that “history will not change because times are changing, and the truth will not disappear because of tongue-in-cheek denials (巧舌抵赖).” It criticized right-wing Japanese politicians for “consistently perpetuating misconceptions” about historical issues and for visiting the Yasukuni Shrine where “Class A war criminals” are remembered. It stated that recently right-wing political forces in Japan have blatantly engaged in “provocation, folly, and aggression” in the military and security domains causing alarm among “peace-loving people in Japan and around the world.” It noted that Japan’s defense budget has increased consecutively year-on-year over the past ten years and asserted that the “Japanese side has wantonly exaggerated regional instability and tensions” in search for a way to stoke alarm among its people. The article stated that “these dangers” have created “strong doubts” (强烈质疑) among Japan’s Asian neighbors and the international community about whether Japan can maintain its “exclusively defense-oriented” (专守防卫) policy. It stated that Japan must understand that only by “facing up to” and reflecting upon its “history of aggression” (侵略历史), in addition to drawing a clear line against “militarism” (军国主义), can Tokyo win the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community. It proceeded to state that this year marks the 50 year anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan. It explained that the previous generation of leaders from both countries used their “outstanding strategic vision and political courage” to realize the “political decision” to normalize relations thus writing the “next chapter” in bilateral relations. It noted various bilateral achievements made in the past 50 years which have “advanced regional stability, development, and prosperity.” Next, it emphasized that China and Japan should “treat each other with sincerity, use trust to interact, abide by the principles of the China-Japan four political documents, summarize and draw on historical experiences, and objectively view each other’s development.” Lastly, it stressed that on “issues related to history, the Taiwan issue, and other important issues of principle concerning the basics of China-Japan relations, there cannot be the “slightest ambiguity” (丝毫含糊) and even more so there cannot be “instability or regression” (动摇倒退) on the issue.

People’s Daily Commentator Article: The All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Blossoms on the New Voyage

12.13 People’s Daily published a Commentator Article on the 13th National Congress of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC). The Article stated that the Congress encouraged those that work in the private-sector economy to “unite in struggle” (团结奋斗) for the “comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country” and to “fully promote socialism with Chinese characteristics.” It emphasized that the Party Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core highly prioritizes private-sector economic development and the work of the ACFIC. It noted that Xi Jinping had previously issued “a series of important instructions” on promoting the work of the “two healths” (两个健康) and has presided over various private sector symposiums and discussions between entrepreneurs. It further stated that the Party Central Committee has strengthened “united front work in the private sector” and advanced the “reform and development of the private-sector economy (民营经济).” It proceeded to state that those in the private sector should “shoulder the mission” outlined by the 20th Party Congress and “tightly link the future of enterprises to the destiny of the country and nation.” It stressed the importance of the ACFIC to “united front and economic work” and stated that the organization “makes up an important part” of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It emphasized that to do the work of the ACFIC “in the new era” well it is important to take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism as a “guide” and “further strengthen the Party’s comprehensive leadership over the private-sector economy and bolster the Party’s cohesion (凝聚力) with private-sector economy personnel as our duty” in “serving the central mission (中心任务) of the Party in the new era.” Lastly, it stated the importance of “deepening reform and innovation (改革创新), comprehensively strengthening self-construction (自身建设),” and transforming the “strategic deployments” made at the 20th Party Congress into “work ideas, specific responses, and practical actions.”

Ren Zhongping: How We United to Get Through These Three Years of the Pandemic

12.15 People’s Daily published a lengthy Ren Zhongping (任仲平) commentary reflecting on China’s experience with the COVID-19 pandemic over the past three years. Noting the severity of the pandemic, it concluded that throughout the pandemic, the Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core had put the people’s lives above all, promptly and decisively optimized and adjusted relevant policies, led the nation in struggle, and achieved “major positive results” in both pandemic prevention and control and socioeconomic development. It stated that China had “won the initiative” against the pandemic by improving its treatment abilities and scientific skills, waiting until the pandemic was less virulent, and increasing vaccination and the masses’ “health-consciousness”; that it had won the “advantage” against the pandemic by protecting the people to the greatest extent at the lowest cost and conducting mass vaccination; and that it it had won “faith” to fight the pandemic through the psychological experience of the past three years. After referring to new measures and a “new change taking place” in the pandemic situation, it stressed that China’s successes demonstrate the strengths of its socialist system and that “the fpacts fully prove” China’s pandemic policies are “correct, scientific, effective, have won public approval, and have stood the test of experience.”

The commentary next attributed China’s accomplishments in fighting the pandemic and maintaining socioeconomic development to the leadership of the Central Committee, the advantages of China’s socialist system, and the united efforts of the people. It emphasized the importance and correctness of the Central Committee and Xi Jinping’s judgment and directives (describing Xi as “manifesting assumption of responsibilities as the people’s leader (人民领袖)”), called for strengthening the Party’s leadership and the socialist governing system, and praised the efforts of Party members to fight the pandemic. It then more specifically discussed the guiding principles which ensured the “scientific” and “correct” direction of central policies, stating that China has “consistently” (始终) persisted in policies such as putting the people’s lives first, the “general strategy of dynamic zero (动态清零),” the four earlies (四早), and “seeking truth from facts” (实事求是). The commentary then stated that over the past three years, China had gained experience, improved its skills, and accumulated resources, making it better able to fight the pandemic. It highlighted China’s ability to respond to the pandemic through its public health mechanisms, policies, and resources; its increased ability to treat COVID-19, including through traditional Chinese medicine; and its increased immunity, though both high rates of vaccination and educating people to take actions like social distancing and wearing masks. It concluded that China now has the “foundation” complete for it to win a “comprehensive victory” over the pandemic.

The commentary proceeded to discuss economic policy amid the pandemic. It stated that China had successfully protected the people’s lives, minimized the impact of the pandemic on socioeconomic development, and won the greatest results at the smallest cost. It highlighted Xi Jinping’s April directives as a demonstration of China’s resolve to win a “double victory” in both development and pandemic control. It emphasized keeping a long-term, big-picture perspective in evaluating the costs of the pandemic, understanding that protecting human life is priceless, that there is not a binary choice between controlling the pandemic and stabilizing the economy, that economic impacts from waves of the pandemic are only temporary, and that despite current problems like “a certain degree of inconvenience” in daily life, long-term trends are positive. The commentary then discussed how China has gained the confidence and resolve to fight the pandemic. It praised the perseverance and solidarity of the Chinese people, the sacrifice and courage to struggle shown by volunteers and medical workers, and the humanitarian principles of China’s international COVID aid programs. It then called for facing uncertainty with determination on the road ahead, maintaining “strategic resolve” in the still-arduous struggle against the pandemic, continuing to unite the people, and actively participating in the fight against the pandemic. Regarding the last point, it stated that the Party should “rely on the masses to fight the People’s War (人民战争) [against the pandemic] well,” supporting them by improving the release of information, responding to society’s concerns, and resolving practical issues among the masses. In conclusion, the commentary expressed that China grew stronger through the challenges of the pandemic and has a bright future. It stated that the pandemic had shown the Chinese people how their individual destinies are bound with those of the country and nation, as well as how China’s destiny is in their own hands. Noting future goals set at the 20th Party Congress, it called for unity around the Central Committee, adherence to key ideological precepts like the “two establishes” (两个确立) putting the people’s lives first, scientific accuracy in carrying out COVID policy, working to put an end to the pandemic and achieve economic recovery, and creating new accomplishments in the process of socialist modernization. In closing, it declared, “Victory shall belong to the heroic Chinese people in the end!”

Qiushi Editorial Department: A Solemn Vow on the New Road to the Examination Qiushi 12.15 The editorial department of Qiushi published a commentary on Xi Jinping’s speech at Yan’an following the 20th Party Congress, which the magazine published in full in the same issue. It praised Xi’s speech and called for the study and implementation of both this speech and all of Xi’s speeches during and after the 20th Party Congress. The commentary stated that Xi had issued “clear requirements” for the entire Party on enriching the “Yan’an spirit” (延安精神) and realizing the goals set at the Party Congress, summarizing these requirements as follows: 1. Persist in the “correct political orientation” (正确政治方向), in the Party’s basic theory, line and strategy, and in implementing Central Committee policies; 2. Stand with the people, consider people-centered development thinking (以人民为中心的发展思想) in all areas of work, and ensure the fruits of development are shared with the entire people to a greater degree and more fairly; 3. Foster a spirit of “self-rejuvenation and arduous struggle (艰苦奋斗)”; 4. Carry out the Party’s “self-revolution” (自我革命) and “comprehensive and strict party governance” (全面从严治党); and 5. Develop a “spirit of struggle” (斗争精神), improve ability to struggle, and rely on struggle to win victory against challenges on the road ahead. The commentary discussed the historical and contemporary significance of Yan’an as 1. The source of great traditions, the correct ideological line, and accomplishments (the commentary also noted the Party’s modern accomplishments and transformations since Xi took office); 2. A source of revolutionary inspiration and one of many historical sites Xi has visited and issued remarks upon, demonstrating a correct interest in party history to other party members; 3. The site of party rectification and unity under Mao’s ideological and organizational line, while the Party now has united under Xi Jinping’s ideology and the “two establishes.”

The commentary then discussed the importance of the Party holding the “correct political orientation,” which entails maintaining the Party’s “original political colors,” consistently advancing on the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and maintaining vigilance against “the emergence of deviation on matters of orientation,” which would lead to “committing a subversive error” (犯颠覆性错误). It praised Xi’s political guidance and achievements, and stressed political construction (政治建设) as the necessary means for China’s success. It called for continued political construction, persistence in and implementation of the correct political orientation, and firm rectification of actions deviating from or violating this orientation. It then noted the “series of major political, theoretical, and practical accomplishments” made since the 20th Party Congress and called for the entire Party to study and implement the policies made in this period. The commentary then discussed closeness with the people, highlighting the Central Committee’s focus on “people-centered development thinking” throughout Xi’s tenure and accomplishments in improving the people’s living standards. It stated that “whoever can lead the people to realize the goal of becoming a strong country and to advance the great task of [national] rejuvenation shall be chosen by history and supported by the people,” describing Xi as a beloved “people’s leader” (人民领袖) who cares deeply for the people. It then called for serving the people’s interests, resolving their concerns, and promoting common prosperity (共同富裕). The commentary then discussed the arduous conditions at Yan’an as an example of the importance of self-sufficiency and the spirit of struggle to the Party, noted Xi Jinping’s past guidance on the subject, and called for the Party to persist in this tradition in the future with the aim of “firmly holding the destiny of China’s development and progress in our own hands.” Next, the commentary quoted Xi Jinping’s praise for the Yan’an Rectification Movement as an example of the Party’s “self-revolution” and a source of the Party’s positive traditions and work style. It noted Xi’s emphasis on party discipline and governance and praised positive developments related to the subject. Finally, the commentary highlighted the importance of “struggle,” stating that the Party’s historic achievements (including those of the “new era”) had been won through struggle and that the Party must continue to be risk-aware and good at struggle in a period of both “strategic opportunity and risks and challenges.” It emphasized awareness of the Party’s past and origins, citing Xi’s past visits to historical sites and exhibits following the previous Party Congresses of his tenure. In conclusion, it stated that just as the Party had set out from Yan’an to victory against Japan and in the fight for “liberation,” the Party now leads the people on a “new voyage” towards comprehensively establishing a modern socialist nation and realizing national rejuvenation.


United Front Work

Wang Huning Attended and Delivered a Speech at the 11th National Congress of the All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots Xinhua

12.13 Politburo Standing Committee member Wang Hunning (王沪宁) attended and addressed the 11th National Congress of the All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots in Beijing. He stated that in the “historical process” of the past five and ten years the Party has “proposed an overall strategy for resolving the Taiwan issue in the new era, advanced cross-Strait exchange and cooperation, firmly opposed ‘Taiwan independence’ splittist activity, firmly opposed external forces’ interference, firmly grasped leadership and the initiative in cross-Strait relations, and firmly not wavered from promoting the great task of the unification of the motherland.” He emphasized “firmly implementing the Party Central Committee’s general policy and decision-making and deployments related to Taiwan work, revolving [work] around the hearts and minds of Taiwan people, and promoting a cross-Strait spiritual agreement (心灵契合).” Furthermore, Wang stated the importance of “uniting the vast majority of Taiwan compatriots to actively contribute wisdom and force to service the overall situation of the Party and country’s work” and “deepening the integrated development (融合发展) of various cross-Strait areas.” He stated that the 20th Party Congress “systemically outlines” how the Party will resolve the Taiwan issue in the era, how it will advocate policy that helps realize complete reunification, and proposed “objectives and requirements” for “peaceful reunification.” Lastly, he stressed that the Federation “must deeply implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, actively promote cross-Strait people-to-people exchanges, bolster self-construction (自身建设), and unceasingly promote high-quality development in the Federation’s work on Taiwan.” Zhao Leji Delivers Speech at the 12th Congress of the China Democratic National Construction Association on Behalf of the Central Committee

12.15 Politburo Standing Committee Member Zhao Leji (赵乐际) attended the opening meeting of the 12th National Congress of the China Democratic National Construction Association and delivered a congratulatory speech on behalf of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). He stated that under the leadership of the CCP Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core the Party and country’s achievements “have attracted worldwide attention” and that multi-party cooperation has flourished. He said that in the past five years, the Association has “upheld Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for the new era as guidance and deeply studied and implemented Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on doing a good job of united front (统一战线) work in the new era.” He commended the Association for focusing on promoting the construction of a “free trade port with Chinese characteristics” in Hainan, improving the “modernization level” of the industrial supply chain, developing more specialized enterprises, and pushing the realization of common prosperity (共同富裕). He stated that the Association has proposed many “strategic, forward-looking, and operational opinions and suggestions.” He also noted that since the beginning of the pandemic the Association has “joined hands” with the CCP to contain the pandemic thus demonstrating the “responsibility and selfless love (无私大爱) of socialist parties with Chinese characteristics.” Next, he emphasized that “comprehensively promoting the national rejuvenation of the Chinese nation” is a “great and difficult task” that requires the majority of “united front work members” and the entire nation’s ethnic groups to “unite in struggle” (团结奋斗). He stated that the CCP would not waver from developing “whole-process people’s democracy” (全过程人民民主), will adhere to and improve multi-party cooperation, and uphold the Party’s leadership in addition to the united front. He expressed his hope that the Association would “deeply study and implement the spirit of the 20th Party Congress and the spirit of the Central Conference on United Front Work.” He further emphasized that the Federation should “deeply comprehend the decisive significance of the ‘two establishes’ (两个确立), strengthen the ‘four consciousnesses’ (四个意识), consolidate the ‘four confidences’ (四个意识) achieve the ‘two defends’ (两个维护),” and further consolidate a common ideological and political consensus for the CCP’s “united struggle.” The Federation should fully participate in initiatives related to governance and “democratic oversight”(民主监督) and take part in the CCP leadership’s political consultation process. Moreover it should “focus on promoting high-quality development, constructing a new development pattern, and accelerating the establishment of a modernized economic system.” He proceeded to stress that the Federation should “comprehensively strengthen self-construction (自身建设) with ideological and political construction as the core.” Lastly, he emphasized “contributing more wisdom and strength to comprehensively constructing a modern socialist country, realizing the second centenary goals, and using Chinese-style modernization to comprehensively advance the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”


International Work

12.10 CCP International Department (CCP/ID) Head Liu Jianchao (刘建超) met separately with Spain’s Ambassador to the PRC Rafael Dezcallar de Mazarredo and France’s Ambassador to the PRC, Laurent Bili.

12.12 CCP/ID Deputy Head Chen Zhou (陈洲) attended and spoke at the opening ceremony of the 6th China-ASEAN University Think-Tank Forum co-organized by the Belt and Road Think Tank Cooperation Alliance and Guangxi University. 12.13 CCP/ID Head Liu Jianchao (刘建超) held a video call with Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello.

12.14 CCP/ID Deputy Head Qian Hongshan (钱洪山) attended a symposium organized by the Körber Foundation.


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